Chapter Thirteen

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I tried my best not to burst into tears.

But once I made it to my locker to get my stuff to go home, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I dropped to the floor and held my legs together. My eyes stung and my lungs kept cutting my breath short. I clasped my hand to my mouth and sobbed as quietly as I could. It was difficult.

I can't believe she was back.

Why the hell would she be here? Is Anika with her? What is she planning to do with me? What could I possibly do to stop her? Nobody would listen to me. Nobody would believe me. I'm still getting over that stupid Anika scenario! I just can't stand that Miki! I just c-


I looked over to my right and there I saw her, with a devious smirk on her face.

"Hey...what's wrong?" she lamented fakely.

I shrugged away from her and wiped my eyes so hard that is burned. I stood up and continued to search in my locker.

"Don't be a bitch. I was only trying to make you feel better. After all, I was your friend." she spat.

"Why are you here?" I asked sternly, demanding a good answer.

"To graduate and be successful. Isn't it obvious?"

I slammed one of my books on the floor. "Why are you here?" I repeated, looking at her directly.

She crossed her arms and stared at me as if I were an idiot.

"I'm an exchange student. So lucky for you, I only get to stay here for a little while. That is until I decide to actually attend Ouran."

I crouched down to grab my books when her foot slammed onto my forehead. Hard. I was about to lift my hand from the ground when she crunched her foot onto it.

"Did I mention that I got to choose someone to partner up with while I'm here?"

Anika is here too.

My face went hot with anger. I grabbed the ankle of her foot and slid it away from my hand, making her lose balance and letting her land to the ground with a thud. I looked at my hand and it was splotched with purple and blue. I was not about to let the pain get to me.

She began to snicker and wobble as she and I stood up.

"Week One." she whispered in my ear and headed right.

I stood there standing in the middle of the hall. I already knew what she meant.

She was counting the days until she would leave. In those days, she is going to plan everything and anything. I placed my bruised hand on my forehead. I entered the nearest bathroom and looked in the mirror. My forehead was red but nothing serious. I looked at my face in the mirror. I'm not weak. I'm powerful. She just doesn't want me to realize it.

As I left the bathroom, I heard Haruhi calling my name through the halls. I wanted to run to her and... no nevermind. I rushed to her with a smile on my face. 

"Finally! I've been searching all around the school for you! Come on, Hikaru and Kaoru are giving us rides home." she said with relief.

"Actually, I'm walking home today. I have to meet up with my mom at the grocery store today." I lied. 

"Are you sure?"

I nodded.

"Well, either way, Hikaru and Kaoru want to talk to you. They're not taking no for an answer." 

Twins: HikaruXReaderXKaoru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now