Part 3: Fix Me

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~Seokjin POV~

"I don't understand. Why did you treat me like that?" Big brown eyes was pissed.

I did tell her to not take it personally. Is she really gonna do this is front of everyone?

"I'm honestly not quite sure what you mean. Did I do something wrong love?" I smile, acting confused.

She won't dare admit what we did, not in front of everyone. She's smart enough to know that.

"You just told me to leave after..." She trailed off, tears forming in her eyes.

Sweetheart, I told you the truth.

"You just played me! You're an asshole!" She screams, tears falling from her eyes.

Did it really take you that long to figure it out?

She turns to run down the hall but runs smack into another student. Well, this just keeps getting more embarrassing for her, now doesn't it? I was about to turn but I heard something that made me stop dead in my tracks.

"Oh my god, Are you okay cutie? Why are you crying so hard?" Said a deep rich voice. What the fuck? I turn around to see the student the girl ran into wiping her tears. He's a tall guy who would seem intimidating if he didn't have lavender hair and didn't have on a meme shirt. "I can't trust guys like you." She says, trying to pull away from him. "You all want the same thing." Did she just group us together?

Yeah but remember I was the one who ruined you.

He takes me by surprise and laughs at her. Maybe he's worse than I thought. "Oh I'm sorry that you think that. I mean you're adorable but I'm not really into girls." He says, his dimples showing. He's gay? "Now how about I buy us some soft drinks and you can tell me all about this horrible guy. It's sad to see such a young, pretty thing like you give up on all guys just because of one asshole." He says, his eyes burning with sincerity. How fucking dare he try to undo all of my work?

She cried into him and they walked off to wherever he invited her to. I realize I'm just staring at where they once were but this is really pissing me off. Who does this guy think he is to go and fix the people I break?

"Uh Jin we should probably go to class?" Said one of the girls who always hangs on me.

I turn to glare at her. "Go with out me." I say and all the girls immediately scurry away.

Who the fuck is that guy? I need to find out his name. He did say he was gay. Maybe I can break him too? He is attractive. Maybe I'll find out if that's his real personality or if he fakes it. If he's really like that then he definitely needs to be ruined.

I'll break him and in the process fix me...

Cute Things: A Namjin story <3 Where stories live. Discover now