Part 19: Please Say Something.

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~Namjoon POV~ He'd feeling real fucked up right nah guys. And shit goes down in this chapter. Like it's chaos.

Two and a half weeks...

It's been seventeen days...

That's over four hundred hours...

Without Jin beside me...

Ever since our fight, Jin and I have not spoken. I tried texting him or calling him the first few days but there was no answer. He's been staying with Yoongi and I don't understand why. I don't think we've broken up. I don't know what we are right now. All I know is how dead I feel inside. All I know is I've made a horrible mistake doubting my love for him. How absolutely numb I feel must mean something right? I might have loved Kookie once but I'm hopelessly in love with Jin. I just have to be, right? Why didn't I just tell him? It would have been easier on everyone else if I did.

"Namjoon!" Taehyung yells, pulling me out of my thoughts. "I've been trying to speak with you for like two minutes now." He growls. That's when I realize everyone at our lunch table's eyes are on me. "What?" I ask, disinterested. He makes a face at my attitude. A face I'd like to punch. We've talked out our differences but we still don't like each other. It was weird actually. Suddenly Taehyung agreed to let Jungkook and I be friends a day after the fight. Hoseok told me Jin said something to him. So Jungkook, Taehyung, and their friend Jimin joined our table. He's nice but now I get what Jungkook means about Taehyung being interested in him. He's always joking, flirting, and all over this kid. The odd thing is this smol blondish boy always stiffens or acts awkward when Jin is brought up. "Never mind then. No wonder Jin still hasn't talked to you yet, grouchy." Taehyung says, scrunching his nose in distaste. Ouch...

Pissed off I get up, about to leave before Yuri pleads me to stay like always then I see them. I see Jin. My Jin walking with a smile plastered across his features. He's looking down at another smaller boy with black hair. Yoongi?... What is he doing at school??? ... What is happening? Just then Jin's eyes meet mine and his smile drops instantly as hurt surfaces on his lovely face. Yoongi looks up with alarm and then his eyes rest on me. He grabs Jin's arm and tugs him away in the opposite direction of our table. "Oh Namjoon-" Hoseok starts, reaching to grab me but he's too late. I already started off in their direction, hearing scurrying feet and movements behind me as my friends call my name. With my long legs and fast walking pace, I'm already a good bit behind them. I don't think they have a clue I'm following until Jin glanced back and saw me.

His eyes widen as if panicked and started mumbling things to Yoongi I couldn't make out as their pace quickened. Soon we were outside near the gazeebo. Yoongi stopped in his tracks, holding onto Jin to keep him from continuing. I stopped a bit away from them, clenching my fists at my sides. Slowly Yoongi turns around and meets my eyes with his narrowed ones. "What. Is. This?" I ask through gritted teeth, gesturing to the scene before me. "Why are you here?" I ask, letting attitude soak my voice. He cracks a smirk. "That's really none of business. Am I not allowed to go to school where I please?" He asks, his hand still holding onto Jin's arm. The others finally caught up and most of them let out a few gasps when they realize why I reacted the way I did.

"No Yoongi, you can't come here. Are you the reason he isn't talking to me? You realize that's my boyfriend you're holding onto right?" I say, feeling like socking him in his smug little face. He raises his eyebrows and a amused smile crosses his face. "You think it's my fault he doesn't want to talk to you? Namjoon you have to be kidding right now. Jin may be your boyfriend or whatever but I'm the one who's taking care of him. A thank you would be nice." Yoongi says, his amusement disappearing and annoyance taking it's place. His stance in front of Jin becomes a bit more protective and he steps closer to me, looking ready to throw a punch. "Yoongi..." Jin says, quietly pulling him back. Yoongi just sighs and nods his head. This is the first time I've heard your voice in a while but you say someone else's name...

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