Chapter 12

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Credits to Aikatsu Amino/original artist for the picture.


"Yea now we can go Subaru-kun!"exclaimed Yume as she took Subaru's hand and ran out of the room.

-continue of story-

Both of them rode Subaru's limo that was already waiting because Hime told the driver to do so.As they aboard the limo the driver asked.

"Are you Subaru and Yume because Hime-,"the driver questioned.

"Yes we are now let's go to the concert hall as fast as we could,"Yume answered really quickly.

"Alright then...let's go!"shouted the driver.

They went really fast,they were not behind schedule or anything they just wanted to be there on time as they did not want to let the audience down.

-in the limo-

"Err Subaru-kun why couldn't the boy come?"Yume questioned as she looked down.

"Ahh about that he should come soon maybe one or two days before something grand happens at school?"Subaru replied as he talked about that boy..

-silence struck-

Suddenly Subaru and Yume took out their phones and wrote at their personal diary...

Yume's diary🎀

Dear diary,

I still have no clue who is the boy,I really hope is Subaru-kun aka my lovely crush💕.I wished it happened today on my birthday, I just realised that nobody seemed to remember about my birthday huh?
If Subaru is the only remembered it then I'll be really happy after all he is my lovely crush💕. I really wished the cake is from my parent's shop it is the most delicious of them all..

~Diary ended~

While Subaru on his phone he saw a notification

Today:Nijino Yume aka crush birthday

Subaru completely forgotten about it soo...before the mini-rehearsal started he messaged a group...he made immediately..

(Nijino Yume's surprise party after concert)

Subaru:Guys! I received a notification on my phone that today is Yume-chan's birthday
Koharu:Yeah it is actually.
Nozomu:oh my I really didn't know.
Mizuki:Let's get her cake and every single one of us have to give a present it is a must.
Ichigo:We also have to get party supplies!!Don't forget about it..
Aoi:Yea it is a surprise party after all.
Ran:Then what are we waiting for most of us is already at the concert hall.. S4 will get the cake but what is her favourite?
Mahiru:I know!Me,Koharu and Rola went to her house before and it is her favourite cake and treats.
Yuzu:Then....lets go S4!! We don't have much time before the rehearsal.

*S4 went to her house to get the cake*

Otome:Well let me,Sakura and Yurika get the party supplies..Let's go both of you!I'm getting a taxi.
Yurika:I'll go suck your blood if the taxi is really late ok Otome?
Mizuki:The others go get presents for her.
Subaru:I'll go to,which mall are you guys going?
Kaede:Not sure...
Asahi:The Spring west mall!
Subaru:Ok I'll be arriving soon please be there quick!
Rola:We will Subaru-kun!
Ako:Of course we will Subaru-kun
Mahiru:guys we will have to go by a helicopter since there is traffic.
Subaru:stop chatting guys you guys please quick!

-the chat ended-

Subaru saw the Spring West Mall and told the driver to stop.

"Suba-,"Yume sentence ended as Subaru interupted her.

"Look Yume,you go first to the concert hall,I'll go there later I forgot something!"Subaru said as he closed the door.

Subaru went running to find the others..


Asahi:bro we are at the gift shop level 4 quick bro we are all waiting for ya!

After Subaru read that he quickly rushed to the shop despite having fangirls chasing for he arrived the bodyguards blocked the gift shop enterance.

"Subaru!"shouted everyone inside.

Aoi,Ran,Mizuki,Kanata,Nozomu,Asahi,Kaede were waiting for him...

"Guys finally made it in time!"Subaru said as he panted.

They began searching present for Yume really busy...they were rushing to find the perfect gift for her..

-To the limo with Yume all alone-

Yume's p.o.v

What is going on with Subaru today?He suddenly rushed out of the limo.Wished he could stay but there would be awkward silence by then...hah silly me if Subaru needs to go immediately then it is his choice...speaking of which......I know I wrote on my diary about my no Yume don't expect won't come true..

"Ms Nijino we are here,"said the driver.

"Arigatou,"I thanked the driver..

Hmm why is it soo quiet...I gotta check the backstage..*runs to back stage*....w-what is the meaning of one here at all,what about the waiting rooms?*check every waiting room*n-nothing nobody....

"Oi!Nijino Yume!"shouted the manager.

"Yes sir!"I replied in a flash.

"Where is everyone sir?"I questioned him.

"They went to a buffet*lying*before you beacause they wanted you to-,"the manager was cut off as he had a call..

I really don't understand what is going on..

-To S4 Members-

S4 went to Yume's house and entered the confectory..

Yuzu:Woah! It smells soo delicious in here.
Kirisagi:yeah it is all the pastry and all
Hime:You're right mmm...
Kasumi:C'mon guys we don't have much time silly.
Kirisagi:Yeah lets make it quick and get a gift for Yume.
Hime:hello..are you parents of Nijino Yume?
Parents:Yes We are who are you?
Kirisagi:we are upperclassmen of Four Star Academy.
Parents:ouhh our daughter goes there. is her birthday here we have made her favourite cake and it is on the house soo no worries.
S4:Arigatou Yume's parents😊

After that S4 went to Spring West Mall to find the others...they went in to rush and a lot of fans were chasing them...they finally got into the shop..

"H*pants*hi guys!"said S4.

"You guys made it in time!"shouted Ichigo.

"We don't have much-,"Aoi's word were interupted by her phone ringing..

While Aoi was talking...

"What!"shouted Aoi....

Oh oh......what happened ehh??I guess a cliffhanger??wait for the next chapter to wait till what happens in the mean time.....


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