Part 4: I Can't

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~Namjoon POV~

That poor little cutie.

I'm walking down the hallway, trying to process everything this girl just told me. Some guy named Jin who's a senior took advantage of her being innocent. She was only a freshman. She was naïve. He apparently acts as if he's the sweetest gentlemen but only to get people to love him. I swear if I meet this guy, I might tell him off. I want to know what his problem is and why he's collecting all these girls hearts. I can't even believe what he told her after he took her. He just started getting dressed and told her to leave. When she asked why all he said was "I just wanted you to give me everything, now that you have you can leave." Like who the hell says that after you make love to someone especially if it's their first time? I just don't understand some people.

"Um, excuse me?" A light voice rings out.

I turn my head to meet a tall, broad shouldered, pink haired boy.

Wow, he's absolutely adorable. I love his hair!

"Yes?" I ask, giving him a smile.

"Oh, I just liked your hair and wanted to introduce myself." He's blushing and pushing back his hair.

OMG so cute.

"Oh thank you! I like yours too. I'm Namjoon." I say, stretching out my hand.

He smiles back and shakes it. Wow, is his smile pretty.

"Hi, Namjoon. I'm Seokjin but you can call me Jin." He says with a wink.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. It's this guy? I feel my smile drop for a second but I quickly recover. Maybe it's not him? Let's see if he says any lines that she told me.

"Oh, I heard about you. Apparently you are a real gentlemen." I say, smiling as genuine as I could.

He laughs but it seems not very genuine. He keeps his smile locked on his face. He must be a really good actor but I can kind of see his fakeness.

"I try." He says, then continues. "I just think all girls should be treated like the princesses they are."

Oh fuck it is him. He then meets my dark brown eyes with his. "I also think boys should be treated like royalty too." He says, his voice velvet soft. Is he hitting on me? I can feel my eyes go wide and my mouth fall open. Then I start laughing hysterically. He just stares at me confused.

"I'm sorry, you're just too much. So let me get this straight you screw over both boys and girls? Not to mention, not even a day after you screwed over that little freshman you hit on me? I mean, I know I'm into cute things but your personality is so hideous that I can't even admire how adorable you appear. What kind of person likes to cause others such misery? I'm also not as naïve as I appear so don't you dare think you can come for me. Who do you even think-" I cut myself off as I notice the boy is now in tears.

Are they even genuine or crocodile tears? He seems to be pulled of his daze and quickly wipes at his face. He looks around nervously to see if anyone saw. He seems to care a lot about the opinions of others so he probably wouldn't risk crying like this. Maybe he is really hurt and that's why he does this? He looks back at me flustered. He looks like he can't even decide what emotion he's feeling. he seems pretty genuinely upset right now. He turns to go.

"Wait." I pull his arm and pull him into my embrace. He's very stiff at first. Why does he act that way then turn into this scared little untrusting boy. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to let you know that what you did was not okay. I'm not trying to give you the wrong idea. I just hate seeing people upset." I say, rubbing his back a little. He slowly relaxes into my embrace and I can feel the tears hitting my shoulder. I pull back to look at his face.

"Why are you crying?" I coo, as I wipe his tears. He sniffles a bit. His eyes look full of pain and sadness. This boy must hard endured a lot. I should have know there's always a reason. "I can't..." He trails off, looking torn. "You don't have to tell me if it's too hard. Maybe would you like to come over my house and I can order pizza?" I ask, ruffling his hair a little. He looks at me unsure. I chuckle a little. "I don't want to make love with you if that's what you're worried about. If that's what you're looking for I'm sorry but I'm not about that life." I chuckle some more. He seems slightly relieved. "Alright, I guess I'll come over then." He says, furrowing his eyebrows.

He's really cute when he doesn't pretend to be a douche or fake his cuteness. I wish I could help him but I know I can't. I can't even fix myself.

Cute Things: A Namjin story <3 Where stories live. Discover now