Party time!!

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I only got one knuckle on Raritys door to knock before the door flew open, Rarity grabbed my hand and dragged me in.
She put two fingers in between the blinds on her window. She pulled them apart leaving a slight crack for her to look through.
She took a quick glance before letting go.
She grabbed my hand again and pulled me up the stairs.
I was relived to see Twilight, Applejack and Flutters sitting in Rares room.
Flutters was doing Twi nails and AJ was flipping a water bottle.
"Howdy, Dash," AJ greeted as the bottle made a perfect 360 spin and landed the right way.
Pinkie Pie pounced into the room.
"Thanks for buying me this SUPER adorable dress, Rarity!" Pinkie squealed. Pinkies hair was pushed to the side (still bouncy) and in a blue stared bow. She had a yellow, orange and blue strip of color running through her curly hair. She had light pink stars sprinkled in it and a gorgeous Yellow dress with purple and blue ribbons on it. Her nails we're also painted purple with a yellow and blue ballon design. The end of her dress had the same ballon design as well.
"I better get to my party!! I still have some setting up to do!!" She bound away.
"Rainbow, Darling, You must pick out one of my designs!" He demanded, shoving at least 8 different stacks of paper in my face.
I flipped through my options and went for the least fancy.
It was a light pink and white skirt that draped downs to my knees, the trim was vibrant rainbow. It came with a matching headband as well. My red necklace would match the design on my nails and a pair of earring. It also came with a red a And blue tank top. The shoes we're blue and winged. They had white lace wrapped round it, making it look cool.
Many different colored laces we're wrapped around my legs as well.
It was okay.
Once I was dressed I waited for the others to finish.
We all hopped into rarity's new, Slick and freshly washed car.
Off to the party we went!!
Once we arrived, music was already blaring.
I decided to sit in the car for a bit.
"Go on without me...I'll meet you all in there later." The nodded and ran off into the party.
I sat and wondered what Rarity was so worried about earlier.
My thoughts we're interrupted by someone being slammed onto Raritys car window.
I jumped...not expecting it.
It looked like Soarin! wasn't!
"Please leave me alone!" The light blue gut pleaded.
I quickly got out off the car to see the horrible jerk know as, Thunderlane.
"Hey! You heard the kid, LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I yelled at him. Thunderlane flinched and ran away. He's always been scared of me.
The kid had blood running from his lip and from a cut on his cheek.
"You okay?" I asked him. He nodded, trying to wipe away the blood. I helped the best I could.
"What's your name?" I asked him.
"C-Cloud K-K-Ki-Kicker," he stuttered.
"Well, I'm Rainbow Dash! Nice to meet you!" I smiled.
He gasped. "Your Rainbow Dash?" He asked.
"'ve heard of me?" I grew curious.
"YA! Like every single day of my life!" He chirped.
"How?" I wondered. I was cut off by a tap on the shoulder.
It was Twilight.
I shoed her away.
" wanna dance?" He asked me.
"Sure." I felt my self blushing.
He was as red as a tomato. You could see it from a mile away on his light blue skin.
He held out his hand and we walked into the party together, surprisingly for being a pinkie party they we're playing slow music

Quick A/N (chappie not over yet)


He grabbed my hand and we started to dance slowly.
"So..." I said trying to think of something to talk about.
"Do you go to CHS?" He asked me.
"Yea." I answered.
"Cool! I'm switching over to brother's making me!" He complained then smiled "it'll be a lot better since your there."
I started to blush
What the crap rainbow! You do not do of the blushing! You are a jock, an athlete , a-

I kissed him.

A sappy low life! That's what you are, Dash! A sappy low life who just kissed a guy she met like 5 minutes ago.

Ya, I kissed him...on the lips!!

We both started blushing like crazy. He seemed dazed. The slow song stopped and a crazy one started blaring again.
"Rainbow Dash!" A voice called from the crowd. It was Soarin! He hurried over here like his life depended on it. I wonder if he saw me kiss cloud kicker?
I looked over at him.
"Ya, Soarin?" He looked upset. "Why would you kiss my brother.
I looked over at Cloud then Soarin, then Cloud then Soarin.
"You two are BROTHERS?"


Muhhahah! The more SoarinDashie stuff is coming up here. Please suggest things that you think would make my story better! OH, THANK YOU ALL SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..... much on getting this book to 425 views and 73 votes!!  YOU ARE ALL SO AMZING!! Please keep reading, commenting and voting!
Thanks again and remember
Stay cool oreos, chow!


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