Chapter One

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"MOM!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Yes?" replied a muffled voice. "Did you even see the dress before purchasing it?" I yelled while holding the large dress and making a disgusted face. Yellow is not the kind of color you would see these days, but Ouran Academy is a fancy schmancy school anyways. But why a dress? Couldn't it have been a normal school outfit? 

"Honey, you want to be respectful about the type of clothes they like to wear. After all, it is an Academy..." mom replied downstairs. I groaned and stuffed my face into my pillow.  I wanted to go to this school, but I had no idea they had a "special" dress code!

I ran downstairs, holding the bars as I went, and shoved cereal in my mouth. "(Y/n)!  Stop killing yourself!" yelled an older boy beside me. It was my brother, Liam. "Well, at least you don't have to deal with an ugly dress like this!" I said while pointing my yellow madness. Liam chuckled. "It's not funny!" I yelled straight in his fat, ugly face. He laughed even harder. 

Annoyed, I stormed out of the house and carried my bag with me. My uncle was waiting in his car. "Are you ready to start studying!?" he exclaimed.


We soon drove off, leaving my house in the distance. Hoping for a good future around the corner.As much as I didn't really like school, I knew it was beneficial to my life. Ever since I graduated middle school and left my only friend behind, I couldn't help but worry about what I was going to be. At one point I wanted to be successful. But on the other, I wanted to be a couch potato. 

In other words, I am confusing myself. 

Life is a beautiful thing and it is really hard to make everything special. Find a special someone, get a good job and life happy with your family. That's what everyone wants right? I almost never get that chance. Since my dad is always busy doing his job and touring around the world, we barely contact each other or do anything entertaining.  

After driving for what seemed like hours, we finally made to Ouran Academy. Ok. First of all, I didn't expect to see a giant castle taking up the whole area. It was huge! Beautiful too! I admit, I was a pretty anxious when I got out of the car. 

I slowly entered through the giant majestic door. Something told me that my type of "class" wasn't going to fit in very well in this school. I toured around the school a bit (because I couldn't find the office) and eventually found the office. I had a hard time getting to my classes because they would either be high above the stairs or because I would be too lazy to graduate in this school. 

This is going to take some getting used too.


A few hours later, I eventually made it to the end of the school day. I leaned against the wall close to my classroom. It was all over. For now. I needed to refresh myself. So I decided to tour around the school again. It was mesmerizing. It was even more mesmerizing since I actually had the money to afford the tuition! 

Well, I guess I didn't pay for it. I won the scholarship by winning a contest at my old school.

"Music room 3..." I said out loud, staring at the room number. By music room, do they mean classical or by Rock?  I didn't really know so I entered out of curiosity. Once I passed through the door, a bunch of rose petals slapped me on the face! I almost choked on one. 

I rubbed my eyes after those annoying petals and stared directly at the light. What I saw as just a bunch of boys staring at me with a creepy grin. "Welcome!" they all said. I just stared at them, dumbfounded. 

One guy had black hair, glasses and was holding a clipboard. One guy was really tall and had a small, blonde boy beside him, holding a pink rabbit. There were two twins posing as if they were mirrors and one (rather charming) blonde with purple eyes sitting down on a red chair with a brown haired guy (that kinda looked like a girl to me. Hmm.) beside him. "Welcome my dear!" said the purple eyed blonde. I didn't say respond. So this is the club those girls were giggling about in my classes.

"I see you're much too dazzled to speak..." the blonde continued with a smile. Still dumbfounded, I didn't move my mouth. "Is there something wrong with her?" said the twins at the same time. They both approached me and waved their hands in front of my face. 

I gulped and I rushed out of the room as quick as I possibly could. What kind of school is this!? I couldn't tell if I was embarrassed, shocked or disturbed. All I knew was that my heart was pounding like crazy. Was this made for entertainment? Were all the girls at this school attending that club? What kind of club is that anyway!? I ran outside and sat down beside the fountain. This confusion is killing me!

I have to admit though, all those guys were quite charming. Especially those twins. Ack! WHAT AM I SAYING!?  Is this what rich girls do nowadays? Be entertained by flirty boys? What about the rest of the guys that attend the school? Are they just sitting in a corner while their girlfriend flirts with a handsome dude? Does the principal even allow this!? 

All these questions bounced around my head non-stop. When was this madness going to end? I walked back inside the school to grab my things. Homework, class schedule, and clubs. Basically, all the newbie-to-the-school kind of stuff. The good news is that I could finally take off this dress once I get home. 

As I was walking outside the school, I saw those twins from before! They were beside the fountain I was calming myself from. They were grabbing something that was under the water. I didn't drop anything down there did I? As I continued to look at them search the water, they pulled something out of the water. My glasses! How the heck did they get in the water?

 I used to wear glasses back in middle school but my vision has improved over the years. Still, I decided to keep an extra pair just in case.

I slowly approached the twins, with anxiety chilling down my spine. "H-hey!" I said. They both turned their heads toward me. "U-um. Those are mine." I said with a small smile. "This?" said one twin. "Why don't you wear them?" said the other. I quickly snatched it out of their hands before they said anything else. 

"That doesn't matter to you!" I said while stuffing it in my bag. "Hey...aren't you the girl that ran away from us earlier? Why don't you join us in the host club? We have a spot available." they both said simultaneously. I swear I was this close on giving them a smack in the face. "No thanks!" I said quickly. I saw my uncle stop at the driveway. I escaped their uncomfortably close faces and ran to the car as fast as my legs could take me. 

This better not be something I have to deal with tomorrow.


Published: October/6/2016

Edited: June/12/2017

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