Part 16: No, I'm Heartbroken

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A/N: Sorry, if this is shit. I had to rewrite like half of it. Thank you guys so much for over a 100 views. It really means a lot to me.

~Namjoon POV~ Warning going back in time a little for a different perspective because I bet you're pissed at Namjoon. Things in the end are slightly changed so you see the difference between what Jin experiences and what Namjoon experiences. Also there's some really emotional and triggering stuff.

Jungkook, wait up?

Call to him. Call him.

He'll probably run faster...

I'm currently walking after Taehyung's boyfriend. My ex boyfriend. My first boyfriend. I watch Jungkook from the back, catching glimpses of his face as he weaves his way out of the lunchroom. His fists are clenched tight around the strap of his bag. His face rather cold and unfeeling like usual. That is until you really look. Once you know him, it's pretty easy to tell when he's upset. To others he probably looks indifferent or when he notices them looking he acts friendly. To me, he looks downright miserable. I can catch that nervous bite of the lip. I can catch that look of loss and hurt. I can catch that forced niceness he does when he makes eye contact with someone. He doesn't want anyone to know. He doesn't want anyone to realize how vulnerable he can be. Jungkook is adorable. He is adorably sad. That's what got me. Well it used to.... He's like a puppy caught in the rain. He's cuter than a dog though more like a bunny rabbit.

He rushes past the cafeteria door and out into the surrounding hall. I'm close behind, leaving some distance so he doesn't notice my presence right away. He walks towards the bathroom looking to his sides before peering in. I stand back, closer the café door, understanding what he's doing. He wants to cry... I quietly creep up behind him. He calls out a "hello" before rushing into the bathroom, he's about to close and lock the door when I stick my foot in it. I quickly walk in, shutting and locking the door behind me. "What the hell-" He starts and then pauses once he sees my face. His eyes go wide and mouth opens slightly. He seems beyond flustered to even come up with more words so I take my chance to speak. "Jungkook, there's some things we need to talk about and some questions I want to ask. First... are you okay?" I ask, frowning slightly. He scoffs and laughs without humor. "Really Hyung? Of course not, my crazy ex just locked us in a bathroom together." He says, his tone harsh. I laugh at his attempt to hurt me. "Well then you can cry about your fight with Tae by yourself then. Sorry, I was concerned." I say, narrowing my eyes. His eyes widen, hurt briefly shinning in them. Regret. I feel regret.

"You dick-" He starts but I cut him off. "I am not stupid Jungkook. And I didn't mean to sound so harsh. Although that brings up another question. Are you happy with Taehyung?" He just stares at me, confused. I don't have to hear him say anything to know what he's thinking. Why are you doing this? Hyung, why do you care? We are not together. We don't feel the same as we used to so why do you care? I can hear him saying those things without saying them. I search his eyes for his feelings. His doe-like eyes appear dark and empty. Where's the shine? Where's the shimmer I once saw in them? He looks... ruined... My eyebrows furrow at this. "Jungkook-ah... are you happy at all?" I ask in a whisper. His expression changes drastically and so does mine.

Tears run down his face and his mouth lets a little whimper escape. His body starts to tremble and his hands reach towards me. He really is a poor helpless bunny rabbit... Out of both panic and instinct, I pull him into my arms. "H-hyung." He stutters out. "I hurt s-so bad. I just... I can't deal w-with this..." He cries into my shirt, soaking it with his precious tears. It's barely been a year bunny rabbit and you've gone to rock bottom? Where are you, Jungkook? I can comfort you but my feelings have changed. "What's wrong?" I hum, trying hard to calm both him and myself down. "Just e-everything." He whimpers, his fists clenching my shirt tighter. "Let it out. Tell me." He lets out a another heartbreaking sob before taking a breath to speak. "I just can't do this anymore. I hate growing up. I hate losing friends. I hate school. I hate going home. I hate having t-to see my parents fight. I hate when they get violent. I hate being just like them, fighting with Taehyung. I hate how he's abused my love. I hate how he took his parents divorce out on our relationship. I hate how he gets jealous. I hate how he thinks I'm cheating. I hate how he f-flirts with other people. I hate knowing that I let him hurt me. I h-hate myself for hurting me too. I hate everything about me!" I pull away to look at his face.

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