Chapter Fifteen | Part One

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I guess the fair is today. 

Although I was prepared for it, I didn't take the time to realize how awkward it could have possibly been...

I didn't know what to wear today! One part of me wanted to wear something comfortable and something I would choose for an everyday look. But there was another part of me that felt pressured since the people I was hanging out with were not only rich but famous. They would probably wouldn't want a commoner like me to hang around with them.

I texted Estelle to have her opinion.

What to wear today...

Stella Bella

Oh right! You have a date today! >W< IDK. What do you feel like wearing today?

I don't know! That's the thing! Should I wear something impressive or just plain casual?

Stella Bella
Ooooo. Who are you trying to impress? ;)

Nobody! Just think of it. 7 rich guys hanging with a female commoner? Shouldn't I dress appropriately?

Stella Bella
Yeah... your right. How about wearing something with a little bit of both? Expensive jeans with your favorite shirt. IDK.

Thanks for the advice...

Stella Bella
Your welcome! I gotta go now. Tell me how it went! And take a lot if pictures! ^^

Sure. See you on Monday!

Once our conversation was done, I grabbed something comfy and stylish. This was the first time I actually cared about what I wore. Honestly, this outfit wasn't too bad...

(Here's your outfit! XD I would actually wear something like this! Would you?)

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(Here's your outfit! XD I would actually wear something like this! Would you?)

I grabbed my black bag and put on my sandals. I hope this outfit wasn't either too much or too less. I decided to wait at the doorway and text the gang.


Are you guys here? Hurry up! I want to buy some random shit that I'll probably not use for anything.


What do you mean? We've been waiting outside for hours!

Confused (and slightly disturbed) I went to check out the window and they weren't kidding! A black van was waiting on the driveway for I don't know how long! I scurried through the door and slowly walked to the van, having second thoughts about this whole idea.

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