Chapter Three

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"(Y/n)? Are you ok?" asked Haruhi, waving his hand in front of my face. "Y-Yeah! I'm fine!" I said struggling to move. "Oh yeah! This is Hikaru and Kaoru." Haruhi said while pointing to them. They both gave me gleeful smiles. Charming, but not convincing. Then it hit me. "Wait, are all three of you in that host club I keep hearing about?" I asked Haruhi with sweat dripping down my cheek. "Yeah, But there are more people than just us in that club." said Hikaru. I got it. They want to annoy me with their club. That's exactly what they are doing.

"Oh! You were the girl that ran away the other day! Don't worry, the club isn't about perverts or anything. Our job is to make every girl happy." Haruhi claimed. I looked him again. I can't help it. Haruhi MUST be a girl. But I can't just ask him straight up! That would be incredibly embarrassing. For me AND him since he could still be a boy. But then I would feel so bad about asking. Maybe if he is a she, she could be a cross dresser?

"How's everything going here?" asked our teacher. "Everything is going fine. We are just brainstorming." replied Haruhi. "Mhmm!" I nodded eagerly. When our teacher left, we began working on our project. While we were working on it, I noticed that Hikaru and Kaoru pay a lot of attention to Haruhi. But not in a manly way, but as if Haruhi was their girl best friend. Ding, Dong went the bell. Class was over but our group finished a lot of things. Hikaru kept going out of topic and Kaoru had to keep him on task. Turns out, they didn't seem like bad people anymore.

They were really sweet.

As we said out goodbyes, I had to head over to my other class, Mathematics. Which was NOT in my top favorite classes. The seating plan was different than my French class. Instead of sitting in separate rows, we had to sit beside people making a row of two. I had to sit with this dark amber haired girl. "Hi! My name is Estelle. But you can call me Stella. I guess we're buddies from now on." she said with a smile. "I'm (y/n). Yeah. I guess we are." I said with a small smile. This could be my chance to make a new friend. Unlike Anika.

Math wasn't so hard since I had Stella with me. She was a gullible but trustworthy girl. We had common interests like Anime, music, and tastes. It was fun to have someone to relate with once again. We decided to hang out after school had ended with an activity that she was excited about. I have to admit, I was pretty excited too. There were plenty activities to do in this new city and honestly, I never found anyone to explore with. Liam was busy doing his video games and mom was just like any other mom who cared about their daughters. But me and mom didn't seem to enjoy doing the same activities.

But I needed someone to relate with that was my age. I'm not replacing Anika in any way I just...I wish she knew about the true Miki. The Miki that took her away from me.

I followed Stella since she was literally running from place to place trying to find the room that she wanted to go to. I wonder what room she was planning on taking me. "Ah! I found it! Sorry, it took so long! I mean, Ouran is a pretty big school." she exclaimed. When she placed her hand on the handle of the door, I read the room number. Music Room 3. "ESTELLE!" I screamed. "W-whats wrong?" she asked me.


Stella smirked. "What? Do you have a crush on the twins?"

"Wait, WHAT!? That's not what I meant! What I mean is-"

Stella cut me off by opening the door. Once again the flower petals flew in my face while Stella was glowing with excitement. I flung away the flower petals and squinted my eyes. Sure enough, the blonde guy I met yesterday was waiting for us. "Ah! Welcome back, Stella. Glad you could make it." he said with a wink. "A-and to you too, Tamaki!" exclaimed Stella. Great. I'm friends with one of these girls.

"I see you have a guest joining you." Tamaki continued. "Y-yes! This is (y/n)! She and I both have math class together." she said while entering the room. Me, on the other hand, hid behind the doors. "Well, be sure to give her our welcome. Do you think she might want to join us?" asked Tamaki. "Of course! (y/n)! Time to come out!" Stella exclaimed while turning her head toward me. "Nope." I replied sternly.

"Aww come on. We aren't that bad." said a voice that was behind me. "We are friends after all." I felt their breath against my cheek. Not them again! The twins both raised me and dragged me to the nearest chair. I sat down, silent. "You two!" shouted Tamaki. "What do you think you're doing?" he asked. "We were just inviting our loyal customer to sit with us." said Kaoru. "We weren't planning on doing anything with her. Yet." said Hikaru. These guys were total perverts! I was about to leave my chair when Haruhi came around bringing some tea.

"You guys! Stop scaring her!" Haruhi exclaimed, annoyed. "I agree with Haruhi!" agreed Tamaki. "You guys are going to make the host club seem like a place where pervs fantasies become real!" It already is... I said in my head. "I apologize for this behavior. These men are known to be reckless, but it can't be helped." apologized Tamaki, while sashaying his blonde hair. "Yeah, no kidding..." I mumbled under my breath.

Tamaki snapped his fingers. "Anyway...tell me, what kind of boys are you into? The Boy Lolita? The Silent Type? The Cool Type? The mischievous? The *Ahem* Normal Type? Or maybe you would like a guy like me?" he said while raising my face closer to his. "I-Uh-Uhm." I stammered. A few girls behind me began to squeal. I was not comfortable. "Hey, boss! We dibbed her first!" complained Hikaru. "We even led her to the best seat in the house!" complained Kaoru. "Actually, I want to go home! Bye!" I pushed myself away from Tamaki and rushed to the door.

"Wait! Don't you want to stay for just a little while?" asked Haruhi. I glanced him and realized that this is my chance. I could ask Haruhi-Oh who am I kidding!? I looked over at Stella and she was flustered. I groaned. "Fine". Stella squealed. She ran to me and gave me a hug. She took me outside and told me all the rules and instructions. Once the talk was over we both entered the room again. Stella got an appointment with Tamaki (duh) and I was allowed to choose who I wanted to have tea with. I felt more comfortable with Haruhi so I chose him.

All we did was get to know each other better. Which was absolutely fine because we seemed to really relate to each other! Unlike Tamaki and the twins, he didn't use his charm to hypnotize me, which made me more comfortable being around him. Ok. I am not going keep it in anymore. I have to risk it all. I hope that I don't regret it later. "Hey, Haruhi?" I gulped.

"Yeah?" he said while pouring a cup of tea.

" a crossdresser?" I blushed immediately after whispering that sentence. Haruhi stared at me in silence. The whole ROOM was silent! Suddenly, one girl decided to shout out, "Oh (y/n)! That would be crazy! But I would have to agree. I would totally LOVE to see Haruhi dressed as a girl"! "Me too!" agreed a girl across from her. "Me three!" said another. Then most of the girls began chatting non-stop, overlapping my conversation with Haruhi. "It's ok." Haruhi reassured, hoping the crowd wouldn't hear her. Then his voice lowered to a whisper. "I'm surprised a girl found out it out herself. There aren't many people who did in this club".

My old A/N's are so dorky XD


Published: November/25/2016

Edited: November/25/2016

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