Part 15: Well? Are You Happy?

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~Jin POV~ Don't hate me...

This is strange. Namjoon changed his mind about it so fast.

He was just against it but now he'll distract the kid?

Our group enters the lunchroom in search of Hobi's first love. We all sit at a table towards the exit so we have a good view of everything. "Okay, so here's the plan." I start. "Hoseok, Yuri, and I will bump into Taehyung while he is away from his boyfriend and start a causal conversation. We'll be there so it looks like a bunch of friends just introducing themselves. Namjoon will distract the boyfriend to give us enough time to bring up who Hobi is. Okay?" I say, searching faces for any sign of confusion. Yuri and Hoseok give me a head nod while Namjoon looks around aimlessly. Namjoon's confusing me. He's hearing me but it's like he's not even here mentally. I sigh and search around for our targets.

"Oh I found them!" Yuri yells, pointing over to two tall brunettes a few tables over. They are siting by themselves across from each other. Neither of them look ecstatic to be there. Taehyung keeps looking up between mouthfuls of food and saying some words I can't hear. Are they fighting? That's even better! "We just have to wait for an opening." I say, watching them like a hawk. Taehyung stops shoving food in his mouth and glares at the boy across from him. He yells some words, loud enough that I can hear his deep voice. The boy across yells back and roughly grabs his bag. He gets up and stalks off, leaving the other with an annoyed but sad expression. "Okay Nam-" Before I even finish, he gets up and walks after the boyfriend. That's weird... Why is he acting so funny?

"Let's go Jin!" Yuri, pulls my arm and all of us are walking in Taehyung's direction. "Wait how are we going to talk to him!?" Hoseok asks, flustered. Oh shit how? Lost in my thoughts I manage to trip over my own foot. I go to the ground bringing the other two with me. "Ow fuck!" I cry, holding my soon to be bruised knee but stand up. Yuri squeals a little but stands back up, unharmed. I look over at Hoseok and almost faint. He face planted into a table. He sits back on his bum, holding his left eye while his busted lip drips blood. "I'M SO SORRY!" I scream loud, hoisting up the poor child to his feet. "Let me see!" I squeal, pulling his hand from his eye. It's a bit red around the edges and a purplish bruise is starting form under it. I start blabbering apologizes and he tries to diffuse me. I thought Namjoon was the klutz...

Suddenly Hoseok's eyes go wide and look past my shoulder. "Ah are you okay? I saw you fall." A deep voice rings out. I whip my head around to come face to face with Taehyung. It was his table huh? Hoseok is too stunned at first to reply and I have to give him a little nudge towards his childhood friend. "Oh yeah.. I'm good." He stammers. "Are you sure? Oh your lip is bleeding!" Taehyung squeaks and he hurriedly grabs a napkin. He pulls Hobi by his arm and starts dabbing at his lip. If Hobi's eyes get any bigger they'll pop out of his head. "There all better!" Taehyung says with a boxy smile. Hoseok seems as though he can't help but smile back a heart shaped one. Omggggg! Yuri and I are giving each other looks and internally fangirling. They both lock eyes and a sudden realization seems to have dawned on Tae. His eyes widen and mouth drops. "H... Hobi Hyung?" Taehyung asks. Hoseok smiles wider. "Tae?" He asks back. Ohhh myyy goshhh. He just didn't notice him... Taehyung's eyes are suddenly pooling tears and he flings himself into Hoseok, giving him a tight hug.

He pulls back from a surprised Hobi with tears streaming down his face. "I can't believe I didn't... recognize you... I've missed you so bad, Hyung." He cries, wiping his face. "Tae... I've missed you too." Hobi says, his voice cracking. They hug again and laugh at their crying faces. "How have you been Hyung? How's your parents? Are you dating?" Tae just starts attacking him with questions. Hoseok laughs at him. "Woah woah. I've been okay. My parents actually are okay. They got a divorce though but it didn't end too badly. And no I'm not dating." He laughs, turning a bit pink. "Awe I'm sorry about your parents." He says sincerely. Taehyung then cocks an eyebrow. "You're not dating? Then whose that?" He teases, pointing to Yuri. "Oh that's my best friend Yuri. Plus I don't like gir-" Hoseok cuts himself off and his eyes widen. Taehyung breaks out into a smirk. "Oh so then is that your boyfriend?" He jokes, pointing to me. Now we all start laughing. "Uh no I'm taken by someone else." I laugh. "I'm Seokjin." I say, smiling at him. Realization seems to dawn on his face... again.

"Ohhhh I know you! You're the school's prince! I heard you got tamed." Tae exclaims. "I also heard you are fuckboy so I'm a bit happy Hobi Hyung isn't with you." He says, looking disapproving. "Look who's talking!" I huff, crossing my arms. He laughs and shrugs, not even trying to defend himself. You know you a hoe! "After hearing stories about you, I just can't believe someone could even tame you. Who are you dating?" He asks, suddenly curious. "Kim, Namjoon." I say proudly with a smile plastered across my face. His face drops and he looks at me like I'm an alien. "Namjoon..." He says, his mouth falling open slightly. "Yeah, you know. Tall as hell, colored hair, dimples, and adorable." I say, confused by his expression. Suddenly his jaw clenches and his hands form fists. "Yeah, I know Namjoon." He scoffs. I wasn't prepared for his next words nor my next actions at all.

"You're dating that giant child virgin? Wow, talk about a downgrade... You would have been better off just staying a fuckboy. You won't get anything from that-" Before he can even finish his sentence my hand collides with his cheek. "You better shut the fuck up about my Namjoon. Considering he's helping you and Hoseok rekindle your friendship, you should be grateful." I growl, at the surprised boy holding his red cheek. "Wha... What do you mean?" He asks, confused. "We planned you and Hobi to meet today but we needed you two alone first. So Namjoon's with your boyfriend." I say, giving him a cold glare. His eyes get so big, I thought they'd pop out. "YOU LEFT HIM WITH JUNGKOOK?!" He screams. I feel my heart drop to my stomach at that name. "He's... Jungkook..." I say, feeling my mouth fall open. Is that why Namjoon's been acting this way? Why? no no no...

Without another word, I'm running off looking for them. Where is he? I can't find them anywhere in the lunchroom and I hear footsteps as well as my name being called by the others behind me. I run out of the lunchroom and look around the surrounding hallway. "Jin wait!" I hear Hobi yell behind me. My eyes catch the bathroom sign and I ran towards it. I fling open the door and step into the lightly lit room. As soon as I enter I wish I hadn't. I found him. I found Namjoon. Namjoon's arms are tightly wound around a smaller boy who I now know is Jungkook. They both pull away and smile at each other with tear streaked faces. I can feel my heart breaking... What does this mean...? They haven't even noticed my presence.

Suddenly the door bangs open again and in rush a Taehyung and Hoseok. Namjoon and Jungkook finally notice me. "What the fuck is this?!?" Taehyung growls. "It's not what it looks like Tae." Jungkook says, holding his hands up. "Oh really cause it looks like you two got real close again!" Tae yells back, his face turning red. "Why are we always fighting?! Why don't you believe me?! Maybe I should go back to Namjoon!!! At least he treats me better!" He yells, more tears escaping. "Jin." Namjoon starts, walking towards me with his hands extended. I back away from him and shake my head, tears pricking my eyes. You... I trusted you... "We aren't getting back together. We were just talking. Jin please." He pleads, tears in his eyes too.

I gave you everything you asked for. I didn't hide. I didn't run. I told you everything. I opened up and let you in. You hid this from me. You lied to me. You're worse than Yoongi. You're just like me. I've played by my own game.

I feel the anger build and I hold back the tears in my eyes. I clench my jaw and my fists, trying not to flip the fuck out on anyone. I need answers. I look up at Namjoon and can tell he's surprised by my expression. "You were against distracting him. Did you know it was Jungkook then?" I ask, trying hard to keep my voice calm and steady. His eyes just widen and mouth falls a bit, seeming unsure of how to answer. I want answers! "DID YOU KNOW?!" I scream, unable to contain myself anymore. He flinches at my yelling and his tears fall as he looks at me ashamed. "You... knew?" I say, feeling the hurt on my face. "I did... I just... I didn't know how to tell you... I" He starts, stammering. Didn't know how? Of course, how do you tell your current boyfriend you want to meet up with your ex?

The anger builds up again and before I knew it my hand collided with his face. A loud smack echoed through the small bathroom. Namjoon holds his cheek, stunned, as more tears escape his wide eyes. Oh fuck... I back up, feeling the stinging of my palm and hot tears streaming down my cheeks. "I'm... I'm... sorry.." I mumble out through the pain radiating from my chest. Everyone's in shock and staring at me. Even Yuri entered the bathroom with a horrified expression on her face. Hobi goes to reach for me with a sympathetic look painted on his face. I must look broken. I must look insane. I must look pitiful. I can't do this.

I turn around and do what I do best. I run, ignoring everyone's pleads and calls.

Are you happy? You've won.

You've made me fall in love only to hurt me...

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