Part 20: This Is Reality.

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~SeokJin POV~ I'm sorry y'all... but this story is almost up...

It's official we're done...

It's official everyone knows...

It's official I'm heartbroken...

It's been almost two weeks since our all out group fight and our official break up. Yoongi and I took Jungkook to the infirmary. Of course, the nurse there had no other choice then to call his parents no matter how much the boy begged her not to. To his surprise both of his parents were absolutely devastated. He was immediately put into the hospital but was released one week later under certain circumstances. They all now attend a family therapy and he has said that his parents have never been this understanding before. Obviously Taehyung and him have split. Jungkook, Yoongi, and I have actually grown really close to my surprise. Yoongi actually really cares about him as if he's his younger brother or even son. I just can't feel resentment towards him when I know it's not his fault for my failed relationship. After all fairytales aren't true.

"Jin Hyung!" Jungkook squeals when he sees me. Omg why is he so freaking cute? "Hi Kookie." I greet, patting his head. I sit down next to him at our table. After the whole incident our usual group is in an awkward phase. Hoseok and Sometimes Yuri still try to hangout with everyone. Hobi sits our table, mostly because Namjoon doesn't eat in the cafeteria anymore and Yuri goes off to try to find him. Their hope is that we can all still be friends but I know better. He's a broken person who thinks he loves two other broken people. There is no hope for even friendship.

Taehyung usually sits alone and absolutely refuses any help even though Yoongi has tried. Even his mother is trying to get into contact with him. He just seems to be spiraling further down hill. People at school try saying nasty things to him which usually ends up with Taehyung beating the shit out of someone. Jimin has had it the worst out of all of us. He expressed his regrets and admitted how sorry he was. He even told Yoongi that he never deserved him which I could affected Yoongi a lot more than Jimin knew. Jungkook although he accepts his apology, can't even look at him. The only person who really even talks to Jimin is Namjoon and even he can't save Jimin from the assholes at our school. Someone video taped our fight, leaking it online. Someone once even spray painted "whore" on his locker. He had no choice but to transfer. Hobi tried to talk to him about not transferring but after he heard Jimin was being terribly bullied, Hoseok also thought it was best.

"Hyung? Are you okay?" Jungkook asks me. I then realize I've been spacing out and the whole tables eyes are on me. "Oh yeah. I'm fine Kookie." I say with a smile, patting his head. Liar... you know you're not fine. Jungkook smiles back obviously fooled. I glance up at the table, my eyes momentarily meet another pair of skeptical eyes. Quickly, I look away and try even harder to seem like I'm believable. We eat, laugh, and chat about silly things and it's just so hard to pay attention. Thoughts like 'Was it real?' and 'Could everything actually have worked out?'. Suddenly, I hear Namjoon's name in the conversation and I'm snapped back into reality. "It's honestly a shame. He said it had nothing to do with what happened. He just said he discovered himself. Why it requires him to move and switch schools, I have no clue. I think he plans to move in with Chim." Hoseok says to a sad looking Jungkook. "Oh well thanks for keeping me updated..." He replies softly. Once Hobi realizes I'm paying attention, his eyes widen. "Jin you okay?" He says, putting a hand on mine. I scrunch my eyebrows, confused, until I feel tears fall down my cheeks. You are crying...

Embarrassed, I gather my stuff and do what I usually do... I run off. I hear the calls and shuffles behind me but I don't care. I run out of the lunch room and weave through the halls, making a desperate escape into a empty bathroom. I find a spot in the corner and sit, pulling my legs into my chest. I bury my head into my knees, letting the tears just roll. 'I'm never giving up on you Jin. I'm sorry.' His voice runs through my head, making me cry harder. 'I want you to feel loved. I want to give you everything.' My sobs are starting to physically shake my body. I hear the door open but don't care. They'll probably just ignore me anyway. I'm surprised when I hear the sound of the door locking. Footsteps approach me but I don't care enough to look up and see who it is. My heart starts beating fast for some reason and my palms become sweaty. The person stops right in front of me and sighs loudly. Maybe it's him...

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