Chapter Eleven

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Estelle recently gave me a magazine. Can you guess what it's about? Yup. Boy bands, teen drama, gossip and cheap mini posters.

I don't exactly hate this kind of stuff. I just find it really annoying how a bunch of girls drool over boys that they will never have. 

Ok... so I drool over anime guys. That's a different situation.

The only things I like reading from these kinds of magazines is when a celebrity gets an interview and starts talking about her hurtful past. I find it truly amazing of how many famous people didn't have a perfect life before they were given it later in their life.

I'm not saying that I hate my life or anything. I just find it hard to live through sometimes. But, luckily, it's slowly starting to get better.

I looked over to the side of my bed and took a glance at my alarm clock. 8:01.

Maybe, instead, it slowly getting worse.

I scrambled out of my bed, flipping over all my bed sheets and panicking. I sprang to the floor and whipped open my drawer. I really should have picked out my clothes last night. I grabbed a black tee that had a red pixilated heart on the front and some dark was skinny jeans. I struggled to get in those jeans but I didn't really care at the moment. 

I grabbed my watch and put a dash of mascara. Then I burst out of my room, tumbling down the stairs. Liam stopped eating his sandwich and whipped his head over to look at my foolishness. He began to laugh like crazy, as usual. I frowned at him and lifted myself up. I rushed to the kitchen and grabbed some Cheerios. 

Mom stopped me before getting the milk from the fridge. 

"Uh. (y/n)? Honey, why aren't you wearing your uniform?" Mom asked.

I slapped my face and groaned. As I spun around and dashed up the stairs again, I could hear my mom trying to tell me something but I was running away so quickly that I wasn't ale to hear it.

I slipped off my clothes and slipped that yellow hideousness on. I stretched my tights on and stuffed my feet in those low-heeled Mary Janes. Then I ran downstairs and looked at the time one more time. 8:24

I didn't even bother eating my breakfast.

I grabbed my book bag and whirled it over my shoulder and ran outside.

But I don't think I need to run since I already had a limo right in front of me.


"Why so glum, (y/n)? You should be happy we even came to get you!" said Kaoru on the other side of the car.

"I would rather drive with my uncle. But since he is no longer available to drive me because of his new work schedule, I have to take the city bus now." I explained.

"You are not very optimistic are you?" asked Hikaru.

I shrugged, hoping that what he said didn't really mean anything.

"Can you at least stop by for a minute? At the Host Club? Ouran isn't only about working on school stuff. You need a break." insisted Hikaru.

I let my head knock to the side of the car window. "I don't mean to be rude but...why are you even in that club? I guys have friends don't you?" I asked.

They both lowered their eyes slightly. I shifted away from the window, paying more attention.

"We thought we didn't need friends." Kaoru began. "We only had each other and we shut other people out. As much as we wanted to try and be more social, we never really had the guts to.

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