Update: Discontinuing

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 Hi, everyone. I just want to a say that the chapter I just published will the be the last one. I am very sorry if you were anticipated for the ending. The truth is, I had the beginning and the ending of this story planned out fully. But when I continued writing chapters, I began creating cliche plots, lame drama, useless characters and the story just didn't go out the way I planned it to. After the last good chapters, the rest were all improvised. I tried my best to continue the story since there were like 1k+ on this book, which was truly amazing. I lost idea's, sadly, and thought that instead of ruining the book with useless chapters, I'll just stop here.

I may or may not try to rewrite this book again. It's not very likely. This doesn't mean I hate OHSHC though! 

There is some good news but I don't know if you'll be interested. I am making a YurioXReader! This time, I have the story planned out and I have been working on the story for more than a month now. I have no idea when It will be published but hopefully, I'll post the first chapter as a small sneak peek. Once I've finished 10+chapters of the book or finished it entirely, then I'll start poster chapters weekly.

Again, I am sorry for the inconvenience but I'm going to try harder to actually publish a good fanfiction-I mean-book. Thanks again for getting this book to 1k+ reads! ^^


Published: July/17/2017

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