Chapter 13

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Credits to the original artist.


"What!"shouted Aoi....

-continue of story-

"Ehh what's wrong Aoi-chan?"Subaru questioned.

"The manager...he told us to be quick because Yume is searching for us!"shouted Aoi.

"......EVERYONE PICK THE GIFTS ASAP!"shouted Mizuki at the top of her lungs.

Everyone started to pick presents for Yume,they did not panicked at all as they knew if they panicked they would not get the right present for her.

After they had selected the presents,Yurika,Sakura and Otome had gotten the party supplies and present for her.

"Are we all here?"Nozomu questioned.

"Yes!"shouted everyone else.

They began to aboard the helicopter as fast as they could,they rush back to the concert they entered the concert hall enterance.

"Guys?"Yume said as she looked down..

"H-how d-dare you..!"shouted Yume as she ran away and cried.

Everyone went silent and then suddenly Kanata shouted..

"Oi boy lover go get your love of your life!"Kanata shouted to Subaru.

Subaru p.o.v
Oi boy lover go get your love of your life!"Kanata shouted to Subaru.
"Oi boy lover go get your love of your life!"Kanata shouted to me.

I began to clinched my fist and felt with guiltiness...

"Oii Nijino Yume!!"I shouted as I ran to get back my lover,everybody kept quiet as well as Nozomu.

I ran really fast,too worried of her until I reached her dressing room and hearing..her sob...

Yume:Today is the worst day!I mean like the ending is bad...everything was soo fine with my crush Subaru at the hospital...felt a kiss on the lips in my dreams with Subaru(which Subaru actually did as she was still asleep)...but IS EVERYBODY LYING TO ME!?*cries really loud and hard*EVERYBODY FORGOTTEN MY BIRTHDAY! ALL I HOPE WAS SUBARU TO RE-

Yume's sentence couldn't be completed by my interuption going in the room.

Me:Of course I will remember Nijino Yume's birthday(said boldly)


I immediately hugged her as like I was about to lose her,she kept quiet..her tears were stained on my t-shirt but that didn't bother me...All I care about is her..


She looked at the box that was wrapped up... and I gave her the present..

Me:Here Nijino Yume...Happy Birthday.

Yume:A-arigato S-Subaru-kun(Yume was blushing and gave Subaru the cute eyes)

Ahh cute as ever,one of the reasons I fell in love with her...after that she gave me a hug really thight..

Yume:Arigato Subaru-kun!(as she hug)

Me:There there Nijino Yume,don't let your tears ruin your performance tonight...


Me:How is the present?(I changed the topic)

Yume:I like no LOVE it Subaru Yukī!Arigatou!

Me:You are welcome,c'mon everybody is waiting for you...


After that talk I felt relieved that she is ok,my heart will break into billions of pieces if she wasn't ok.I quickly grabbed her hand and went to open the door...

"We are sorry Yume-chan!"shouted me and everbody else as we bowed.

"It's ok everbody,just had abit of those emotional rides,"said Yume calmly.

Then all of us did a group hug and shouted..


"Let's make tonights performance and make a night that all of us will never forget!"I shouted to everybody..

They all cheered on till the manager arrived.

-End of p.o.v-

"Heh let's get back to work,your rehearsal aren't finish,"said the manager calmly.

~Time Skip of the rehearsal~

Everybody was elated for the performance tonight,as we were sitting chit chating the manager came up to all of them...

"Guys..after the performance...I will bring you guys to a restraunt(booked already),"said the manager.

Everybody was soo happy,soon their hard work will be paid off..

Subaru went to the manager and whispered to him about Yume's surprise party.The manager then agreed and the manager suggested that Yume and Subaru should go to the restraunt together while the others set up the party.

"Really?"Subaru questioned the manager.

The manager nodded and Subaru was really happy with the suggestion..

~Time skip waiting for the performance~

Everybody was getting ready,all pumped up for the concert.Make-up was done by the S4 girls then as they were doing the Star☆Anis make-ups..Subaru told them about the restraunt and surprise birthday mash-up.

As Subaru was discussing about it...Yume came into the room and suddenly took Subaru's hand rushing out of the room.

"Subaru-kun there was a last minute change...,"said Yume as she looked down.

" M4,Star☆Anis,me and S4 are gonna perform after S4's performance!I can't wait to cheer you guys on stage with me!"exclaimed Yume in joy.

"Really!?Wow!"Subaru replied back to Yume's statement.

Everbody was happy with the final performance singing 'Start Line'.As everybody went backstage they were scared,nervous but they cheered Yume on as she was singing solo.

Yume's p.o.v

"Yume-chan,Yume-chan,Yume-chan!"everbody cheered me on.

I was soo nervous cause I'll be singing solo,then Star☆Anis will appear then Soleil after my solo performance.Ahh~goosebumps.

Suddenly my lovely crush,Subaru Yukī,came to me and whispered.

"Break a leg Yume-chan,I'll be supporting you backstage and onstage soon,"he whispered that made me blush.

"Hai!Your support always kept me going Subaru-kun,"I said to Subaru as I held his hand covering with my hands above and below his hand.

Suddenly Subaru-kun's face turned red,I guess he's embarrassed that I said that.Although the boy couldn't confess I was really happy that everybody,supported me.

As I wanted go into the Aikatsu machine,Subaru gave me a Starlight crown(The one Ichigo gotten from her mother/Ichigo gave to Subaru to let Yume use it)..

As I wanted to enter the machine,I hear two sentence...that I thought it was a joke...they were...

"Now let's hear Nijino Yume's performance!" announced the host.

And another one...from a boy...

"I LOVE YOU NIJINO YUME!"a boy's voice,soo familiar...I wonder if that was just from my head playing a part of a dream..or I really heard it....

~End of P.O.V and chapter~

Hello readers,hehe cliffhanger again ok soo basically a reader suggested me to read her(by reading the username soo I assume is a she)Yume×Subaru/Yubaru fanfic which I totally suggest you guys to read let me introduce you guys to PrincessMinthe13 yes her Yubaru book is soo amazing so you guys as I am still writing the chaps💝soo if you guys do have Yubaru books I'll give a shoutout(only the first comment)till then wait for chapter 14 and Aikatsu!💝

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