Part 8: It's Okay

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~Namjoon POV~ There's no full on smut yet but Nick Jonas- close ;)

Every since Yuki, Hoseok, and I became friends I can see a hug difference in Seokjin's behavior. When they're not over he's kind of cuddly and nice. When they are over he's extremely clingy and doesn't really talk to them as much as he talks to me. I wondered if it was what Hoseok said that changed him.

"Namjoon!" Jin yells, from the living room.

"Yes?" I yell back from my room.

"Come cuddle!"

I chuckle and close my laptop. I walk out into the living in a T-shirt in boxers to find a Jin stuffing popcorn in his face. He does a double take. "Uh where's your pants?" He asks as I pull him onto my lap. "Who wears pants to bed? Would like me to go put some on?" I ask, laughing a little. "Well no, you just have nice thighs." He says, patting my thigh.

"Oh really? Thank you Hyung." I say, teasing him. "Hey, I'm the Hyung. I'm supposed to tease you jerk." He says, while turning in my lap to face me. "Oh now I'm a jerk? What happened to the compliments about my thighs?" I tease some more. "I'm warning you. You should stop Namjoon." He says seriously but cracks a smirk. "What are you gonna do? Bring it." I say.

I really should keep my mouth shut.

Jin's full pink lips crashed into mine. His hands entangled themselves in my hair. What made it worse was I wasn't prepared for my own reaction. It felt like instinct to just kiss back and I could feel myself melt into his touch. He then poked my lower lip with his tongue and I allowed him in. I held onto his hips, pulling him closer.

He wrapped his legs around my torso and moaned into my mouth. I really need to stop this but there's sparks lighting up in my chest clearing out that dull ache. He pulls away first panting. "We should really stop. I don't want to lead you or myself on." He says, looking vulnerable. "Jin, I know we should stop but I honestly don't want to, not yet at least." I say, ruffling his hair. "I know I said there'd be none of this but you're very hard to resist. Don't you dare think you're ruining me. I'll be bound to lose everything sooner or later. I want you to do this. I'm letting you do this even though I know what you have done. I trust you." I say as pull his mouth to mine.

This time my tongue invades his mouth and he moans loudly into the kiss. Then he does something I wasn't ready for. He grinds against me. I pull back a little surprised but continue. This time I grind up against him and am earned with another moan. I pull back and look at his face. His eyes are wild and his lips are swollen. I pull him to me, and whisper in his ear. "You deserve to feel loved after what you've been through." I say, and I start kissing along his jaw. "Namjoon." He moans out. "Yes?" I murmur against his neck.

"We can't just do this. This isn't close enough. I need more and I'll just want you more. I need you but you can't give me that. You should really stop now before I get disappointed." He pants out. He must be as turned on as me. I pull back to drink in his expression. He looks like he's feeling so needy but at the same time he looks hurt. "Seokjin, if you will let me I'll give you it all. I'll give you everything. I'll make you feel so loved. I'll make you forget whatever it is that causing you pain. I'll make you feel so good about yourself. You, however, can't leave or run away. And tomorrow morning you'll wake up in my arms." I say, wiping the tears brimming in his eyes.

I lean back in and capture his lips again. It seems this time all his walls are down and he's clinging to me for dear life. I pick him up and he wraps his legs around my waist. We never break the kiss as I carry him to my room.

Seokjin, it's okay. You deserve to feel loved. This should have been your first time. I will make just as special as if it is. Please let me try to fix you and fix myself in the process.

It's okay that I'm giving you this. I trust you and won't give up on you.

Cute Things: A Namjin story <3 Where stories live. Discover now