Chapter 11

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Credits to:Aikatsu Amino/original artist for the picture


"I-I love you Subaru-kun!"shouted Yume out loud while she dreamt.

"N-nani?Yume-chan likes me?"Subaru questioned out loud...

"Nani!!"shouted Subaru...

-continue of story-

Subaru kept quiet he then blushed really hard,after hearing Yume saying that..although she was stuck in a dream.If it was true that Yume likes Subaru he could not stop loving her with all his heart.

*doctor enters the room*

"Mr Yukī,there is nothing wrong with Ms Nijino,she just fainted for a while she will be discharge before the concert don't worry,"reported the doctor.

"Thank you Mr.Dave(just made a random character😐),"Subaru thanked Mr.Dave

*Mr Dave leaves the scene*

"~Yawns~good night my beautiful future darling,"Subaru said that as he storked her hair before he feel into deep sleep.

~Time skip to the next day~

Subaru woke up to see the shining sun coming out,by then Yume was sleeping.

"Sorry Yume that the boy couldn't come...just to let you know... I actually loved you for a long time,"Subaru said it softly at the room balcony.

Suddenly Subaru went to Yume that was still asleep...he gave a kiss on the lips for a few seconds while Yume was still dreaming.

"I love you Nijino Yume,"Subaru whispered to her after the kiss.

Subaru went to the hospital café to buy Yume and his breakfast...

~Café Menu~

Breakfast meals

(One slice)

Lovely strawberry shortcake*limited*=$25
Chocolate lava cake=$10
Marshmallow flavoured cake=$23


Special* Hot cocoa with lots of marshmallow=$17

Lovey dovey juice=$19



Subaru bought 2 latté and the lovely strawberry shortcake.Subaru was soo happy that he could be with Yume after what happened at the final rehearsal,as he walked to the escalator he saw Nozomu waiting for the visiting hours...Subaru felt uncomfortable with Nozomu around for the time being..

Subaru rushed back to Yume's room and to see her awake...

"Morning Yume-chan,"greeted Subaru.

"Morning Subaru-kun,"Yume greeted back.


"Err Yume are you hungry?"Subaru questioned her as he looked at her direction.

"....y-yeah,"Yume replied as she blushed.

"Here I just bought at the cafe,want me to feed you?"Subaru questioned her again.

"Yes please!"Yume exclaimed.

*Subaru fed Yume the cake and Yume fed Subaru the cake*

"Wow!It is soo scrumptious!"exclaimed Yume with delight.

"Hahah it sure is,"Subaru replied.

Yume suddenly looks beside Subaru cause she saw 2 lattés on the table beside her..she was thirsty after eating the delicious cake.

"Err Subaru-kun is one of them for me?"Yume questioned as she pointed to the lattés.

"Yea,one of them is yours..*takes the latté*here,"said Subaru.

Subaru looks at his watch and saw that it was already 9 a.m. any minute soon Nozomu will be meeting Yume alone.

"Ha~visiting hours are gonna start soon,earlier on while I bought breakfast I saw Nozomu wait-,"Subaru's sentence was cut off as Yume interupted him.

"No!not Nozomu!"shouted Yume really loud.

"Eh? Why?"Subaru questioned as he exchanged looks to Yume.

"Cause I'm not ready to see him again...after he confessed his love to me...I really want to meet the boy today but like you said he wasn't ready to see me yet,"Yume explained as she sobbed.

"Don't cry Yume-chan!"Subaru shouted as he immediately hugged Yume.

~Visiting hours began~

"Hello Yume-chan!"shouted Ichigo and Hime.

"Ichigo-senpai,Hime-senpai!"said Yume with excitement.

Soon the others came in as Nozomu stepped in Subaru whispered something to her.

"Yume,just act normal ok although you weren't ready to see him again,just be you,"Subaru whispered.

"Konichiwa Yume-chan,"greeted Nozomu.

"Hi Nozomu-kun,"Yume greeted back.

Everyone talked to Yume before the concert,they were having lunch together as a performer of the concert.Everything was fine,they only have a mini-rehearsal before the concert..

(Subaru's phone rang)

Subaru:Moshi Moshi,who is this?
Unknown:The manager here,could I have one special request for you and Yume-chan?
Subaru:yeah,what is it?
Manager:You two must kiss after your last performance.
Subaru:N-nani? Could you repeat that again?
Manager:....both you and Yume-chan must kiss after your finale song the duet...

Everyone heard Subaru shouting in shock...

"Subaru-kun?"Yume said as he looked at his shocked face.

"Y-yes?"Subaru replied as he trembled

"W-whats wrong?"Yume questioned.

"Hold on a minute gotta get back to the manager,"Subaru replied.

Manager:Ok bye Subaru tell the others to be on time for the mini-rehearsal.
-End of call📞

Subaru turned around and showed everyone his shocked face...he took a few minutes to calm down..

"*breathes* Everyone...could you get out of the room for a while..I need a little chat with Yume-chan,"reported Subaru.

"We understand Subaru well,we would get going to the concert hall see both of you there soon,"Hime said as she stepped up to take the courage to say that.

"Arigatou,"Subaru and Yume said together.

*Everyone else leaves the scene*

Yume and Subaru kept quiet for a while until...

Subaru:Yume-chan I have to tell you something..
Yume:w-what is it?
Subaru:The m-manager of the concert...h-he told us to k-kiss a-after our last song.
Subaru:I know y-your kinda-
Yume:No Way! I get to kiss my c- heh I mean close no best friend..
Subaru:why are you all hyped up?
Yume:heh I didn't mean what I said after all it is a part of the concert of course I wouldn't let the audience down.The key to make an awesome concert is to make the audience a performance that will never be forgotten.
Subaru:heh *blush* y-yeah you're right.

*Mr Dave entered the room*

"Ms Nijino you are discharged please go to the concert hall everyone is waiting,"Mr Dave reported as he leaves.

"Yea now we can go Subaru-kun!"exclaimed Yume as she took Subaru's hand and ran out of the room.

~End of Chapter~

Ok ok first off.....I am on holiday and most probably I'll publish like 2 or 3 chapters😜hope you like em' so the mean time...


Nijino Yume's future boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now