Part 17: What About You? Are You Happy?

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~Jin POV~ Warning stress inducing! I'm not responsible for your feels. It's also long.


Run faster.

They're trying to catch you.

Ignore them.

Keep running.

I run harder and faster. My lungs feel on fire and my cheeks sting as the tears fly out of my eyes. I'm out of the school. Keep running. I'm down the street. Keep going. I'm getting far from our house. Just keep running. You can't go back. I'm close to downtown now. Just. Keep. Going. Please my feet are starting to hurt. A little more. Finally I come to a halt in front of some random coffee shop. People pass me, giving me stares like I'm crazy to be crying in public. I pant, feeling my lungs will give out soon. I know my chest burning isn't all because of the run. I feel like I'm dying. I come a bit to my senses when someone stops to ask if I'm okay. Maybe I should go somewhere else and cry... I decide to walk into the Coffee place. I go to the counter and huff out an order. I sit down at a window seat and wait. The clouds start to turn dark, looking ready to rain. Good, just how I feel...

"Jin?" A familiar raspy voice rings out. I turn to see a familiar jerk who's hair is now black, holding my coffee and pastry in his hand. He's the waiter... oh joy. "Great. Just what I need. Hello, Yoongi. Thank you." I say flatly, taking my food and drink from him. He chuckles at my attitude. "Well hello to you too. Don't I get a tip?" He jokes, raising an eyebrow. "Here." I say, giving him one won. "Sorry but that's literally all I have. Knock yourself out." I mumble, biting into my fritter sadly. "Wow, who fucked with you? Also why are so sweaty? Running again, huh?" He laughs, sitting down in the chair across from me. You have to ask seriously? Of course, I shake him off and refuse to tell this asshole anything. "Yes, just invite yourself to sit. It's not like you have a job." I say, narrowing my eyes. He smirks at my rudeness. "No one's here but you idiot. I'm done soon anyway." He says, rolling his eyes. I throw a piece of my pastry at him. "It's Hyung to you child." I say, sternly. Disrespectful shit.

"Whatever." He rolls his eyes again, eating the piece of food I threw at him. "So aren't going to tell me what's wrong?" He says, raising an eyebrow. "Hmm?" I hum, sipping my coffee nervously. Now both of his eyebrows are raised. "Come on. I'm not stupid Jin. You've obviously been crying." He says, a amused smile on his features. Deny it. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I say trying to seem believable. He chuckles a little. "Jin really?" He smirks. I've already hit two people today... you certainly aren't immune. "Why do you care?" I spit out, annoyed now. His smirk disappears and a different expression crosses his face. It's one I've never seen. He isn't smiling but it's not emotionless. He has a sense of thoughtfulness to his eyes. He's so soft... "Well, who else will you tell?" He gestures to around us. "Namjoon isn't here so I assume he's part of it. So stop dealing with it yourself or running and just tell me already." He says, quickly becoming impatient.

I huff, not believing I'm about to tell him. "Long story short, our friend Hoseok wanted to rekindle his feelings with his childhood friend. His childhood friend has a boyfriend though so someone needed to distract him. Namjoon decided to distract the boyfriend." I pause, sighing loudly. His eyebrows furrow, confused. "Okay?" He asks, obviously lost. "The boyfriend happened to be Namjoon Ex. Namjoon knew that and didn't tell me. I don't know if he didn't trust me or what. I found them hugging and stuff in the bathroom. The boy also screamed 'maybe I should go back to Namjoon" to his angry boyfriend so that didn't help. So I got upset and smacked Namjoon in the face." I groan, hating myself for feeling so angry and jealous. He didn't tell you so he doesn't trust you. "Oh I get it." Yoongi says, nodding his head. I furrow my eyebrows. Yoongi... understands? "You get it?" YOU... get it?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. He rolls his eyes at me and smiles a gummy smile. "This may come as a surprise to you Hyung but I also have feelings like other humans." He laughs, seeming the most care free I've ever seen him. HE EVEN CALLED ME HYUNG...

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