Chapter 19

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Credits:owner of picture^^


Yume's parents:Yume sure has grown up.

-Continue of story-

Yume brought Subaru to her room so that Subaru could rest and get better as soon as possible.As Yume placed Subaru to rest,she left the room,going down to the kitchen to make a soup for him to eat.

Subaru thought of ways on how to confess to Yume.He couldn't wait any longer,he wants her to be by her side till life do them apart.He kept on thinking and he eventually spaced out.

*knock knock*

Subaru:A-ah..come in..
Yume:Subaru-kun,I made some soup for you.Please eat it,Get well soon

Subaru's face was red at the thought that she was concerned about his health.Yume walked towards him and passed the hot bowl on a tray with a glass of water.Subaru murmured a thank you as he took a spoonful of the soup.

Yume,for some reason,was quite nervous on how the soup would turn out,seeing as this was her first time cooking for someone.

Subaru:This is good!Hahah,thanks tomato!

Yume's face was tinted with the color pink.She was glad her cooking was good to satisfy him.


Time passed by,the both of them were having fun,despite the fact Subaru was sick.They enjoyed each other's company.Playing video games,fooling around and stuff.

It was almost 7:00 and Subaru wanted to stay over.He knows how much he will regret not staying over

Subaru:Hey,Yume..Is it okay if I stay the night here?
Yume:Oh?Sure,I'll get a pair of futon and some pillows so you can- want to share a bed with you..

Yume's head was filled with thoughts.

Subaru:I-It's not what you think!I-I just want to share the same bed with you!
Yume:O-oh I see..Um,okay then.But I swear if you do anything funny to me,you're gonna get it from me!

Subaru gave an awkward smile,saying he understands.Of course they can't do THAT yet.They're barely 17!!


Yume yawned,showing that she's tired and sleepy.Subaru glanced at the clock wall,it was already 10:00.He mentally slapped himself,he forgot about confessing his true feelings to her.

Subaru:Yume..before you go to bed,I..I have something to tell you

Yume gave her full attention to him and faced him.Her actions made Subaru even more nervous,this is a risk.

Subaru:You have to promise not to laugh at me,Okay?You a long time actually,I have a crush on this girl.She's really close to me and i don't know how to tell her my true feelings
Yume:I see..well,you should confess your feelings towards her before its too late,you know?
Subaru:Here we go then...Yume..I-I love you!A lot!All those teasing and stuff,Those were my ways of showing my affection towards you!P-Please..accept my confession..

Subaru's face was beet red after letting out his feelings.He was now nervous,he's waiting for her answer.
Yume's face was rosy pink.She wasn't expecting this.A confession from the person she loved?Was this a dream?No.It's reality,and reality made her dreams come true

Yume:S-subaru kun..

She held his hands and gave him a hug

Yume:I love you too!

Subaru was in a shock,there was a moment of silence...suddenly Subaru hugged Yume tightly...

*Yume starts to sob*

Yume:Daisuki desu
Subaru:I know...don't leave me...don't be with other boys.You're mine...
Yume:I won't leave you,I will not be attracted to other boys except you.I'm yours.

Yume and Subaru slowly kiss and unexpectedly there was fireworks.As they finished their passionate was time to go to sleep...but Yume and Subaru could not sleep.

Subaru suddenly took Yume's hand..
Yume and Subaru exchanged looks..

Subaru:C'mon...there*points to balcony*

Both of them walked to the balcony...looking at the many stars above them...2 of them were shining brighter than the others..

Subaru:Both of that stars...are like us..
Yume:No longer 1 star shining brightly in the night sky.
Subaru:Nope...being the worst...nobody to be with...nobody could help you...nobody to support you.
Yume:Are you ok?*rubs Subaru's back*
Subaru:I couldn't stop thinking about this..*shows message*

The message child I am now at the hospital...suffering from a quite common..but don't worry about on without me....Find a girl...while I am still alive..on this earth surface...A girl who you like to tease,you fight for...that you were in love with.Although you don't realise it....she's the one..shining in front of you...that makes your day...that turns your world upside down...I'll try to recover quickly...


Yume:Oh my...
Subaru:I know...this was sent last week...I just read it today...

*Yume hugs Subaru*

Yume:Is going to be alright...we will visit her tomorrow...
Subaru:I can love...

*starts to kiss again and went to bed*

-End of Chapter-

Konnichiwa,ehem*soo it has been a LONG time since I last published a chapter...and soo today...I met
Taehyung-shi in real life..coz we are BFF in real life..soo I had to give her credit cause she helped with the confessing part where I was outta ideas...soo if you watch Assasination Classroom(idk how to spell)and ship an OTP Karmagisa read her stories...finally the confess hahaha made you guys wait for too long did I??? I am still writing dun worry but soon I maybe writing a second book on their relationship??shld I comment plz?and vote this chapter...till then Aikatsu!

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