Chapter 1

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It was just a normal Monday morning where Yume had to do her workout outside of her dorm and Koharu was asleep,Koharu did not knew that Yume went out of the dorm to workout.

"Aikatsu!Aikatsu!Aikatsu!"Yume shouted to keep herself motivated.

While Yume was running someone was beside her also working out but she did not cared about who was beside her,she just want to work out for her stamina.

"Hey Tomato!"Subaru teased while he ran beside Yume.

"Hey didn't I told you to stop calling me that!?"Yume questioned and shouted as she was annoyed with it.

"I was just joking around Yume-chan,"Subaru said and stopped joking around while he blushed.

Yume and Subaru stopped for a while and rest on the bench near them.

"Hey Subaru did you blush!?"Yume questioned while she muffled her mouth.

"Uhh what makes you think of that?"Subaru questioned while he listened to Yume singing 'Start Line' while he downloaded and by using his earpiece.

"Nothing cause I saw blushed like Hime-senpai don't you?!"Yume answered and questioned as she gasp in shock and jumped.

"No I don't!"Subaru shouted and answered honestly.

"Hime likes another boy not me,but I like another girl and I can't tell you,"Sabaru explained.

"Let's continue jogging Sabaru before my class starts and you can keep your mind relaxed,"Yume said as she stood up and did not scold Subaru.

Both of them continued jogging as the sun rises,Yume looked at her Aikatsu Mobile and it was 11am she had 2 more hours before class starts.She continued jogging as it was 1pm,both Yume and Subaru said goodbye but Subaru hugged Yume unexpectedly,without knowing Ako was behind a tree where they first met and where Subaru hugged Yume unexpectedly.Ako was really jealous and she was fumming so badly,she felt like Subaru was purposely did that to make her jealous but actually not.

After Yume had returned to her dorm and changed her outfit,she went to Song Class while Ako went to Theater
Class to learn.After their half of their lessons were finished and it was lunch for the Aikatsu girls,while Yume was choosing their food Ako was beside her she purposely spilled Yume's drink on her uniform.

"Hey what was that for Ako-chan?!"Yume shouted and gather everyones attention.

Subaru was about to get his food at the cafeteria as he was at the S4 academy to help out,he also heard Yume's shout and went rushing in the cafeteria.

The fight continues....

"Well I wouldn't be doing that if you and Subaru weren't together!"Ako shouted with Subaru looking at het jealous attitude.

"What is going on in here Ako?"Subaru questioned her while he climbed down the flights of stairs.

As he was coming towards Yume and Ako,Ako was blushing till it was obvious to Subaru that she liked him.

"Ako stop being jealous towards Yume she didn't do anything to you that will affect you now go to the principal's office imediately!"Subaru scolded Ako for her wrong doing and Ako went crying as she ran to the principal's office.

Yume was shocked with Subaru he was trying to protect her or was it something else that she did not knew....

After all that happened Hime-senpai came in and saw Subaru in the cafeteria,Hime find it strange for Subaru to be in the Four Star Academy while he was the top idol in a group called M4.

"Su-Subaru?"Hime questioned while she was behind Subaru.

"Yeah,"Subaru answered.

"W-what are you doing here?"Hime questioned Subaru as she was confused what was going on.

"You forgot didn't you well why don't we go outside Hime?"Subaru suggested so that the student won't disturb them.

Yume saw what happened as she was actually seated after the incident,while Ako-chan was in the principal's office.

Meanwhile in the Principal's office...

"What brings you here my dear student?"Morohoshi questioned Ako as he was facing the glass panels.

"Su-Subaru-senpai told me to come her because I was jealous of Yume,and I fought with her without her doing anything to me,"Ako explained as she hung her head.

"I see...well your not punished or anything my student you may leave,"Morohoshi let Ako off the hook.

Ako thanked Principal Morohoshi and left the office by slamming the door hard...* bam *

"Nijino Yume....,"Morohoshi said in a deep voice while he corrected his spectacles position.

After that happen Ako went to her class while Yume was with her class at the field...

"Aikatsu,Aikatsu,Aikatsu!"Yume shouted and panted when she ran.

While they practiced Subaru came by to see the students of Four Star Academy with Yozara giving him a tour.

"Good Afternoon girls!"Subaru shouted really loud beside Yozara.

All the girls stopped their training and start to run towards Subaru,but Anna-sensei stopped them from doing so except for Yume.As she kept looking at Subaru her cheeks start to heat up,Yume was loss in her thoughts and did not knew what was going on....until Subaru said audition...Yume stood up and shouted that she will audition that the winner will perform with Subaru.

Subaru was actually surprised that Yume wanted to audition,after those times where he teased her.

"Ok I'll register you in Nijino,"Subaru replied after she shouted...

Authors words...

Ok I know it is confusing but I'm going to try my best to do a better story and add Ichigo,Aoi and Ran in the story one day😊

In the mean time...


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