Stranded Songs

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My eyes fluttered open slightly. The warm sun beat down on me. I wanted to fall back a sleep and jut relax. For a fact I felt so relaxed as the fresh air filled my lungs.
My eyes only opened a crack and the light dove in, filling my eyes.
I started to shiver. The sun was the only thing keeping me warm, it was so cozy.
I wrapped my arms around my self and I curled into a snug ball, this was the life.
That's when panic hit me harder than I've ever felt.
I quickly sat up. Where was I? When I feel asleep I was sitting up on my pond view platform.
Oh no! I'm probably so late for school.
I reached for my phone but then I remembered I left it in the car because I was only stopping for 5 minutes.
I sat up. I was floating in the middle of nowhere on the Property of Dash platform.
The pond had a stream that lead went- went somewhere. I don't know where it leads!
I remembered I still had my watch in and I checked to see what time it was.
12:53! I was gonna float out here until someone notices I'm really missing.
Someone will realize I'm not at school, they'll text me and when I don't answer they'll wait a few hours,-depending on who it is-then they'll come over to see what's wrong, they'll notice I'm not home and neither is my car. They'll tell my mom and it will become a panic fest of calling and searching. This is my favorite spot so mom will probably check here first. She'll she my car and the fact that my platform broke.
But, how long will that take? A hold day? Maybe two? Will I eve survive that long without food, water and warmth?
I hugged my knees I was doomed.

~~~~~~(time skip: after school)~~~~~

I woke up...again. I've never felt this rested before. This did involve LOTS of panicking, so I must be tired.
I slept almost all day- it was now 3:12
I groaned. How long does it take to realize that I'm missing?
There was also nothing to do.
I mean I could swim, but the water was FREEZING this time of year. The beautiful fall trees that surrounded this place made it the perfect view and place but, I don't really swim in it unless I got the okay from the city and If it's summer time.
I sighed and clicked my fingers against the bored.

Soarins POV: (probably the only time I'm doing this)

I was playing my guitar. I was a hair upset from Dash being a jerk by breaking up with me right away and not even giving me a chance.
I ran my fingers down my guitar.

I had a long day, I'm trying to relax. No time for my friends, no time to chit catch.
Problems at my job, wonderin' what do. I know I should be working but, I'm thinking of you.
And when I think this crazy worlds gonna bring me down
That's when your smile comes around.

Oh, I love the way you hold me, by my side you'll always be. I'll take each every day, make it special in some way.

I love you more than the words in my brain can express, I couldn't imagine loving you less

Oh, I love the way you hold me.
Whoa, oh oh oh! I love the way you hold me! Whoa, oh

Well, ya took my day and you flipped it around. Calmed the title wave, put my feet on the ground

Forever in my heart, always on my mind.
It's crazy how I think about you all of the time.

And when I think I'm 'bout to figure you out, You make me wanna sing and shout!

Oh I love the way you hold me, in your arms I'll always be! Take each and everyday, make it special in someway. I love you even more than the words in my brain can express oh I couldn't ensign lovin you less, oh

I love the way you hold me, whoa oh, I love the way you hold me!
Whoa oh oh oh! Oh oh! I love the way you hold me! Whoa oh, oh, oh!! Oh, oh! I love the way you hold me!

I'm so great full and thankful for all you've done! Wish I could tell you in a short story of one but all I have is my voice and this guitar...and you have my heart!!

Oh I love the way you hold me-

I kept singing but soon, I was interrupted my my phone buzzing.
Unknown number.
Probably some Fangirl who got my number.
Time to make someone's day.
I picked it up and hit the answer button.
"Soarin, have you seen Rainbow Dash?" A voice asked.
"Uhh...who is this?" I wondered.
She didn't answer.
Who would call me about Rainbow Dash?
I flipped the phone to my other ear," no I'm not sure where she is, why?"
I grew nervous.
"She isn't answering he phone, and we can't get into her house," the girl told me, fear in her voice.
I really didn't want to break into dash's house
I mean I'm not a bad boy who wants to break all the rules.
It's just, when I first saw Rainbow Dash she wasn't like every other girl.
She didn't find me hot or didn't get all squeally and she didn't seem to even like me. And since I'm me I wanted to have a little fun with her so she would like me.
At first it was just so she would just like me like everyone else but now, I really do love her.
She's a girl who's not afraid to speak he mind and she's just fun. Not over the top, she's so layed back and chill, plus we are SOO alike. Both singers and sports players. But, I act as well of course.
My thoughts we're cut off, "Soarin! We need to find Dash!"
I nodded even though she couldn't see me.
"Meet me at Dash's house ASAP!"
I rushed down stairs and ran outside.
Fans crowded out side my house, as usual.
Great! Just Great!
"Please let me through! I need to help my friend," I announced.
A news crew pushed through the crowd.
"Mr. Skies, who is it that your helping?" The news lady asked me then held the microphone to my mouth.
"I'm looking for Rainbow Dash," I told her
The group buzzed.
"Is she your girlfriend?" She wonders.
I hesitated,"No"
The crowd burst out with questions.
I pushed away from them.
And unto the porch of Rainbow Dash.
Rainbows Friends pulled the car up.
A white girl with curly purple hair and Blue makeup ran up to me.
"Your even dreamier in person!" She batted her eyelashes.
I gave her a fake smile, "thanks?"
She fainted.
Apurple, Orange, Yellow, Pink and peachy orange girls hurried over to me and the fainted girl.
"Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle. I'm a pretty big fan but, we need your help to find Rainbow," she told me. This was clearly the girl I was talking to over the phone.
"I'm Applejack," The orange in with Blonde hair greeted.
"PINKIE PIE!!!" The Pink Puffy one screamed.
"I'm" That's all I heard from the yellow one.
"She fluttershy," The peach on explained. "She's shy." She told me nudging Fluttershy.
The peach one with the firet hair was pretty cute.
"What's your name?" I smirked.
She could tell what I was doing and she walked by me kinda mad.
"I'm Sunset Shimmer,"
"Oh okay," i snapped out of my flirt mode and grabbed the secret key under her flower pot.
What? I've seen Dashie open this door before using the spare key.
I unlocked the door and the 7 of us searched the house.
I took a bunch of random turns but there was no sign of Rainbow Dash anywhere
"Guys, I don't think she's here!" Twilight told us.
"Ya! Her car isn't even here," Sunset pointed out.
"Flutters, do you think you can send out your birds to find her?" Twilight asked.
Fluttershy said something to a little bird and it and a hike bird army flew out.
"WHOA! You can talk to animals?" I asked.
She hid behind her hair.
Hmm...something's weird is with these girls.
"We should tell Rainbow Dash's mom that Rainbow is missing," Sunset said.
"No!" Rarity yelled "What if Rainbow just went somewhere like a vacation and we just don't know. Or what if he phone died and she is just a doctor appointment or at the spa!"
They nodded until she got to the spa part.
"Rarity's right! Except fer dat last part. I Reckon we wait until we know that Dash is missin' fursure," the Country Girl named  Applejack suggested.
We heard a weird noise coming from the kitchen.
Weird clinks and spray noises.
We entered to see the bouncy pink girl spraying whipped Cream in her mouth.
"What?" She asked with he mouth full.
The girls giggled.
They all left leaving me behind at my house.
I walked up the cobblestone path, right last the Fans and up the stairs into my house.
I started to play my guitar again.

Truly alone again naturally


lol! I got a little writing happy! This one is almost 1,700 words! I know crazy! But, That's the point. So...This chappie got a little boring. But, the next one is when the scary/action comes in...I think (NO SPOILERS)
Stay cool, Oreos!


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