Part 13: I Love You Too

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~Seokjin's POV~ A/N: I'm so sorry I called her Yuki. Her name really is Yuri. My bad. XD

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE TOGETHER?!" A pissed off Yuri yells, while Hoseok's eyes wide and he looks uncomfortable.

Well this is going good...

It's been a few days since our date, confession, and first time... Namjoon and I have spent the past few days to ourselves. Honestly I forget other people even exist when he's in the room next to me. None of them understand me or catch my attention quite like him. Our nights are always spent in each other's arms after hours of showing each other physically how much we love one another. We are inseparable. I can't be separated from him anymore. The fan girls and boys have been quite disappointed to see us so close. Now that we are finally telling Namjoon's friends, even they don't seem happy...

"Just what I said, Yuri. We're dating now." Namjoon says, his voice soft. He throws a quick glance and smile towards me then turns back to her. She looks to be in complete shock then her expression turns sour. "You know you are a really shitty friend. You know what he did to me yet you decide to date him? He" She pauses to point at me, " takes advantage of people, Namjoon. You think some time spent together changed that? He'll always be an asshole." I can feel my face fall. I can feel myself either wanting to pretend. Some parts of me just want to be cruel back. Tell her she was shitty in bed or it's not my fault she's a slut. I can feel my grip on Namjoon's hand loosen. I don't want him to hate me though. I'm about to walk, run, off.

Suddenly I'm jerked back, even closer to him than before. "What did I say about running off?" He chuckles, giving me a peck on the lips. He turns back to Yuri with one of the coldest expressions I've ever seen. Fuck, he's kind of scary for a teddy bear. "Yuri, you don't even know him. You've barely had a real conversation with him. Like every other fan girl in this school you followed him around because he was handsome and spewed out lovely words. I'll admit what he did was wrong but you can't tell me that you genuinely liked him. I don't know why you are saying rude things like this. We love each other and we are dating. I'm sorry if that upsets you." Namjoon says, frowning slightly. She looks at him, her big brown eyes furious. She looks around to make sure no one is listening in the hall way. "Namjoon, he took my virginity for god sakes!" She whisper shouts like that's supposed to mean something, looking even more mad. I chuckle a little under my breath and her eyes narrow at me. "What?" She asks, sassily.

"Well, you only talked to me a few times before we did that..." I trail off. "Okay?!" She says, annoyed and not understanding. "I don't really think you cared about your virginity that much then. I don't think you really liked me either. Obviously that wouldn't create the perfect first time ever girl dreams of, right? So I just don't understand why you're still upset even though I've already apologized? It's not like we were a couple, dating for a while or anything. You knew that and I told you how I really felt after we had sex. The next day you confronted me and cried out of embarrassment but you got over it pretty fast because you didn't like me. You seemed okay about everything after a while when we all became friends. I honestly thought you'd forgiven me." I looked at her and she stared back with her big eyes even wider. "Yeah that's true. You two did seem cool with each other's presence." Namjoon states, looking confused. That's when something hit me. I slowly smile. "So that only means you are either doing this for Hoseok or because you've got a small crush on Namjoon yourself." I say, smiling wide. "What!? Don't be silly? He's gayyyyy." She says nervously, waving her hand. Hoseok looks at her with wide eyes. "So then it's for Hoseok?" I ask, looking at him and his eyes get wider.

"Well, actually I found someone I like... I told you that Yuri." He mumbles, feeling awkward. I smile back at her feeling smug but she at this point looks like she might have a meltdown. Her eyes start to water, looking around at our faces nervously. Namjoon seems to be in complete shock. Ugh, why do I feel guilty. "Yuri..." I coo, reaching out sympathetically and she pulls away. "No! I don't like him. You're wrong. I know he's not into girls!" She says, tears glistening in her eyes. "Yuri?" Namjoon questions, his face soft and sad. He reaches for her but instead of just rejecting his touch, she turns and runs. Namjoon's about to go after her but I stop him. "Let me? I'm the one who made her cry. Stay here with Hoseok." I pause and turn to look him. "I also wanna hear about this person you like when I get back with Yuri." I smile wiggling my eyebrows. I pat the surprised boy's shoulder and run after her.

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