Chapter Five

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I woke up with the sun blasting at my face. My bed creaked as I was lifting myself up. Thank goodness it was Saturday. I had many strange thoughts in my head. Most of the thoughts were about stress. But another side, it was about the twins. "MMGGRRR!" I groaned. In slammed my head into the side of the wall. "(Y/N)? All you alright?" said a voice downstairs. 

It was Grandma Marie! Just by the sound of her voice, my intense sulking immediately changed routes. I grabbed a white tank top and some black leggings and scurried down the stairs."Grandma!" I exclaimed once I saw her, licking off some icing off her finger from a cake that was on a table.

 "Mom! Stop eating your birthday cake! The party hasn't even started yet!" complained my mom, who was preparing the chicken in the kitchen. Grandma stared at mom and slid her finger down the smooth, gooey icing once more. "It is MY cake. It is MY birthday. Just because I am 80 doesn't mean you get to tell me what to do young lady!" proclaimed Grandma. Mom looked like she wanted to bang her head onto the fridge.  I giggled. My grandma was not like most grandmas you would see every day.

I ran over to her and gave her a giant hug. "Good morning (y/n)! I see that you still wake up as early as ever!" she designated. I looked over at the clock that was in the oven. It was 12:30.  I laughed nervously. We broke our hug and grabbed some tea (for grandma) and some pastries to keep us from eating the cake. "So...(y/n)..." Grandma began. I gulped. Whenever she began saying those words, she would start talking about my embarrassing personal life. I swung my head away from her. Not for disrespect, but to show her I was not interested.

"How are you and Anika doing?" she asked. " I...Mmmm." I shrugged and bit a piece of my small apple tart.

"You have been talking to each other often correct?" she continued to ask.

"I don't know. It's just...complicated."

"Ok. Hmm. Do you have a boyfriend yet?" 

"NOO!" I looked straight at her emerald eyes and squinted as if were trying to signal a stare-down.

"Are you sure? You're not keeping secrets from me are you (y/n)?"

I grumbled and crossed my arms. "It's not like that at all." I muttered,  blushing at the thought of yesterday. 

Grandma Marie grinned. "Tell me! What happened and how do they look like? Are they sweet? Are they the bad boy type? Don't TELL me you're dating a fugitive! You know that I will never forgive you for making such ridiculous mistake!" she blabbered nonstop. 

"GRANDMA!" I cried. I grabbed strands of my (h/c) hair and pretended to rip them out. 

"Don't do that in front of me! I'll be the one to pull them out of you if you keep acting like that!"

Just by that sarcasm in her voice, my anger slowly melted away. She is my stress reliever. "Ok...fine. They're twins. They go to my school and...yeah." I whispered in Grandma Marie's ear, just in case mom was hearing our entire conversation. "OOOO! JUICY!" Grandma squealed. I burst out laughing and blushing. "Tell me more!" she begged. 

"Uhm. Well...yesterday..." I continued and told her the whole glass shards incident. "You're not hurt are you!?" she worried. "No, I'm fine because of *AHEM* Hikaru and Kaoru." I said slowly hushing to whisper. Grandma Marie patted her palm on my shoulder. "Your time will come dear. Pshhht. I had to wait until AFTER university to find your grandfather! Do you know how hard it was not to drool over those handsome men at my school!?" she bragged. I grinned at her.

"But you know, it was all worth it. Your grandfather was my first and only choice. I want the same for you. So don't make a stupid choice. Don't marry someone who doesn't appreciate who you are. Find someone who cares about you inside and out. I don't want your heart to be broken apart from a mistake you have done. Alright?"

Twins: HikaruXReaderXKaoru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now