Chapter Eight || Part 1

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This is the first thing that happens when I wake up the next morning:

"(Y/N)!!! YOU HAVE A LOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO ABOUT LAST NIGHT!" yowled mom. She banged the palms of her hand against the table so vigorously that I almost spilled my bowl of cereal. "Moooom. You almost spilled my cereal." I complained.

"Now is NOT the time for complaining! It is the time EXPLAIN. Who was that boy? What was he doing with you?  And why did you come so late last night? YOU'D BETTER TELL ME!" 

"Mom. I'm going to be late for school." I grabbed my backpack, slipped on my shoes and walked out of the door. Running would make the situation even worse.

I was greeted by none other that Hikaru and Kaoru once I arrived at the entrance. "Good morning (y/n)!" they both said. "Did you-"?

"Let's just not talk about what happened last night." I blurbed immediately.

"Huh? What do you mean?  I don't remember anything that happened last night." wondered Hikaru. "Do you know what she's talking about, Kaoru"?

Kaoru shrugged in response.

"N-nevermind." I couldn't help but wonder if they even knew or if they had forgotten or if they were just lying to me. I'd rather not talk about it.

"Oh, hey! That reminds me. WE are supposed to meet up today for our group assignment." said Kaoru.

"Wait, TODAY!?" I almost shouted.

"It is Tuesday..." added Hikaru.

"Ok, then. Let's meet up here after school." I said.

"We can't." began Hikaru. "We have the host club to attend. Haruhi too. But if you want, you can join-"

"No thanks."

"Aww. Don't be such a party-pooper, (y/n)." complained Hikaru.

"I have math homework, HI-KA-RU!" I explained furiously. "I would rather do my math than hang around in your club."

They rolled their eyes. 

"Fine. Do you want us to pick you up or...?" asked Kaoru.

Riding in a limo wasn't on my bucket list so I didn't bother. I told them that it was better that I walk to their house.

I mean, how far could it possibly be?


They own their own land. Their house was humongous. They have fricken maids gardening their yard... then there is me and my commoner life.

I rode over their house on my bicycle, carrying a tote bag with supplies because, hey! Why not ride a bike to a rich person's house? It took longer than expected but I managed to make it in time. I get off my bike and leap over the polished, granite stairs. But before I could even knock on the door, Kaoru practically whipped it open. 

"Hey! You made it! I can't believe you actually walked all the way here! We were just about to send a limo to pick you up but I guess that won't be necessary." he said.

"Who needs a limo when you can save energy by riding a bike?" I told him. He shrugged.

"Hey! That's cheating!" he said when he finally noticed my bike on the sidewalk.

Ignoring his accusation, I asked him, "Is Haruhi already here"?

He told me that she was and that she and Hikaru were waiting for us upstairs. Once we entered a room, we saw Hikaru and Haruhi squatting on the floor gazing at an orange paperboard.

Twins: HikaruXReaderXKaoru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now