Chapter 6

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As they were helping Yume 2 days before the big concert,Subaru went to see a bracelet that had a pink heart shape as an emulet at a jewelry shop..he decided on their first date(in the chapters that are going to come)he will give the bracelet to Yume as a 'thank you for accepting my love gift'..suddenly Morohoshi saw Subaru window shopping..

"Subaru Yukī I see that you are in love with Nijino Yume...,"Morohoshi whispered to himself and decided to head back to the academy.

Then as Subaru was looking at the bracelet that was on display,Yume saw Subaru and went running to him.

"Subaru Yukī!"Yume shouted as she waved and ran towards him.


Yume fell over Subaru almost kissed him,everyone in the town did not seem to care so Yume gotten up as well as helping Subaru...

Subaru and Yume kept blushing as they held hands even though Yume was just helping Subaru..

"Eh!?Yume-chan you are blushing!"Subaru shouted as he was shocked.

"What heheh nothing really,look you are blushing too!"Yume pointed out as she pointed her index finger to Subaru's cheeks.

"Ok we need to stop this and look we are(looks at his watch)...20 MINUTES LATE OMG YUME-CHAN WE HAVE TO RUSH BACK TO THE ACADEMY!"Subaru shouted as he gripped Yume's hands and ran back to the academy.

As they were rushing Subaru called a limo to get back to the school,it was quite a long way back....before they knew it..there was traffic at the highway for them to get back to the academy.

Suddenly as they were in the limo..both Yume and Subaru's phone rang..Yume was called by Rola and Subaru was called by Asahi...they were already at the school as they were done but...Yume and Subaru was dilly dallying with their lives even though the purpose was supposed to be helping Yume to get a crowd to fill the concert hall..

Subaru was soo impatient that he took Yume to the train he grabbed her hands tightly and Yume was shocked by his sudden actions,she also blushed when Subaru ran with all his might to go back to the academy with her.As they were in the train Yume and Subaru sat together...Yume was on her phone listening to M4 music(for the first time)while Subaru was staring at Yume's cute and pretty face,as Subaru stared at her he saw his face on Yume's home picture with a heart shape themed backround...

Subaru's p.o.v

Omg..does she like me*squee*wait is it true or was it just a deco??omg why would Yume like you Subaru.You are just a plain old boy who plays in the most popular unit and the leader of that band.While she is like a legend...I guess that is what Morohoshi said...I also wonder why is Morohoshi angry with her the last time Ako-chan was searching for her...that is what she texted me about....I have to find out soon,so that Morohoshi will not stop me from getting Yume.

"Hey Subaru we are here,"Yume whipered to me to wake me up from my nap on the train

"Oh really?c'mon let's go!"I replied and I gripped her hands and ran back to the academy all sweaty.(both Yume and Subaru)

Everybody were shocked how sweaty were,Yume and Subaru looked like they were playing in the rain.

"Hey Sub why you and Yume are all sweaty?"Rola questioned as she put her hands on her hips.

"Errr....."Yume were at lost what to reply.

"Long story,short I took a limo but there was traffic then we took the train and ran here,"Subaru replied to Rola.

~Time Skip~

End of Subaru p.o.v

Yume was worried if she could not accomplish the challenge that Morohoshi gave to her,so the time had started.Yume had to perform with all seats full in the concert hall,everybody was backstage to wait for Yume to go on to perform.Rola was not around as she was waiting for Starlight Academy's headmistress and Star☆Anis to come into Four Star Academy.Looking back Yume had a lot of support from higher levels of Aikatsu from her,all of them just hope
that Yumw will accomplished the challenge and they will go back for the practice.

~Time for the concert hall to be filled~

Yume was anxious about the challenge and also there was something Morohoshi told her if she does not accomplish the challenge...she will be doing her Aikatsu somewhere else out of Japan which she does not want that to happen.While all of the thoughts ran through.....

While Yume was on stage she performed before she knew it Anna-sensei saw that the concert hall was not filled fully.Everyone was shocked that Yume did not accomplished the challenge but Morohoshi saw that the concert hall was overflown with audiences...(throwback to Ichigo's challenge but outdoor soo this is more challenging)

" did it...,"Hime was back stage in shocked as she used to have the same challenge but failed...

After the challenge was accomplished Yume felt relived that it was over and only left the major performance,as Yume went to backstage she fainted as she was walking.......Subaru was waiting for Yume to finish but when he saw Yume faining he quickly reacted and caught Yume..

"Yume-chan?a-are you awake?"Subaru questioned as he checked her breathing.

Yume was not breathing at all,Subaru was the only person around so in order for his crush to be alive he did what he is supposed to do..which was mouth to mouth so he did that but he felt like he kissed Yume...

"D-did I just k-kissed Y-Yume?!"Subaru told himself as he lifted his lips up and watched Yume...

"Subaru-kun please carry her to the infirmary...,"the nurse(Sarah-senpai *OC*)......

~End of chapter~

I am soo sorry it took soo long for me to get the chapter done,I was really busy....with

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