Part 21: This Is The End.

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A/N: Okay so this is really the end of the story guys. I'm so happy for everyone who read it and loved it. I'm sorry if you don't like the way it ends but not everything is a fairytale ending my friends. It truly means a lot to me that you even decided to read this book. Thank you so very much.

~ Namjoon POV~ Warning! Smut ahead!

That's the last of it.

Did donating and selling all that really do anything for you?

Yes, I don't need these cute things to feel complete anymore.

Then why'd you keep the rabbit?

Well because I can't take him back. That's just cruel. Plus I deserve at least one thing to remind me of old self right?

No, not really. You deserve nothing.

Gee... Thanks....

I unpack the last box of mine, containing my rather causal clothes. I've moved again, selling my mother's house. I was just unable to stay there any longer. I was tired of holding onto the past. Just because it was my mother's dream to live with her lover there does not mean it has to be mine. My father was surprised when I told him but he seemed proud in some way. He sounded like he was choking up when he told me that I've matured. We speak everyday now. I don't have any guilt or regrets about what happened because it honestly opened my eyes up a lot. I mean I miss Jin a lot. I always catch myself thinking about him. Except now when I think about him I don't cry or feel empty, I just smile.

"Aish you done unpacking yet? You take like five years, I swear!" Jimin whines, bursting into my room without an invitation. Yes we moved in together. Jimin needed to switch schools because of bullying and I also felt like I couldn't stay there either. We decided to move in together because neither of us were able to just have an apartment to ourselves. Although I finished the year out while Jimin had to immediately transfer. I tried my best to protect him but people are bored and evil. Even Hobi seemed to have felt bad. We're all still friends but it's just not the same anymore. I feel like they've gotten closer with the other group who refuses to speak with us. "Fine, I'm done." I say, rolling my eyes at him. "Good cause I need a cuddle!" He yells as he prances down the hall into the living room. He's probably trying to watch scary movies again.

"Are you sure you need just a cuddle?" I tease, following him. He gives me a look and pats the seat next to him. "Just get over here and watch the damn movie." He sasses. I laugh at him, sitting down to pull him into my lap. "I love it when you talk like that Jimmine." I mumble and I can feel his blush from behind him. Like I predicted he wanted to watch a scary movie. Also like I predicted he was scared out of his mind. He'd jump every time and nestle more into my body. After it was over, I suggested we watch a comedy so that he isn't unintentionally bouncing on my lap.

Unlike the horror where he couldn't peel his eyes away from the screen, Jimin sat there on his phone. He scrolled through what I assumed was instagram. More specifically he probably was scrolling through Yoongi's. He used to stalk Taehyung's as well but that was before Taehyung was admitted into a hospital and his account was deactivated. He apparently couldn't eat, sleep, or really do anything. It didn't help that people at school tried bothering him too. Being Taehyung though he'd always fight back causing him to get into even more trouble. The only reason he wasn't expelled was because of his mom finally forcing him to get help. She just had no other option. Hobi told me he's been released and now lives with his mother. He also said he's a different person which makes me hopeful that maybe Hobi will get his happily ever after.

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