Part 10: I Want You

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~Namjoon POV~

He doesn't realize it yet? Does he? That's okay. He will and I'll wait.

We are currently walking through the school hall on the way to our car to head home. It's been 10 days since I've offered myself and Jin has been attached to my hip. We drive together. He even drops me off and picks me up from work, expecting me to do the same. When we are home it seems we're always in the same room enjoying each other's presence or he's in my lap. We even sleep in the same bed at night. Although he still seems afraid to even kiss me on the lips. Hoseok and Yuri have forgiven him somewhat and we're all friends now. Jin's cool with them as long as they don't bring up what he did in his past and don't purposely make him jealous by getting all touchy with me. At school we're always together in between classes and at lunch. It's annoying some of his fangirls but some go nuts seeing us be so close.

"Namjoon-ah?" Jin questions.

"Yes?" I answer. He looks up at me, blushing slightly. You're so cute. Ugh.

He moves closer and stretches out his hand. "Hold my hand?" He asks looking down. I chuckle and intertwine my fingers with his. I lean down and peck his cheek. His startled eyes meet mine again and I feel my grin growing on my face. He bites his lip to keep from smiling and turns his head. Two girls across the hall are staring at us with wide eyes. I smile at them, winking, and they blush while looking away.

Jin starts laughing as we walk out the main door. "Namjoon-ah, those poor girls were redder than tomatoes." He giggles. "Imagine how they would have reacted if I actually gave you a real kiss." I said, smirking. He stops giggling and his eyes go wide. We're in front of our car now, standing in front of his passenger side door. I trap him against it and put my hands on the sides of his face. I lean forward and gently press my lips to his. He seemed to shocked to move at first but then he snaked his arms around my neck. I then grabbed his waist and intensified the kiss. As soon as Jin moaned a little I pulled away not trusting myself. I don't want to scare him away. His eyes were wild and his lips parted. Damn, You are killing me. I put my head on his shoulder and groaned.

He wraps his arms around me. "What is it?" He whispered. I chuckled and hugged his waist. I should probably keep my mouth shut. I don't want him to run or think I'm full of shit. My heart hurts though and these feelings are so strong. "I just don't want to push you to far is all. I want you but I don't want to scare you away." I mumble into his chest. He freezes at first but then rubs my back. "The kiss was fine. Actually better than fine." He laughs a bit. "I want you too... I just feel so vulnerable around you. And I'm still not sure exactly why am scared." His voice becomes a whisper. I just hugged him tighter. Neither of us willing to move. I bet there were other curious students watching but I don't care. He's just so warm.

"You're off today right?" I ask. "Yea I am." He mumbles into my hair. "Why don't I take you somewhere?" I murmur and then pull back to look at him. He gives a small smile and nods. "Okay." He responds. We throw our stuff in the backseat and climb in the car. As we're driving he starts asking where we are going. "It's a surprise." I say, ruffling his hair. I stop at a chicken place. "You're taking me to get take out." He says, annoyed. I laugh and say nothing. I climb out to go grab some food.

Once I have our take out, I start driving again. We then stop at grocery store. "Now you're shopping? I thought you were gonna take me somewhere not take me with you while you run errands." He says, grumpily. I smile widely at him and then run in the store. Once I have what I need I throw the bags in the back and climb in. We're driving again and I'm so excited I'm speeding. An annoyed Jin was too grumpy to even notice at first that we were driving to the outskirts of town. We are now driving on a completely deserted road with just woods around us. "Uh Namjoon are you planning to kill me in these woods and then eat chicken off my body?" Jin questions, laughing. I join in but shake my head.

We arrive at dead end of a road and I pull to the side and park. I climb out of my side and open his door for him. He gives me a questioning look but climbs out anyway. I grab everything from the back with one hand and hold his hand with the other. We lead him to a path and he follows although he seems very unsure. He groans when the path starts to get steep. I chuckle and rub circles on his hand. The trees soon start to clear and now we are in the clearing. It's on the top of the hill with one of the greatest views of the city. I look over at Jin's amazed face while his eyes scan everything he's seeing.

"This is my favorite place to go." I say, quietly. He turns his head to me and smiles widely. "Thank you for bringing me here." He says, excited. I laugh at his adorableness. "Why don't you go look at the scenery for a bit. Don't turn around until I say you can, Okay?" I say, smiling. "Oh okay." He says and goes off to look at the view. As I prepare everything, I watch him. He walks back and forth, turning his head to take in the view in front of him. Every once in a while he even lets out a "wow". The suns starting to go down so the sky is starting to turn a nice orange pink. He makes the view so much better. He looks angelic standing in front of this background. I chuckle to myself.

Okay I'm finished. Everything looks perfect.

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist. "Okay, it's ready." I say and he giggles surprised. He turns around and so many emotions cross his face. Shock, happiness, sadness, confusion and a whole lot more.

"NAMJOON-AH?" He exclaims, looking at me shocked but smiling. I just laugh at him.

Do you understand yet? Do you get it yet?

I don't just want your body. I don't just want your company. I don't just want to be your friend.

I want you. I want all of you. I've fallen for you.

And you've fallen for me.

Cute Things: A Namjin story <3 Where stories live. Discover now