Chapter Ten || Part 3

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"Ok! Fine! I give up!" Hikaru said as he was handing me back the book. I swiped from his hands and plopped back on the soft carpet. I grumbled in irritation.

"Aw. Come on! I was joking! You can't be mad at me all day." Hikaru said leaning closer to my face. I shifted away, even more irritated. Hikaru shrugged and reached inside the drawer of the night table. He pulled out a flat, pink box and took out some sort of thin, breadstick-like snack that was covered in a pink coating. 

"Want some?" he said holding out the box to me.

"What's this?" I said taking and inspecting the box.

"It's Pocky. Duh."

"I've never heard of Pocky before."

He bit down firmly on his "Pocky" snack and froze.


I nodded.

"You should try some! I'm just eating because I'm bored." he said while popping his last piece in his mouth.

I reached inside the box and pulled out a long, thin, pink covered breadstick. I shrugged and bit a piece. It wasn't that bad. I took another bit and continued biting until I ate it whole. I grabbed another and another until there were 5 left in the box.

"Hey! Don't eat them all!" Hikaru said and attempted to reach the for box.

I shifted the box away from his reach. "Nope." I said with my mouth full. Hikaru gave me an unamused look. 

"They're mine now." I said confidently.

Hikaru abruptly grabbed my arm and managed to grab 2 sticks of Pocky. He smirked with satisfaction as he laid back on his bed. 

I ate about 2 more pieces of Pocky until Hikaru leaned over with some Pocky in his mouth.

"You want some?~" he asked with a sly smile.

Without thinking I placed my fingers on the opposite end of the pocky and snapped over half of it off. Hikaru froze. I engulfed the Pocky without care. Hikaru ate the last piece with disappointment. 

I grabbed the last piece of pocky and ate it slowly, so I could intensify its flavor. But right when I had the end of the Pocky in my mouth, Hikaru slid his hand under my chin and turned my head toward him. Once I caught a glimpse of him, he opened his mouth slightly and bit the other end of the Pocky. My eyes widened. Wha-what the hell is he doing!?

I tried to move away from this awkward position but Hikaru must have thought this plan all the way through because once I lifted my hand, he grabbed it and slid even closer to me by biting away some of the Pocky. 

Half of me wanted to stay frozen in shock since my brain suddenly stopped functioning. But the other half thought that I should probably shove him away and burst out of the room screaming "NOPE". He was biting even further. What the heck am I supposed to do!? 

My heart was beating out of my chest and blood rushed all the way up to my brain. There's no doubt that I wasn't blushing. First, it was Kaoru, now it's THIS!?

What are these guys taking me for!?

Snap! The Pocky was broken in two and Hikaru lowered his head toward the ground, still holding my head. My lips curled into a firm line once I heard the most annoying chuckle and the shaking movement from Hikaru's body.

"Y-You should have seen your face!!" Hikaru blurted between giggles. I stood there staring at his ridiculous fit of laughter, trying to ignore the temptation of punching him in the face until his nose bleeds. 

Twins: HikaruXReaderXKaoru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now