Chapter 18

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Credits to original illustrator


Naoto:*looks at watch*yea you're right Ichigo,*whispers to Subaru*Get her heart before is too late.
Subaru:right...bye you two!

Ichigo and Naoto went to their destination...while Subaru carried Yume to the infirmary...

-continue of story-

Everything was quiet in the infirmary,although Subaru and Yume were not in the hospital,everything is just....quiet.By the time the nurse told the result,it was nothing serious to worry about.Just an aching leg,so Subaru carried Yume back into her dorm as she was asleep because of the sleeping pills that Yume took.

Suddenly it started to rain heavily,Subaru looked out the window wondering when he could confess his love,it aches his heart when it beats soo fast seeing or looking at Yume.

As Subaru looked out the window,he saw an innocent boy at Yume's age finding something or someone,at the same time Yume was awake and she took Subaru's hand and placed it at her hands.

Yume:Is it serious?
Subaru:No,is not don't worry
Yume:really,alright then I'll rest for a while ok?
Subaru:sure,rest my dear boiled octopus.

As Yume went back to sleep,the innocent looking boy came to the room where Yume was.

Subaru:Who are you?
The boy:I am Yume's childhood friend,Louis,is a pleasure to meet you.
Are you Yume's boyfriend?
Subaru:You could say to visit Yume?
Louis:Yup,I wanted to meet her last year but didn't had the time.When I wanted to visit her today alot of people said she was in the infirmary.
Subaru:Just her leg,it ached while she was jogging.

Suddenly Yume woke up and saw Louis in front of her....

Louis:heh Hi Yume-chan nice to meet you again after a long time not seeing each other.
Yume:You look different from the last time I saw you.
Louis:You cried really loud when I had to go to the United Kingdom.
Yume:heh yeahh....kinda embarrassing talking about the past....
Subaru:I'll be outside anything just call me Yume.
Yume:Of course Subaru-kyun*smiles*

-Subaru went out the room-

Subaru went out to take in fresh air.His heart started racing really fast,he felt uncomfortable for some reason.He did not knew why but he knows is related to Yume,wanting to confess is such a big deal,need to be prepared.Subaru just strolled into the infirmary park,suddenly as he strolled he was captured by someone.As Subaru landed behind the bush a conversation started.

Subaru:Who are you?
Unknown:I am Naoto aka Ichigo's boyfriend💕
Subaru:What are you doing here?!
Naoto:shhh silence
Subaru:Oh k~
Naoto:*looks both side*Follow me*grabs Subaru's hand*
Subaru and Naoto went to a gazibo in a garden
Subaru:Ouch! Don't need to grab my hand soo tightly,there is bones inside this hand.
Naoto:I think you have to confess soon.
Subaru:Why?What happen??
Naoto:Remember Louis?The boy who said is Yume's childhood friend?
Subaru:ermm yea~?
Naoto:My senses are telling me that he is in love with Yume...and that he wants Yume to be with her.
Naoto:I a lot to take in..
Subaru: yeaa~another opponent has come to play in this love game.
Naoto:Just so you know...Get Yume..don't let any boy get her or any girl get to you..till then bye.
Subaru:Thanks Naoto for the advice.

Naoto walked away from Subaru going back to the Starlight Academy,while Subaru went back to the infirmary to check on Yume.As he slowly enters the room,he saw Louis sleeping on Yume...well actually both of them were asleep.

-Time skip-

Subaru kept looking at them asleep by that time was already 6.30pm and Louis had to go by then,so Subaru woke Louis up and he looked puzzled when he woke up.

Subaru:Louis I think is time for you to go.
Louis:Ouhhh yeahh my bad,sorry I guess I was alseep for too long.
Subaru:Is okay,good bye.

Louis left the room and Subaru saw a boquet of pink and yellow flowers with a pink card on the desk next to Yume's bed.Subaru went to read the letter...

Dear Nijino Yume,

I missed you a lot since the day I had to leave Japan and start a new life in England.Every day I think about you,every night I dream about you.I...LOVE YOU NIJINO YUME!Be with me not that M4 boy Subaru Yukī!My heart was broken to a million pieces when I saw a pic of you and that boy...sure I am a regular boy hitting up the streets at night,but please be with me!I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART PICK ME!❤pls accept🙏

Much love,

Subaru was shocked when he saw the wonder Naoto told him to confess as soon as possible.

-Time skip to the next day-

Yume was awake,she saw Subaru asleep on her lap.She looked out the window...a rainy day...suddenly the nurse came in and told she was discharged from the infirmary that day.So she woke Subaru up and told the news about being discharged,suddenly Subaru sneezed while he looked pale.Yume gasped in shock,she quickly got ready to leave.

Subaru:Achoo!Whats the rush for Yume?
Yume:Oh nothing I just want to breathe in fresh air after being stuck in the infirmary for 1 night.
Subaru:Alright,I'll get ready.

Subaru got ready and helped Yume to pack,suddenly Yume saw the boquet of pink and yellow flowers with a pink card in the bin.

Yume:Ouhh how beautiful sadly it isn't my favourite flower but oh well I should just appreciate it.
Sabaru:So...what is your favourite flower? roses and blue roses.
Subaru:We should....ah...ah..ahcoo!get going...

Subaru did not want Yume to read that letter as he felt...a competition is going on.

-Time Skip after leaving infirmary-

Subaru and Yume went back to Yume's house...

~At Yume's house

When Yume entred the house with Subaru,the parents thought it was her...boyfriend.Yume slowly explained why she brought Subaru to the house.After that was cleared out Yume and Subaru went up to Yume's bedroom...

Yume's parents:Yume sure has grown up.


-End of story-

Mina...gommenasai...secondary school had me busy...fp/ homework load  increased....I'm so so sorry for the late updates....I hope you guys would still read despite publishing new chapters later...🙏so so sorry...I even have a crush  haaa~ ok ok keep reading and till then..


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