Chapter 3

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Valentine's Day had arrived at Four Star Academy that day and everyone was giving each other letters and chocolate.Yume was stuck in her dorm during the afternoon break, while Mahiru,Ako,Koharu and Rola were at the cafeteria.Yume felt down during that time as she remembered the day Soleil came to Four Star Academy...Ichigo reminded her with words that kept Yume thinking...

"Whenever you feel down just contact us,"Ichigo said that day as she held Yume's chin and smiled.

"I'll start to contact them now!"Yume jumped out of the bed to retrive her Aikatsu Mobile.

~Start of converstaion with Soleil~(Ran was at a photoshoot and wasn't available)
Yume:Hey I'm Yume-chan.
Ichigo:Hello Yume nice to be chatting with you😊
Aoi:Hii Yume the Idol Professor here👋
Yume:Do you know what
day is it today?
Ichigo:Of course Valentine's Day where everyone gives chocolate and letters to their dear lovers.
Aoi:Yup what's wrong Yume feel heartbroken?💔
Ichigo:Wait aren't idols forbidden to love the other gender for their own?
Aoi:Yea but that was a long time ago Ichigo:Oh no wonder I was already able to date Naoto Suzukawa😅(I ship them both)
Yume:I don't know I always get teased by M4 Sabaru Yuki and is annoying.
Ichigo:Well who knows you might get a letter and a box of your favourite flavour chocolate at your study table😉😏Thats what Naoto did for my first Valentine's Day with him.
Yume:Don't be silly Ichigo-senpai😂
Aoi:You might want to check your study table now.

~End of conversation~

After they talked Yume stopped and saw a boquet of flowers with pink and red flowers,a box of chocolate with a letter with a heart shape themed letter.

Yume p.o.v

I wonder who is it from it can't be Sabaru right hahaha(sarcasticly)oh oh....IT IS FROM SABARU!!😲

Ako heard Yume's shout and decided to be a busybody and hear what Sabaru wrote for Yume and not her.

Dear Tomat- I mean Yume,

I decided to say this on Valentine's Day for you,the chocolate is caramel flavoured as it is your favourite...I want you to know that one day a boy will confess his love for you on your birthday I know this as he told me I'll just give you a heads up.Under the tree where you jogged with him taking a break.I'll hope you will like him back one day😊

Sabaru Yukī

I wonder who it is that liked me without me knowing,thank gosh Sabaru gave me a heads up before that boy confess his love for me.

~End of Yume p.o.v~

Ako was surprised that Sabaru gave chocolate,a boquet and a letter for Yume,only Yume,her jealousy temperature was heating up.She was soo jealous that she wanted to hit Yume's face so that she and Sabaru can be together.Without Ako knowing that Sabaru was walking down the girls dorm(he was allowed to)Sabaru saw how Ako acted in front of Yume and Koharu dorm.He took deep breath and walked to Ako personally.

"Hey if you are really jealous if a boy gave something for a girl on Valentine's Day,it means he doesn't like you,"Sabaru explained in a deep voice.

"Oh don't be silly one day my prince charming Sabaru Yukī will love me for enternity rather than that one hit wonder,"Ako explained as she didn't know it was Sabaru.

"No I won't,"Sabaru replied to Ako's silly words.

"Sabaru-senpai!?"Ako shouted as she jumped backwards.

"Don't think all those fantasy stuff I will get her no matter what and nothing can change my mind Ako-chan,"Sabaru explained as he hung his low.

Ako was sadden that her idol crush just crushed her but she will not stop fangirling about him.

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