Chapter Seven || Kaoru

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**Here is the Kaoru part of the previous chapter for all the Kaoru fans! Enjoy! ^^**

"SOOO, how are you and the twins doing?" teased Estelle. "OMAHGAWSH ESTELLE STAHP." I blabbered sarcastically. "I hate it when you do that. There is nothing between us, are you seriously that dumb!?" I sighed.

"Are you sure?" she continued to tease.

"Yes, I am sure. Now shut up."

"You sure your sure?"



I shoved my elbow straight to her boob. She dropped her books and fell to the linoleum floor with her hands over her chest and curled into a ball, whimpering. Realizing what I had done, I plopped to my knees. 

"Ah! Estelle I-I'm SO sorry I didn't mean to! I mean I did but I didn't mean to go that hard! I am so sorry! Ack!" I stammered. I really didn't mean to hit her that hard. But then again, she was bugging me about something that wasn't true. At least I thought it wasn't true.

Even though she was curled up in a teeny tiny ball, I managed to hear her giggling. "I-It's ok! I can forgive you...I think." she whispered. She uncurled herself from her own little ball and asked me If we could hang out today. Obviously, I said yes.

Once I arrived home, I asked my mom if it was ok with her. But before she could even accept, Liam broke into our conversation.

"There is no way her friend is coming in this house."

"Why not? It's not like she is gonna prance around your room and steal all your games." I reasoned.

"Here is the thing about you. You are annoying. You laugh too much.  Did I already mention that you're annoying? I can't have another person like that hanging around here."

"I am nothing like that imaginary girl you just made up. But instead, you described yourself. Bravo."

"Both of you! Stop arguing!" burst mom. "(y/n), if your friend is ok with it, you can go over to her house."

Liam smirked at me. I stuck my tongue at him. "Fine".

I went to my room and called Estelle's number on my phone from a small slip of paper she gave me.

"Hey! So what's the plan?" she answered immediately.

"Wait, how did you know it was me?"

"I just know. So what's happening?"

"I hope you don't mind but I was wondering if it's ok that we do it at your house?"

"Aww. Ok, sure! What are we going to do, though? There's nothing exciting at my house."


I could sense the dissatisfaction over the phone. "Let's just meet up at the park." I said.

"Sounds good to me."

"See you there."

I ended the call, ran down the stairs, and rushed to the door, sticking my tongue at Liam on the way. There was a park that was just around the corner of a market. There, I saw the bright, joyful smile belonging to Estelle. I think the name "Estelle" suits her more than "Stella". She was leaning on an oak tree with her adorable Golden Retriever, that is until they saw me and raced over to me. 

I almost screamed at the dog.

"OH. MY. GOD. What's its name?"

"This is Elaine. She's a Golden Retriever."

Twins: HikaruXReaderXKaoru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now