Chapter Fourteen

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One Week Later...


"Please? (Y/n), why are you so hard to convince?" whined Hikaru.

"I am not going to be the only girl going to the fair with a bunch of guys." I said sternly.

"I'm going to be there! Not that I have much of a choice..." grumbled Haruhi.

"Why everyone!?  Why couldn't it have been just the four of us!?"

"First of all, boss says that it's a group even with the club but we convinced him that you should be allowed to come. We pointed out that he owes an apology to you for what happened last week." claimed Kaoru.

"Secondly, we want you to not think we are just some random guys in an otome game. Haruhi became our friend randomly because she owed us money. A lot of it." Hikaru turned to face Haruhi. She looked away, irritated.

"It's going to be so embarrassing. I'll seem like a person who has multiple boyfriends or something if I hang around with you offense..."

"How can I be offended? You just called me your boyfriend." Hikaru smirked.

I flushed fiercely. "You know that's not what I meant and don't change the subject!"

"I guess you could invite someone of your own. Just so it can be fair." suggested Kaoru.

"Nah. It's just going to be distracting and annoying. She and her girlfriends would just wander off and leave us behind." declined Hikaru.

I thought for a second if there was someone besides Estelle that at could invite. Then it hit me.

"How about...Raiden?" 

"You just said you didn't want a bunch of guys wandering around you! You just added someone to the pack!" argued Hikaru.

"Yeah...I guess your right." Hikaru breathed a sigh of relief. 

At that moment, the bell began to ring and all four of us headed to our class. 

"Ack! I forgot my earbuds in my locker!" I remembered.

"What do you need them for?" Haruhi asked. " Your not going to just-"

"I'd rather listen to music than to listen to our boring substitute. I'll meet you there!" I said before waving them goodbye.

My mind finally found a way to memorize the school hallways so finding my locker was no sweat. As I walked to my locker to save my energy from running, I discovered black words written on my locker with spray paint. Fear flooded my face as I began to read what was written.


Wow. That really punched me in the guts.

I honestly can't tell myself to be sad. Miki doesn't make me want to cry in shame in depression. She makes me furious. I just can't believe she would go through all this trouble just to bring me down even though she knows I'm not a weakling. I would slap that bitch if I could but I would just get in trouble for it. 

I was afraid. I was afraid of what she was planning to do to me but now I've realized that I don't have to be afraid of her. Why should I? She can't hurt me anymore. I am stronger than her. She just doesn't know. I'll give her a taste of her own medicine when she deserves it.

"Wow. What kind of evil person would ever write that!?" said a voice behind me.

I didn't even have to turn around to find out who it was.

"You should really take a class on how to torture people because this is sad. I'd give you an F for this one."

"Don't act like you haven't done it yourself. You've done it to Anika herself. Remember?"

Twins: HikaruXReaderXKaoru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now