Chapter Four

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"Wait you mean I was-" I was cut off by a small boy with blonde hair and golden eyes who was grabbing my arm and almost dragging me down the floor. "Hey! (y/n)! Do you wanna eat some cake with me? I have strawberry, chocolate, vanilla..."he asked sweetly. "Uh..well honestly I don't think I-". Once again I was interrupted by someone else. That "someone else" was Tamaki. "I too believe that you have the right to eat all the delightful sweets and delicacies we have here in the host club!" he spoke graciously. I was beginning to get a bit irritated.

"Listen, you guys. My only purpose here is-". "They are pretty satisfying! C'mon! Take a bite!" intervened Hikaru and Kaoru, both holding forks with a piece of cake pierced through them. "I-Uh..." "Guys! What is your problem?" shouted Haruhi, disturbing the peaceful conversation. "Haruhi! You can tell her the truth! She barely knows you and the person who truly knows you best is ME!" argued Tamaki. "I doubt that." responded Haruhi. Tamaki's face expression seemed as if he was about to bawl his eyes out. He doesn't seem like a prince charming anymore. 

"I believe she deserves to know the truth. That is... if she can handle the consequences" disturbed a boy with black hair and glasses, writing on a notepad. "Consequences?" I peeped. H-how...Did they know I didn't have as much wealth as them? Do they do some sort of research on me or something? "Uhm. Ok. I'm going to just leave. I don't think I have a good reason to stay here anyway". "B-but (y/n)!" whined Stella. "Sorry." I replied sadly. I slammed the door, leaving all the guests and hosts in silence.

I have had enough. That room is bugging me way more than Liam ever could. As much as I wanted to know everyone in the host club better, I just don't think they are the type of people who would even dare talk to me. Sometimes I feel jealous when it comes to rich people but I never get influenced. Now the only description that comes to mind is: Rich people are dumb. Sorry, but I hate to admit it.

After I grabbed my stuff from my locker, I began walking down the hall toward the entrance of the school. I thought to myself: Why did I even come here?  But then I remembered. I was here because of my dad. Like I said before, dad never came home because he job was in other countries. But my family could never leave their home because is was too precious. There was no way we could be happy if we got comfortable in one place but would have to move constantly to become comfortable with all the places we've ever been to. 

After that, mom and dad got into a fight. They were not divorced or anything but we lost all contact with dad. Who knows what he could be doing right now. But before he left, knowing I would never see him again, he gave me an envelope, telling me I passed the entrance exam. I did the exam knowing I would fail. But guess what? Due to the laws of irony, I made it in. You could imagine my reaction that day.

As I was walking through the entrance, I saw those two doppelgangers again, waving at me with a grin. "Can't you guys ever leave me alone!?" I yelled at them. "We just wanted to apologize for our behavior, (y/n)." said Kaoru. "We didn't even know that you would even take it seriously." smirked Hikaru. I notice now that Hikaru may be even more mischievous than Kaoru. "Fine. I accept your apology. But don't try to pull me in with your "host club" because guess what? It's not going to work."

"Why are you even telling us that it's not going to work for you?" questioned  Hikaru. "It's pretty obvious that you are just saying that so we believe you when really you're clearly going to fall for it again." indicated Kaoru. I wanted to scream. These guys were more intelligent and devious than they looked. I had no come back for them so I just stood there silently in front of them like an idiot. But then I heard the faintest sound of glass shattering above me. Startled, I looked up at the building. "LOOK OUT!" shouted Hikaru and Kaoru simultaneously. As I looked up, large shards of glass were falling straight toward me.

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