Part 7: I Know

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~Seokjin POV~

I can't even believe we are actually friends. He really wants to be my friend? I wonder if he's mentally stable. It's weird to walk to school, hangout with him there, and then walk home with him. The girls at school love him and he treats them all so nicely. He's such a good guy.

"Oh my god. Namjoon, I can't believe you!" A familiar short girl with big brown eyes runs up to us. A skinny tan boy being dragged behind her.

"Oh hey, Yuki." He says, smiling. "Don't hey me! Why are you hanging out with him?" She points to me.

Oh this is THAT one girl that brought Namjoon and I together. Would it be insensitive to thank her?

"Oh so it's this guy?" The boy asks, narrowing his eyes at me. "Well, obviously if you moved on" I gestured to the boy behind her, "then you'll be just fine." I say, trying to be nice. She rolls her eyes at me. "Idiot he's not for me, he's for Namjoon. And you're such a-" Namjoon cut her off. "Look Yuri, Jin and I have talked and there's a lot you don't know, okay? I know what he did was a dick move but he's actually sorry about it." Namjoon says, his dimples showing. Why are you defending me?

I look to at his face for answers but he just turns and smiles wider. He then turns back to the two. "Also what do you mean that he's for me?" Namjoon asks. The boy is suddenly occupied with his hands. "Well, this is Hoseok. He's my best friend and a literal ray of sunshine. I thought maybe I could set you two up or something, seeing how you like adorable guys." She says, her eyes flicking to me and then back to him. Why do I feel so jealous? I mean I know we're just friends but Namjoon is my only real friend.

I scoot myself closer to him and grab his hand. I can tell he's pretending not to notice my actions but he doesn't let go of my hand. "Unless you two are an item or something?" She says, disgust clear in her voice. "No, we're not dating but I'm sorry. I don't even date in general, I'm afraid. Although I would have no problem getting to know you Hoseok." He says, showing his dimples to the boy. Hoseok looks at him like he's crazy for a second. "I don't hook up." He says, looking a bit disgusted. Namjoon gasps, taken aback. "I didn't mean it like that!" He practically squeals, face red. OMG THIS IS TOO FUNNY!

I start laughing like a squeaky door. I'm laughing so hard there are tears in my eyes. I start slapping Namjoon's arm and at this point he's laughing a bit too. "He thought YOU wanted to hook up." I say in-between laughs. Once I'm done, I wipe the tears in my eyes. "Is there something I'm missing here?" Yuki says, looking back and forth between us. "No, not really. Anyway, I actually just meant we can become friends." Namjoon says. "With benefits." I whisper. "Jin!" Namjoon says, hitting my arm and laughing.

"Okay, I know the pink haired guy's a dick but Yuki they'd be cute together." Hoseok says, smiling at us. "No! Namjoon's too nice." She yells back at him. Namjoon and I are just standing there feeling a bit awkward now. "Uh, thanks I guess but we don't have a lot in common." I say, seriously. The boy smiles wider and shrugs. "Opposites attract." He says. I'd be lying if I say his words didn't stick in my head the rest of the day.

Namjoon, I know you said you won't give me anything like that but at this point I almost feel like I need it. I don't want to hurt you. Please don't think I am.

I know that'd be wrong and it would hurt me too.

Cute Things: A Namjin story <3 Where stories live. Discover now