Chapter 10

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"I Love You...Nijino Yume,"Nozomu confessed to Yume...

NANI!!!(Subaru's p.o.v)

-continuing Subaru's p.o.v-

N-Nozomu c-confessed his l-love for Yume? What the heck is going on! How dare he...I wanted to confess my love to Yume under the tree where we first met on her birthday.

Suddenly Nozomu came out of the waiting room...

"Oh hey Subaru!"Nozomu shouted as he waved to me.

"Are you looking for Yume-chan?"Nozomu continued his sentence.

"No,no I'm looking for Kisaragi-chan,"I lied to Nozomu as I was scared to see Yume again.

Nozomu pointed to me the direction where Kisaragi was and I went there.As I went through the darker place I began to cry alot tears were running down my cheeks,I also fell to the floor.

"W-what is wrong with you NOZOMU!"I shouted as he hit his fist on the concrete floor.

My feelings for Yume were soo strong and now Nozomu a brother of mine trying to steal from me! I don't understand what is going on,my mind is messed up with this drama just plain old scars in my heart.

I hear someone walking towards me..with heavy footsteps of heels.

"Subaru-kun why are you crying?"Mizuki questioned me as she saw or heard me shouted.

"Mizuki-senpai is Star☆Anis going into Yume's waiting room?"I questioned my senpai.

"Hai,we are..why?"Mizuki replied with a confused face.

"C-could you give this note to Yume-chan?"I questioned as I showed the letter to Mizuki-senpai.

"Yes I could,"Mizuki responded and went off.

"Arigatou Gozaimasu Mizuki-senpai," I replied as I bowed and walk out of the rehearsal place..

~End Of Subaru's p.o.v

Yume was shocked after Nozomu confessed to her,tears began to roll down her cheeks after Nozomu left the room.Suddenly Mizuki and the other Star☆Anis members went to check on Yume.

"Yume-chan here Subaru-kun told me to pass this to you,"Mizuki said as she passed the letter.

Everyone crowded around Yume as they read the letter at the same time...

-The Letter✉

Dear Nijino Yume,

I guess maybe a boy had confessed to you?But don't forget about the other boy I told ya about,he will be upset about it.Soo after the 2 confessions please make up your mind to pick your lover.All the best for your decision.


Yume began to cry loudly like a baby,she was soo frustrated by Nozomu and the  boy(Subaru)confessings that she had to pick.Everyone hugged Yume and called it a day before tomorrow arrives.

Yume's p.o.v*Yume was walking back to the dorm*
Nozomu confessed to me but I love Subaru-kun,really...I don't usually hang out with Nozomu cause I just see him as a friend while I see Subaru as a crush.I don't show my emotion to him as he might not see me in the same way,that is what I'm scared about..rejection..talking about Subaru...tomorrow is my birthday..that means that boy is going to confess....~Silence~oh my gosh....

"Welcome back Yume-chan,"Koharu greeted me as I walked into the dorm.

"Thanks Koharu-chan,"I thanked Koharu as I flipped through my notebook.

-Valentines Day-💕

Ahh the letter..gonna read it..

Dear Tomat- I mean Yume,

I decided to say this on Valentine's Day for you,the chocolate is caramel flavoured as it is your favourite...I want you to know that one day a boy will confess his love for you on your birthday I know this as he told me I'll just give you a heads up.Under the tree where you jogged with him taking a break.I'll hope you will like him back one day😊

Sabaru Yukī.

I wished soo badly that it is Subaru-kun he is the only one I like wait no..LOVE❤.I will never change that love for him,I could never forget all the memories I made with him...

*Suddenly the phone rang*

Yume:Moshi Moshi?
Unknown:Oi Yume-chan about tomorrow the boy couldn't come he told me that he will need to see you soon but he isn't sure might be later..
Yume:Subaru-kun?Is that you?!
Subaru:yea I am Subaru,ja'neh I have to go sayounara and sweet dreams.

~End of call~

N-nani? He.....the not coming tomorrow? Then....why is my vision suddenly becoming soo hazy?*collapses*

"Yume-chan wake up!"a blury sound made by someone...

~End of p.o.v~

"Ah!!err everyone's asleep nobody is Subaru-kun,"Koharu panicked.

Subaru:Moshi Moshi?
Koharu:Subar-kun this is Koharu!Yume collapsed could you-
*on hold*

Subaru ran out of his dorm right after Koharu said collapsed,he ran as fast as he could using all his energy.He wanted to save Yume's life and wanted her to survive.

"Koharu-chan I'm going to do CPR so do call the other girls and also Kanata and Asahi-kun if she isn't awake yet,"Subaru said before doing the CPR.

*CPR conducted*

Subaru wanted to perform with Yume tomorrow,with a surprising ending after the last performance.All of his life was full of Yume's memories,although they just met this year he couldn't hold back his feelings for her.He loved Yume soo much that he risked doing CPR even though it is like kissing to the others...

No matter who confessed to her,Subaru's heart chose Yume while Yume's heart chose Subaru.The two secretive love birds hiding their feelings away,confessing was also another difficult part to do..

*CPR stopped*

"Koharu-chan now!"exclaimed Subaru as he watched over Yume.

Koharu dialed everyone that Yume is close with and tell them to go to the dorm.Everyone came as fast as they could and while everyone gathered he saw Nozomu..

"Nozomu-,"said Subaru in a low voice.

Yume had to be in the hospital for that day and Subaru carried her like a princess.Subaru also stayed with Yume the whole time...

~In the hospital~

"I-I love you Subaru-kun!"shouted Yume out loud while she dreamt.

"N-nani?Yume-chan likes me?"Subaru questioned out loud...

"Nani!!"shouted Subaru..

Ayyee took me to do this during the midnights...but all the hardwork soon will be paid off won't they ja'neh I have to sleep ~yawn~ I got motivated with the comments in my mind and I didn't want to let you guys down ahh gonna publish on 7.52am...I did stay up really late sorry if any errors I am really tired...ja'neh...stay tuned for the next chapter in the mean time...


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