Part 6: I'm Sorry

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~Namjoon POV~

Seokjin moved in. I'm so happy that he did now I'll actually have a roommate that likes to acknowledge my presence.

It was a completely typical Friday morning and I was getting ready for school until smelt something delicious. After I got dressed I walked out into the kitchen. Jin was cooking breakfast! "Oh wow, you cook?" I ask, excited. He turns around and smiles. "Yeah, I figured you couldn't since you order out a lot." He says, laughing a little. He ushers me to sit down and then places blueberry pancakes on my plate. "Thanks Hyung." I say and dig in. It's so fucking good.

"Geez, don't have an orgasm." Jin says, sitting across from me to eat. "I'm sorry, it's just really good." I say, laughing. He smiles. "By the way, Namjoon who is Jungkook?" I feel myself freeze and my smile drops. That dull ache in my chest appears just by the mention of his name. I look up to meet Jin's eyes. "Oh sorry, it's just when I passed your room. You were saying that name in your sleep. I'm sorry, I'll shut up." He says, concerned by my expression. I sigh. "No it's okay. Jungkook was the one who broke my heart." I say, sadly shoving pancake in my mouth.

"Oh, Do mind if I ask how?" Jin's voice soft. "Well, he's almost three years younger than me and it worried him dating an older guy. I don't think he was ready for a serious relationship and he worried he couldn't give me what I wanted." I say, looking down. "Well, that's kind of understandable, I mean that's how I felt with Yoongi even though I'm the older one. I, however, didn't have the courage to say no or to break up." Jin says. I laugh. "You don't get it. I didn't want anything like that. I just wanted to have him by me. I just wanted his heart and his cuddles. Even when I told him that he didn't believe me or said 'I'd be ready for those things soon'." I say, laughing but it hurts. That dull ache isn't going away.

"Well you're practically two years younger than me. You're saying you don't need sex in a 'serious' relationship. Did you tell him how many people you have been with? That might have scared him." Jin says, rolling his eyes. He reaches out for his coffee to take a sip. "I highly doubt that considering I'm a virgin." I say. Jin's eyes go wide and he chokes on his coffee. "Plus no, not every 'serious' relationship requires sex." I say, as I pat his back. "Wait, wait back that the fuck up. You are a virgin?" He exclaims. "Uh yeah, that's what I said." I smile at him. "There's no way." I laugh. "Uh yeah it's called staying single." I say, cracking a smile. He's so cute when he's flustered.

"But you're so..." He trails off. "I'm so what?" I ask. "Nothing, you just shouldn't have let me move in." He says, smirking. "Why?" I ask. "It's almost like you are challenging me. You're good looking, an absolute sweetheart, smart, caring and now you're a virgin too? This is almost like a fairytale." He says, laughing at my blush. "Oh well, thanks I guess. I told you before but I'll say it again. I'm not easy and I'm not like that. If you're expecting that then you're at the wrong house." I say, warning him again. I'm not trying to be an ass. I just don't want to hurt his feelings. He's pretty and all but I'm not going to give myself away like that.

"Then what should I expect?" He whines, looking annoyed. "I have no issue cuddling or snuggling. You could even sleep next to me if you'd like to." I say, seriously. "I don't cuddle. And I've never actually 'slept' next to someone." He answers. "Well then, I guess you're out of luck." I laugh. He growls and glares at me. I go to take a sip of my tea. "Have you at least had or given a blow job?" He asks. I choke. "God, Jin! Is sex like the only thing on your mind?" I say. "So, that's a no then." I narrow my eyes. "Yes, that is indeed a no." "What about a handy?" "No." "Maybe groped or have been groped?" "No." "A makeout session?" "Nope." "Omg, what have you done?" He asks, exasperated. Why does this bother him so much?

"I've kissed before." I shrug. "That's it?" He asks, disbelief clear as day on his face. "Yeah, pretty much the only thing I've really done with others." I say. "With others? So you jack off then?" He asks, serious. "How can you ask these questions? And yeah if you're dying to know." I laugh. "It's just so hard to believe. You look like someone who'd get mad pus-" I cut him off. "Ew, Jin stop. You don't seem like the type to be so sexual. It's not that I don't want to. I just don't want to fuck someone. I want to make love to them." I answer. His eyes go wide for a second and then he laughs. I must have look hurt because he quickly apologizes.

"I'm sorry it's just you are so cute, it's hard to believe someone like you actually exists. You may be innocent but you aren't even naïve which is good especially around people like me." He says, looking sincere and then his expression changes. "Although if I really wanted to, I bet I could get you in bed with me. I just don't think I can ruin you though. You're too perfect." He says, resting his head on his hand. "Is that supposed to be a compliment?" I ask with a laugh. "You jerk, it is." He laughs back.



"If I ever hurt you, even on accident please don't change and don't you dare forgive me. You're too nice like that. Just let me go and know that I'm truly deeply sorry."

"I won't give up on you Jin Hyung. I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Cute Things: A Namjin story <3 Where stories live. Discover now