Part 2: Please

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~Seokjin POV~ This chapter is a bit shocking? Swears and sex is mentioned.

All these girls are fucking stupid.

"Jin were you listening to me?" A met a pair of big brown eyes. UGH.

"Sorry princess, what were you saying?" I fake a smile.

Girls like it when I smile. Girls like it when I act cute. Sometimes even boys fall for me. So instead of just being me, I try hard to be into adorable things and even do aegyo. It's gotten me very popular and know around the school. Although I get all this attention from these girls it's hard to shake them after I get what I want from them. I'm not a bad guy. I just enjoy sex and popularity. It's not my fault I'm not a cuddler I've just changed a lot. Valentines day is just not for me. Neither is animals or anything relatively adorable. I just ruin them.

Back in my innocent years I dated a boy who ruined me. When he left me, he took everything. He took my heart, my love, my genuine niceness, and my virginity. He knew I was scared of him leaving me. He knew I was vulnerable and naïve. Just because I'm older doesn't mean I was more prepared for that kind of serious relationship. Especially since I was the only one who took it seriously. He knew he was gonna hurt me in the end. I don't have anything against him though. Now I'm just as bad if not worse than him.

I've lost count of all the hearts I've broken. Even when other girls hear rumors about who I really am, all I have to do is flash a smile and they're in my bed. I've been called all sorts of names and even been smacked a few times. How is it my fault you wanted to believe that I'm someone I'm not so bad that you gave me everything? I'm not a fictional character or a knight in shinning amour here to save you. I'm just gonna take anything you want to offer and go.

"Jin, you are just the sweetest!" Big brown eyes exclaimed.

Does she even realize I forgot her name?

"I try. I just can't help but be like this when you're around." I say, ruffling her hair a little.

"Aren't we hanging out at your house today?" She says, Smiling widely.

You really are stupid. Aren't you?

"Yes, we are princess." I say smiling because I know I'm gonna have fun.

Please understand, it's nothing personal. I'd just love to ruin you.

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