Chapter Six

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I never knew I would ever be able to have friends again. It's been 3 years since I have even had anyone my age to talk to. Sunday interesting day for me. I never really...cared about people until now. I guess middle school was just a cruel, cruel environment for me.

*Flashback* Middle school. 

"(Y/n)!" yelled a girl behind me, tackling me from behind. Her name was Anika. She had burgundy hair and sparkling gray eyes. "Hey! They're selling some leftover pizza for lunch! Want me to buy some for you?". I smiled at her. She was always so loyal and generous. 

"Nah. I'll go buy it myself. Shouldn't you go finish your math test? Lunch is almost over."

She shook her head. "I'm pretty sure I got a good grade, even if I didn't finish it."

 We were walking down the hallway, holding hands, searching for our art class. As we entered, we noticed that there was a new student in our class. She had a short bob with caramel hair and hazel eyes. She noticed that we were staring at her and she gave us a small smile. 

"She seems nice. Should we introduce ourselves?" suggested Anika. "I don't see why not." I replied. As the new girl was sitting on her desk reading a book, Anika and I both approached her while giving smiles. "Hi! My name is Anika! This is (y/n). I guess we are in the same class from now on!" Anika introduced while gesturing to me. She placed her book down on the desk and looked up at us. "Nice to meet you. I'm Miki".


Only a day has past and all three of us became instant friends. We hung out later after school at her house. Her house was fairly close to mine so I managed to walk the whole way. Once I arrived at her house, I knew instantly, just by the look of her house, that she was a rich girl. I rang the doorbell (which was an actual bell!) and Miki arrived at the door with a grin on her face. I noticed that when she glanced at me, her frown vanished. Pretending I didn't notice, I blurted: "Hi Miki"! 

"Hey. Uhm, isn't Anika with you?" she questioned.

"Well, she had a dance recital today so she wasn't able to make it. But lucky for you, I still came! I needed to avoid doing homework" I explained.

"So, I'm technically just an excuse for you to come? I was expecting both of you to come here. Nevermind. I have some stuff to do too. Lots of homework. Bye!" she spoke in circles. But before I could ask her if she needed help with her homework, she slammed the door on me. Startled by the sudden attitude change in Miki, I walked home, pondering if I did anything wrong. 

The next day, we had a science assignment in which we had to do in a group of 3. Anika and I had already planned our group of three. Once the teacher let us loose for choosing partners, we scurried to Miki. But Miki already had a partner. "Oh! I have an idea! How about we take Anika and (y/n) can go with the geek group over there!" exclaimed Miki while pointing to a group of unattractive boys. Everyone laughed, thinking it was a joke. Including me. 

I wish I hadn't. I ended up with "Bernard" and "Carson" as my partners. 

It took me a while to realize that Miki was only using me to bring Anika closer to her. But being the loyal and optimistic person I was, I kept pretending my feelings didn't matter. 

Miki would get blamed for things and I would be the victim. I pretended it didn't hurt me. She would force me and Anika to do things that we have never done before. But neither Anika and I were her maturity age.

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