Chapter 4

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~The Audition Day~

Yume and Rola went to jog during the early morning around 5.30a.m,both of them went into different route but they will have to meet where they started.Both Yume and Rola wants to do their very best,as they might get a chance to rise their popularity and get more fans to like them.

"So meet you here?"Yume questioned as she pointed on the floor.

"Mhm~,"Rola answered as she nodded her head.

"Okay,see you then!"Yume shouted as she ran to her route.

Yume went running all her might,without Yume knowing that Subaru was beside her.

"Hey Boiled Octopus why are you running?"Subaru teased as he ran.

"Ehh SUBARU!?!?!,"Yume shouted as she jumped backwards.

"What are you doing boiled octopus?"Subaru questioned.

"I have a name ok and I am jogging for later audition,"Yume answered.

They continue to run beside each other and by the time they knew,they already reached where Yume started to run but....Rola has no arrived yet....
She was hidding behind a tree at where Yume and Rola started.

Subaru's p.o.v

Dang she is beautiful and kawaii as ever,wish this will stay forever just us 2 even though she is waiting for
Rola-chan.I'm still scared to tell her on 3rd March soon,I have to confess to her.. *blushes on his face*

"Sabaru are you ok?you're blushing alot,"Yume asked.

Oh gosh did I show my emotions again,what excuse am I suppose to tell her.

"Oh I'm still nervous for the audition,"I replied.

"NONSENSE!"Yume shouted.

"You are not the one auditioning,I AM!"she continued.

"Fine the truth is I'm scared to tell this girl that I like her on her b-day..under a tree(BIG CLUE)..,"I told the truth to her.

"I am sure she will accept you,you are amazing Subaru-kun,"Yume adviced to him..*YUME IT WAS SUCH A BIG CLUE WHY CAN'T YOU KNOW*

"Yeah right I'll do my best to confess to her...,"Subaru whispered to himself.

~RING!~The school bell rang..

Wow is like her friend lost her way or something..looks like we are going back together *squee* ok enough of fanboying on your own crush and we ca--

"Yume-chan sorry it took me long to come back I was tired along the way*pants*,"Rola explained as she was actually behind the tree where they were supposed to meet but let Subaru have his mommento..

"Let's go Rola we have an audtition to go through oh and goodbye Subaru see you later!"Yume shouted as she ran off back to Four Star Academy with Rola...

*sighs*when am I going to reach you shooting bright and sparkely star?(Reffering to Yume)as he looked up to the sky.

~End of Subaru p.o.v~

*Time of Audition*

"Next Nijino Yume!"Asahi shouted as he held the list of participants.

*Yume transformed and performed 'Start Line' for the that the magical thing happen(i forgot what it was called)*

"WOW this is the most beautiful performance I've ever seen!"Nozomu shouted as he saw Yume blushing nervously.

"Arigato Guzaimas!"Yume replied as she bowed.

"Looks like Subaru's crush WILL be performing with him ehh!"the other members said as they had a smirk on their faces.

"Heh it was a dream come true,"Subaru replied as he lowered down on his seat and blush.

So then the band members kept busy to finish the audition...meanwhile..

"Ahh that was a nice audition,"Yume said as she stretched.

"Yeah espically when you were able to do that thing it was AMAZING,"Koharu replied as she smiled sweetly.

They continued to walk to the cafeteria suddenly there was everybody crowding at the notice board..the audtition winner to be performing with Subaru Yukī was Nijino Yume..

Everybody then saw Yume and shouted congrats..Yume was in shock and did not knew what happen as she went closer to the notice board she...

"Ehhhh!?!?!I am going to perform with Subaru!?!?"Yume shouted loudly.

"Hai!"everbody shouted yes.

"Looks like you did it boiled octopus,"Subaru teased as he hung his head low.

" know I have a name Subaru Yukī!"Yume shouted as she said in a loud tone.She stormed off and felt her heart emotion changed.

Yume was actually fine with Subaru teasing her and performing with her but her emotion changed on that day itself....she had loved Subaru on the day(omg finally)..

"Do I love Subaru?does he love me or love some other girl?"Yume thoughts ran through her head.

A letter was soon delievered to Yume..
It was from Subaru..

Dear Yume-chan,

Congrats for the winning I didn't expect from a boiled octopus like you..😅😂I'm just joking ok..sorry if I made you angry I guess I have to stop teasing you sorry ok I'll call you Yume-chan from now on promise!oh and I have a gift for you in the box.So talk to you soon.

Subaru Yukī💗

Yume heart was soften by Subaru's apology and she decided to open the box a necklace with a heart shape emulet..with her name on it...

"How lovely Subaru I actually LOVE you truly,"Yume whispered as she hung her head low.

"Wish the boy who wants to confess to me is Subaru Yukī😊💝,"

Author's notes or words...

Finally Yume likes Subaru it has been waayy to long in the next chapter Subaru and Yume will be practicing and someone will be watching an eye on them if they kissed in the performance...

In the mean time...

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