Chapter Sixteen | Part Two

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"Over there!" I pointed. 

Death Run was the name of the ride. I was ecstatic! The ride was a four-person ride where the small cart is ridden on low ground. However, the small cart is very vulnerable and when it speeds up, that's when things get frisky. The speed would force people to move side to side when you would turn around each corner.

I planted each of the twins butts on the hard, plastic seat. Took me a while to notice that this wasn't going to work. If I were to go on the left side, I'd be squished by Hikaru. If I were to go on the right side, I'd be squished by Kaoru. Which left me with only one option, to sit between them. I cringed before I snuggled myself between them.

Since the ride was meant for four passengers, a random sat beside Hikaru. I recognized her right away. It was the same girl who called me a "Lowlife Commoner" the other day. I whipped me head the other way to avoid her gaze.

"O-oh! Hikaru! I didn't expect to see you here!" I heard her say behind my back. Her friends, who were at the gateway of the ride, were making kissing noises, winking and making heart shapes with their hands. I grimaced and gave a few of them death stares. The crowd then silenced.

A man came to fasten our belts and to lower the railing. The girl then leaned over to see who else was in the same cart.

"Oh! Kaoru! You're here too!" She beamed, completely ignoring my presence in between them. "O-oh. Hi, um, (y/n)! Nice to see you here!" she stammered once I gave her a glare. I smiled and said, "It's nice to see you too! How have you been doing?"

Surprised by my sudden change in attitude, she replied, "Oh I've been great! It only got better once I met up with you two-I mean-three!"

Cringing and screaming inside, I said, "That's nice! I hope your day gets better!"

Right after I finished that sentence, the ride began to move. Smiling for real, I held on to the rails and leaned in for a better experience. "You guys ready?" I said enthusiastically. "Man, you're really into this kind of stuff huh?" Hikaru responded. "I just...I rarely go on rides like this with friends since all my old friends were wimps. Ha...ha..." I replied nervously. I didn't want to start a conversation about my past. 

The ride was beginning slow but it eventually picked up the pace. We weren't heading to a high tip where the cart stops but the speed was enough to freak someone out and make them dizzy. The tracks were organized as a long circular path. The cart was supposed to ride on the track continously until everyone began to feel uncomfortable. Either way, we were all going to get dizzy and queasy.

The speed picked up vigorously and I was forced to lean on Hikaru by the velocity of the ride. Even though the situation was embarrassing, it was comfortable. I guess he noticed I was ok with this gesture so he grinned at me. "Are you comfy?"

I shifted my head slightly. "Maybe," I mumbled. I felt him shift a little and I realized that the girl had gripped his arm and laid her cheek against his shoulder. "I'm comfy..." she said shyly. I rolled my head and turned away.

The cart shifted the other and now I was leaning against Kaoru, while the girl continued to lean against Hikaru. I refused to look back, only to watch her do googly eyes and drool all over his shirt. The cart then hit a small bump while it was on the track, but since we were going too fast, it almost seemed like we were going to fall out.

I am not a wimp. I don't need a shoulder to cry on. I can handle this myself-

The cart hit another bump and before I knew it I was holding onto Kaoru's arm, like a child. I let go almost immediately and apologized. He just blushed and rubbed his neck. He was so adorable-Oh man, I have to sit properly before I do the same stunt again. 

I was too relieved when the ride was over. I hopped off and noticed that Kaoru was helping the girl get off.

"Thanks...Kaoru..." she said before entangling her fingers with his. She was incredibly close to him and looked like she was about to give him a smooch. I was about to tackle her when Hikaru asked me what I wanted to do next. I told him to give me a minute.

"Hey! Kaoru!" I yelled before running toward the two. I intertwined my finger with his and pulled him with me. Right before I did so, I glared at the girl and said, "Don't you have a boyfriend? Why isn't he here with you? "

She flushed and scowled at the question and scurried away, heading over to the group of girls. Not only that but I noticed another guy approach her and kiss her on the forehead. I felt bad for the guy, knowing that she was such a tramp.

"Heh. Sorry about that...I was only being a gentleman until...she grabbed my hand." he said with a frown. I didn't let go of his hand. "Nah, it's ok. It's payback for what you did for me the other day..." Before another word, I pulled him with me and went over to Hikaru, who wasn't amused. 

We continued to travel around the area. We went to see a mini circus, went to the arcade, went on way more epic rides and grabbed a lunch. I thought about the idea of this being a date and how close it really was to become one. I shoved that idea out of my head and continued to enjoy the fun we were having.

Shyly, while we were walking together, my stupid brain decided that it was ok to wrap my hands around each of theirs. I looked at the ground, avoiding their gaze and blushing like a little girl while I was doing so. I didn't expect a response back, but they did something unexpected.

They began to run as fast a speeding bullet while I was behind them, waving like an unconscious flag.

Ok, maybe it wasn't really that unexpected...

They continued doing that until I began to laugh hysterically with tears spurting out of my eyes and begging for them to stop. My feet weren't even touching the ground! I dug my feet into the dusty ground and slowed them down. Fortunately, it actually worked! Unfortunately, they turned around to face me. What's worse? I tripped and landed on top of them both. 

I didn't even take a moment to realize how embarrassing our position was. We were way too busy laughing our asses off.I took many choppy breaths and tried to apologize but it was impossible.

"Oh my god, you slut!"

I stopped laughing.

My Finals are today! T-T


Published: 06/21/2017

Edited: 06/21/2017

Twins: HikaruXReaderXKaoru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now