Chapter Twelve

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"How did you get to know him, (y/n)?" Haruhi asked me. She'd better not be shipping me and him. "Middle school. But I don't really want to talk about it." I said. 

Our whole group was hanging around in the cafeteria. I would kill to have a taste of the meals that they serve here. I heard that they tasted amazing...!

"So..." interrupted Hikaru, disrupting my thoughts. "What's your relationship with that guy? I don't think I was listening."

"I said he was just a friend. Nothing more." I said sternly. What was his problem? He kept asking the same question since we've been walking to grab a lunch.

"Are you sure about that?" he said with his hand cradling his cheek.

"Why do you keep asking!? What, are you jealous or something?" I asked angrily while grabbing a bagel out of my bag.

"Jealous? With you and him? As if!" he scoffed.

"Sounds like you are."

Hikaru looked away violently while Kaoru, who was beside him, remained quiet.

"You know, you never answered Hikaru's question." remembered Kaoru. "Are you coming or not?"

"Coming? Where?"

"To the host club."

"I already said I didn't want to the first time I met you guys. Don't plan on forcing me either." I said while munching my bagel.

"You wouldn't be a bad idea if you came..." mentioned Haruhi.

"Haru! Not you too!" I wailed. Haruhi just shrugged, with a sly smile on her face.

I sighed. "Forget it. I'll just throw this stuff away."

I grabbed my tray that had an empty cup, a salad tray, and my bagel wrapper and began to walk to the trash can when the bell rang. When I clattered my tray onto the table, I burst out of the room. My locker was so far away and I always make it there BEFORE the bell rings! I scrambled through the stairs, rushed through the hallways and made it to my locker, dripping with sweat. 

But right when I took out my notebook, I remembered I had left my bag in the cafeteria! My wallet and the rest of my embarrassing junk was in that beige leather bag! I quickly calculated how much time it would take it would take for me to go get the bag and run to my class. It was much too late for me to go get it now! 

I checked the clock that was over a classroom door. I only had a minute left! I stuffed all they stray papers in my binder without thinking and ran to my class. The moment I stepped through the door, the bell had rung. Everyone was already seated and they were all staring at me while I stood there looking like a total idiot.

I blushed nervously and went to my seat. 

"(Y/n)'re late." said my teacher. "But I came through the door in time!" I objected. Raiden snickered from two desks away. "What's so funny Raiden?" sneered my teacher. Raiden cleared his throat. "Nothing Ma'am."

I rolled my eyes at him. I still can't believe he is right here with me. Honestly, I thought I would never see him again. Does that make me selfish? Thinking that was possible? I sighed and opened my notebook. Inside it was a note.

Meet us @ Music room 3. Don't even try to ditch us.


After hours of searching for the damn Music Room, I eventually found it. But I wasn't an idiot. I already knew that this was that one room that I hated since day one. A shiver trembled down my spine as I placed my hand on the golden handle. I really didn't want to do this. 

Twins: HikaruXReaderXKaoru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now