Chapter 7

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Subaru's p.o.v

I hope Yume is okay,I wanted to kiss her after our performance(spoiler)...she has to recover before the concert that is going to happen soon...she is the guest of honor...*cries and puts Yume on the bed*I'm going to stay by her side till she is better even if it take me the whole day with her..I can't afford to lose Yume-chan...she made my life brighter before this it was just the boys and Yume-chan is always in my heart and made my life brighter...*wipes away tears*.

"Subaru can you stay with her for tonight?"Sarah-senpai(the nurse) questioned Subaru as he looks on the floor while he sat on the chair.

"Yea I can thanks Sarah-senpai,"Subaru answered as he nodded his head.

*Sarah-senpai leaves the scene*

Yume-chan please wake up,please!*Subaru grips on Yume's hand tightly as he shed tears*

"W-where am I?"Yume woke up as she sits on the bed.

"Yume-chan!"Subaru shouted as he jumps out of his chair and hugged Yume tightly.

"Y-you're alive thank goodness!"Subaru shouted as he hugged Yume and tears started to roll down his cheeks.

Yume hugged Subaru tightly and started to cry...she missed seeing she had a crush on Subaru for a while..

~Subaru p.o.v continue~

Thank gosh she is awake my heart will shatter if she did not woke up..

"Hey Yume-chan you ok?"I questioned her

"Yup all better wait...what about the challenge at the concert hall!!??did I accomplished it??"Yume answered and question as she lost conciousness.

"Haha Yume-chan you accomplished it*I smiled*,"I answered.

Let's go to the others..

Hime,Nozomu,Koharu,Rola,Asahi and Kanata were searching both Yume and Subaru after Yume's performance.

"Hey guys I guess we should let them be alone,"Hime suggested as she stopped and stand still.

"Are you sure?They are nowhere to be found,"Kanata said in a low voice.

"We should leave them alone anyways,"Nozomu answered.

~They stopped searching for Yume and Subaru and let them have their alone time with each other~

*The next day comes around*

"Subaru-kun t-thanks for taking care of me,"Yume whispered as Subaru was still asleep by Yume's side.

~Subaru was still sound asleep~

"Hey Subaru!"Asahi shouted as he walks to sleepy Subaru.

"Asahi shh~ Subaru is asleep,"Yume whispered to Asahi.

"Okay Yume-chan...the others will be at the dress maker building at level 2,"Asahi informed Yume.

*Asahi leaves the infirmary*

Asahi's p.o.v

Seems like Yume is concerned about Subaru,I wonder if she likes him back after all Subaru is madly in love with her.Soon the concert is going to start in 2 days,I better get with the others..I legit ship them😂...talking about ships I..actually...l-love Koharu...(I add another ship😊)I'll tell her sooner or later though...

~End Asahi p.o.v~

Let's go to Yume and Subaru

"Hey Subaru wake up,"Yume whispered to Subaru who was soundly asleep.

"My princess...Yume-chan👑,"Subaru said while he was still in his dreams.

Yume went silent after that.....and then shook him to wake him up,soon Subaru woke up..without much thought something was said loudly.

"Yume-chan a-are you all better?"Subaru questioned as tears formed on his eyes.

"Yes Subaru-kun I am better thanks to you,"Yume replied with a sweet smile that spread across her face.

Subaru's heart was struck within that moment,his heart started to race at the same time...

Yume's heart had the same effect too...both of their heart started to race like crazy the moment last for 5 minutes with silent and both of them stared to each other.

"Emm Subaru-kun we should get changed the others are waiting for us,"Yume said with her calming voice heard by Subaru which made his heart beat faster than before.

*changes clothes*

After they changed their clothes...they went to find the others at the Dress Making building.Along the way when Yume and Subaru were walking,Subaru started up a conversation to stop the silence awkwardness between them.

"Soo...err Yume-chan do you have a crush on someone?"Subaru questioned her while she was actually day dreaming.

"Ehh?!? Well to be honest with you Subaru I do have a crush on someone...emm what about you?"Yume answered and questioned Subaru.

But then Subaru was blushing soo hard that he did not want to talk about it but...he still told Yume...

"Yeah I do have a crush on someone..,"Subaru said as he put his hands together.

Silence began to start between both of them as they were walking towards the Dress Making building.

~Time skip~

"Ahh looks like they arrived,"Hime said as she stood up from her chair.

"Sorry for being late,Subaru-kun here was asleep*giggles*,"Yume said as she giggled alot.

"Heh yeah I was asleep aparently,"Subaru said as he stretched.

"Well lets get lunch and practice for the that concert is going to be held in 2 days,"Kisaragi said as she held up her index finger.

~They had lunch and talked away....time skip to the practice~

"Ok everyone! There is change of Yume's performance schedule I'll give it to you later Yume,"the manager said as he waved to everyone.

*Yume receives the changes*

Yume p.o.v

Huh?!It was changed well I'm fine with that....espically singing alone is kinda tiring....lets see hmm....ouh! I saw the first I won't be singing much songs alone...ohhh my gosh...I'm going to sing One Step alone?!? Oh gosh...ok soo...the songs ughh soo much changes...

~Subaru joins the scene~

"Hey Yume just go with the flow don't stress will worry me and I care about you Yume-chan,"said Subaru with his calm soothing voice.

Omg my c-crush worries about me ahh~I'm gonna faint..

"Ok everyone lets start the rehearsal!"announced the manager.

~End of chapter~

Author's note

Mina!!Arigato!! For 1.58k readings...I'm truly surprise never thought it would happen..heh I'm quite mean to let a clif hang there...hope you have enjoyed this chapter..
In the mean time....

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