Chapter Nine || Part 2

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I asked the maids if they knew where Hikaru and Haruhi were or even if the knew where Kaoru was. They all said some instructions on how to get to Hikaru and Kaoru's room but there were so many hallways and doors that I wasn't even sure if I would even be able to find their room. I wouldn't even be able to get out of the house! I began to panic but I thought I could at least TRY to get somewhere.

I managed to step out of the powdered floor and began to walk in the halls of confusion. I slowly opened the first door to the right and found a closet. I continued walking down and opened another door, which had nothing but some swimming supplies. I proceeded to open doors and close them. But none of them seemed to have any sign of life in them.

The hallways were beautiful. Some floors were polished granite like the stairways outside and some were covered in this lush, red carpet that was so soft that you could sleep on it. It made me a bit jealous to have two rich friends but I guess that's just how Ouran takes care of things.

I beginning to get tired of this opening and shutting method and was very close to giving up. But I focused on remaining calm and to continue holding on. Even though it isn't really big of a deal. I'm just afraid no one is going to be able to find me and if they do, they won't recognize me and set me up as the maid of the house and end up cleaning the bathroom for the rest of my life.

Mom would be so proud of me.

I suddenly heard a sound from somewhere deep in the hallway. Frozen but persistent, I tip-toed within and reached a white door. Then I remembered that Hikaru and Kaoru's door was also white. But the again...what if this wasn't the room. What is someone was using the bathroom? By using it I mean...using it.

I also noticed that the door was slightly open. I know that if someone were using the bathroom to do their business, that they would most likely shut and lock the door. So, without warning, I opened the door slightly, just in case Hikaru and Haruhi were splattering the whole room with glue and paint.

But it wasn't Haruhi or Hikaru.

It was Kaoru.

Taking off his powder-covered shirt.

I did my absolute best not to gasp so loud that Kaoru would come to the door and tease me by calling me a pervert for the rest of my entire life.

I shifted my face away as fast I could, lightly grabbed the door handle and began to slowly close the door.

But someone whipped it open before I could even close it.

Son of a-

"(Y/n)!?" exclaimed Kaoru once he saw me. Of course, he was still shirtless.


Kaoru cut me off by placing his finger on my lips. "Can't you just...? Can't I say something first!?

I shut up.

He inhaled deeply, crossed his arms and smirked at me. "PEEPING TOM!"

I covered my face immediately while blushing. "I swear it wasn't like that!! Don't falsely accuse me!" I said with slight sarcasm in my voice.

He began to chuckle while covering his eyes. I looked away, not because I was embarrassed, but because I was a bit uncomfortable looking at him. 

"Can you at LEAST put a shirt on?" I mumbled, hoping he had heard me.

"I guess. Unless you like seeing me this way." he replied.

My face felt hot. Is that normal?

"NO WAY!" I spun around, raised my hand and slapped him across his face. 

Twins: HikaruXReaderXKaoru [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now