Chapter 20

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Credits:To original artist


Subaru:I can love...

*starts to kiss again and went to bed*

Continue of Chapter...

The stary night ended,the shimmering sun had risen in the sky.The sunlight was shone into both Yume and Subaru's window to the balcony.


Subaru woke up with a stretch,he kept looking outside the window balcony...thoughts came through his mind..about what happened yesterday.So he decided to leave the room and left a letter for Yume to read.

The shining sun shone on Subaru,he planned to visit his mother at the hospital.He waited at the bus stop without knowing a girl ran to him...

"Subaru!"shouted the girl.

He could not see properly because of the long distance that they were apart,but it his surprise is that the girl was Yume with her bag.

Subaru:Yume?!?Why are you here?!
Yume:I worry you...Subaru*hugs*
Subaru:*hugs back with head hung down*Let's go my love💕

They went to visit Subaru's mother during the afternoon,under the hot blazing sun that was above them.
After a few minutes of walking,they finally reached the hospital..

* In the lift *

Subaru:Yume...I love you..❤*holds Yume's hand*
Yume:I know*smiles*

-Time Skip-

They finally reached Subaru's mother room,which was room 91.As they walked in...the other members of M4 was already there,talking to Subaru's mother.

Subaru:Mum...are you ok?
Mother:Yes,I am alright..I'm going to be discharged soon*saw Yume waiting outside the door* dear that your...girlfriend..
Kanata:Indeed she is Subaru's girlfriend...
Subaru:Shut up!
Mother:I'm proud of you Subaru❤
*whispers to Subaru asking Yume to come in*
Subaru:*walks to Yume and whispers*Yume my mum asked me to let you come in...she wants to see you.

Subaru's mother looked at Yume,her two pony tails at the side with her pinkish ending on her hair.

Mother:You are really beautiful Nijino Yume
Yume:A...Arigatou gozaimasu
Mother:Don't mention it😊

Announcement:5 minutes till visiting time ends.

After everybody heard the announcement,they left the room Subaru had a small talk before leaving.

Mother:You chose the right girl for yourself,take care and love her properly alright?
Subaru:Ok mother and thank you.*kisses mother's forehead*

The day ended for the visiting,Subaru brought to a place to seat under the dark night sky.Surprisingly,he brought her under the tree where Yume fell on him.The dark skies were lit up with shining stars that represented them.They held hands while looking up and kissed,soon after that happened...Yume received a message by Hime-senpai(every other girls that were attending Four Star Academy received it)

Dear Four Star Academy students,

We S4 would like to announce about the S4 selection for next year batch of S4 that would lead each of their classes and represent the school for the future.
Please enter your name and class with using the link given below

We are stars.
The Four Stars that light up the Aikatsu! World.
Tirelessly serving as shining beacons in the sky.
The radiance of S4 is...

Till then..Aikatsu everybody!

Subaru saw the message and saw Yume's reaction.She was nervous but motivated,Subaru decided to comfort Yume.

Subaru:Hey...are you worried about the S4 selection?
Yume:I am..I've been wanting to be in S4 since young..I don't want to waste my chance of getting in.
Subaru:I know that S4 has to change people(unless they are the 1st)but M4 doesn't.
Yume:I'm quite worried...that I won't be able to be in dreams are going to crushed.
Subaru:I will support you ok?I'm confident that you'ill get in S4.

*Yume sobs*

Subaru:Eh?Yume are you ok?
Yume:I am,can't believe you are supporting me.
Subaru:Why wouldn't I support you?I'm your boyfriend remember?

*Yume hugs Subaru*

After that talk,Subaru brought Yume back to her dorm,both of them kissed each other on the cheeks and said goodnight.

-Time Skip-

In the middle of the night,Subaru messaged Yume.She woke up and checked her phone on what was happening.

Subaru:Sorry Yume,to distrub you during this point of time(it was like around 3 am)
Yume:Is ok,what do you want?
Subaru:Would you like to see the sunrise later?
Yume:Are you kidding me?Yes!I would love to.
Subaru:Alright,meet me downstairs of your dorm at 4.40a.m.
Yume:Ok let me sleep😪

-Time Skip-

Yume and Subaru were so pumped,that they woke up early.Yume did some stretching exercise before going out as well as Subaru.Soon it was 4.40am,Yume ran down the flights of stairs as she was excited to see the sunrise with Subaru together alone.As she walked towards the exit,Subaru could feel Yume's bubbly aura coming towards him.

When they met,they hugged each other like they never seen each other for like..20 years.

Subaru:Ok lets go now.

They climbed the steep hill and made it before the sunrise.As the sun rose up,Yume was shouting...

Yume:Me and Subaru are together shining forever!

Subaru was shocked when he heard that.His eyes began to be watery.

Subaru:*ran and hugged from behind*I'll never leave you*cried*
Yume:I know that,stop crying you big boy you know it makes me want to cry too.

They beautiful sunrise they get to see was memorable,they would never forget what happened.It was a great way to start their day,seeing each other in the middle of the night and seeing the sunrise.

After the sun rose up,both Yume and Subaru decided to go back to their dorms.So when they were leaving they had a last final kiss before going for their jobs.As they went downhill,they talked to each other.After that they left each other and went for their daily basis.

As Yume decided to pull out her phone to apply,she saw that she was the last one to she will go before Hime-senpai.

-End of Chapter-

Konnichiwa my readers!I know it has been...2 months since I last posted a least SA1 is over YEAY!...Gommenasai for the late publish..I know you guys are like waiting...WHERE IS THE NXT CHAP!!??School has been one of the homework and CCA's..soo yeay here is chapter 20..and I'll be doing the nxt one yeah.Ja'ne in the meantime..


Nijino Yume's future boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now