Part 14: Do You Miss Him?

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~Namjoon POV~ A/N: I'm not sorry. Just letting you know. ;)

Is this really Seokjin? He's being social with people who aren't me.

Maybe I'm just a bit jelly?

Nah, Jinnie's probably feeling a little sick.

"EARTH TO NAMJOON!" Jin yells, grabbing my face. I feel my eyes widen as I come out of my daze. We're in a little café with Yuri and , skipping classes by drinking caramel macchiatos. Such rebels. "Huh?" I respond, to busy admiring his face inches from mine. Jin narrows his eyes, shaking his head while a small smile creeps up his face. "You heard nothing, right?" He says, looking almost apologetic at our other two friends. "Basically we were talking about Hoseok's lover boy when you so nicely decided to space out on us." He rolls his eyes at me. "Ha oh sorry." I answer with a sheepish smile. "What's your boyfriend's name?" I ask Hoseok, my eyebrow arched.

He looks like a deer in headlights as his grip on his coffee tightens. "Well he isn't mine..." He trails off. "I can tell you the whole story of you want to hear it?" He says, large brown eyes searching our faces. "Well of course." Yuri says and I nod in agreement. Jin just leans in ready for the details of Hoseok's unrequited love. "So I was around 6 years old when we finally got neighbors. My mother went to great them and find out they had a son my age. My mom decides to set up a sleepover for us." He says smiling fondly. How cute... he must really like him. "When I first met him, I thought he was a bit strange. During our sleepover there was a thunderstorm and I was trying to act like I wasn't scared. I was doing fine until the lights went out which included my Scooby Doo night light." He pauses, Jin gasps while holding my hand tighter.

     "I started crying and hid under my blankets, praying he wouldn't hear me. All of a sudden a light went on. I could see it from under the blanket. I pulled it off to see he had a flashlight in his hand. He smiled at me and pulled me under the cover, lighting up the space with his light." He says, a heart shaped smile blossoming on his face. "After that we were inseparable. He would always help me sleep during thunderstorms. We would go to school together, hangout in the halls, eat lunch together, and walk home. We'd always be at one of our houses snuggled up together and laughing over stupid shit. I always thought we were just close friends and never realized that our relationship was a little too close. When we were 10, his father got a new job and he had to move again."  His face falls, a old sadness troubling his eyes.

    "Before he left... I told him I loved him. I don't think he really understood though. Honestly I don't think I understood it then either." He says as a pout forms on his face. "WELL HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO HELP IF HE MOVED AWAY!" Jin practically yells and we receive a few unfriendly glares. Hobi surprisingly laughs at his response. "He moved back this year and even goes to our school." Once again his face is lit up like Christmas Tree. Jin slouches back in his seat and a confused expression crosses his face. "Okay so then what's the problem?" He asks. Baby you're so cute. "Well actually there's a few problems." He says, struggling to keep his smile in place.

"One, he seems to either not remember me or is purposely ignoring me. Two, I'm too shy to say anything. And three, he has... a boyfriend." His smile gone and his eyes distracted by the coffee. That's such a shitty feeling. Omg I hope he doesn't start crying. "Oh well those are easy fixes." Jin scoffs, a mischievous smirk across his face. I love it when you're like this... "First of all, what's the lucky boy's name?" He asks, his smirk growing. "Taehyung. Kim Taehyung." Hoseok responds, a small blush on his cheeks. "OMO I KNOW HIM!" Yuri yells. "He's so hot! I didn't know he was gay. Is that younger boy he's always with his boyfriend?" She asks a red Hobi. He just nods as a pout forms on his lips. "Do you know the boyfriends name?" I ask. He shakes his head 'no'.
     "Well we could always have Taehyung and you bump into each other? Namjoon or even I can seduce the boyfriend." Jin says, shrugging his shoulders. "WHAT?!" I yell, appalled. I'm only like that with you baby! Jin rolls his eyes at my outburst. "I'll just distract him then. Do you know any social media where we could see a picture of this 'Taehyung'?" Hoseok nods and quickly brings up the boy's insta.

   "Had so much fun with my baby boy tonight

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   "Had so much fun with my baby boy tonight. Winky face." Jin reads the caption with a disgusted frown. He gives Hoseok a questioning look. "I'm sorry but your Tae sounds and looks like a fuckboy." Jin shrugs going through Taehyung's instagram. "He is not! He's just like that with other people, especially his current boyfriend." He says, looking defensive. "Well of course he wouldn't say these things when he was like 10. People change. I'm sorry if I sound judge mental Hobi." Jin says with a small pout. Hoseok is taken aback at the nickname. Jin never called him that. I'm a wee bit jelly. Jin smiles at Hobi's speechlessness and places his hand over his. "I promise I'll try to help but I can't control people. Taehyung is obviously experienced and I'm sure you are more innocent. I don't want him taking advantage of you." He smiles genuinely at him. Hoseok just remains speechless as a small smile grows on his face.Wow when did I become the jelly one?

      I take the phone out of Jin's hand and start scrolling. "Maybe I can find the boyfriend that way we can size up the competition." I say, reading dirty captions to find his bfs name. "Well I don't want to be a home wrecker..." Hoseok's smile fades. "Honey you met him first." Jin says sweetly causing Hobi's smile to come back. Ugh you're supposed to make only me smile. Oh I found it! "Oh guys I found his boyfriend's insta!" I yell, excited. The picture loads and I feel my heart drop to my stomach. No, no this... can't be real... omg...



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It's Jungkook...

"Oh he's cute but I think Hobi can win Taehyung over. Don't you think?" Jin asks me. I swallow hard. I can't believe this. "Yeah." I agree, trying to keep my voice steady.

He's dating a fuckboy?
Didn't he want someone his age?
He said he was worried about that stuff?

"Would you be okay distracting him Namjoon-ah?" Jin asks.

   What did I do wrong? I gave him everything he asked for. Did he use me? Why the hell do I even care? Does he miss me?

Don't you dare Namjoon...

"Yes I think I can." My mouth says before my head has time to think about it.
"Good! Then I'll help Hobi with Tae." He says, smiling.

Do I... miss him?

Cute Things: A Namjin story <3 Where stories live. Discover now