chapter 17

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Credits:Aikatsu Stars!


As the night came...they had the same dream...

~continue of story~

The dream...💭Yume's view

It was spring...cherry blossoms fell from the trees,it was windy and peaceful.As Yume enter second-year in Four Star Academy,she saw a boy waiting at the gate.As she got closer to the gate,the boy kissed her forehead after the boy kissed her head she blushed.The boy went away from her and Yume ran to him.

Yume:W-who a-are y-you?!
The boy:You want to know my name?
The boy:*laughs*My name is Subaru Yukī nice to meet you*smiles*
Yume:Y-you kissed my fore-
Subaru:Is a way of welcoming back students and only for,my Boiled Octopus...
Yume:......S-Subaru-kun!?*runs,cry and hug*
Subaru:My lover....boiled octopus*hugs back*

They hugged each other for a few minutes and then Subaru took Yume's hand brought her to the gazibo.

Subaru:Where we first met last year.
Subaru:Where you fell from the trees*pointing upwards and laughed*
Yume:Heh on accident*scratches head coz of embarrassment*

Suddenly Subaru took Yume's hand and ran to a secret garden where only Subaru knew about.As they went there Rika was standing in front of the gate enterance,she had a sword by her side.

Subaru:hmph,What do you want Rika?!
Rika:I don't know....hmmm to kill Yume and get you to be mine forever!
Subaru:...No you can't kill Yume..yet again make me to be yours!Because Yume is the one who I chose to love!NOT A KILLER LIKE YOU!
Yume:..Subaru loves me?*mumbles*
Rika:*gasped*oh really I can't kill Yume?
Subaru:Of course you can't!Yume is mine and only!

Rika pointed the sword to Yume's chest and jumped from above,Yume quickly defend herself with some martial arts.As that fight was happening..Subaru was shocked to see Yume fighting back unarmed,only with her body and fighting with someone who is armed.The fight went on...till the ending...Yume caught the sword..

Yume:You wanna play kitty-cat?
Rika:That's have my sword and I need my sword!
Yume:Well life is unfair,that is how it goes soo DEAL WITH IT KITTY-CAT!
Rika:Y-you're gonna fight me with my sword?
Yume:oh..this piece of junk?Why would I use it?It is soo useless!*threw to a tree*
Yume:mhm..c'mon kitty fight with me!
Rika:*starts to cry*and threw a punch to Yume's direction.
Yume:got'cha*threw her to the grass*(gosh...quite violent hahah)

Rika ran away,crying out loud leaving Yume and Subaru alone.

Subaru:Didn't know you had power*cracks up*
Yume:Hahah it is call Aikatsu isn't it? could say like that

Suddenly Subaru took Yume's hand and brought her near the sea from a far scene,Yume had been there before too.So it was sunset and when it slowly rotated to night they had a passionate kiss and a shooting star was shooting pass by them.

Subaru:Love you,Nijino Yume💕
Subaru hugs back and kissed her forehead.
Yume:Oyasumi Subaru-kyun😘
Subaru:Oyasumi c'mon I'm bringing you ho-

~Reality begans~

Yume's p.o.v

*Yawns*wait....I KISSED SUBARU....ughhh dreams.....WHY CAN'T IT CONTINUE*sobs*all right...gotta get up*stretches*and do Aikatsu today...shine brighter than yesterday...j-just why can't I confess...or,no not now Yume.You knew you dreamt about him doesn't mean he likes you back right...*doorbell rings*

Me:Ohayo Gozaimasu
Unknown:a package and a letter for Ms Nijino?
Me:oh thats me!
Unknown:just sign here.
Me:Okie dokie..and here ja'ne!

-Unknown leaves-

I wonder who was he...I know a
mail-man but he sounds like
Kanata-kun(which is actually is)well...nevermind about that I am going out for a jog.

~Leaves dorm and jog at the park

"Aikatsu,Aikatsu,Aikat-,"my motivation word slipped off as I fell onto the hard ground.

OUCH!!It--it hurts*sobs*I tried to stand but I couldn't walk properly and nobody was around...

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming towards me,I shouted help repeatedly.
Suddenly a boy figure with a blue PE attire came towards me,coming closer to was Subaru Yukī crush💕

Subaru:Hey Yume-chan are you ok?
Me:No,I am not(showed him my injury)
Subaru:T-that looks bad,c'mon I'll carry you to the infirmary.
Me:Eh...really you cou-(Subaru puts his finger to my lips)
Subaru:Don't worry,even though you're heavy I can still carry you.

-End of Yume's p.o.v-

Silence were between them,both of them were blushing and their hearts were racing together at the same pace.As Subaru was carrying Yume she fell asleep in his arm,Subaru kept looking at her angelic face with such soft skin.

"Nijino Yume....,"said Subaru in a soft whispering voice ending with a smile.

Suddenly footsteps were coming towards Yume and Subaru's way,a boy with a hoodie and a girl beside was....Naoto and Ichigo together.

"Naoto and Ichigo-senpai?"Subaru questioned with a puzzled face.

Ichigo:Ehhh is that you Subaru Yukī?
Subaru:Yes is me Ichigo-senpai,how are you and Naoto-senpai been doing.
Naoto:We're doing fine,I see you're carrying Yume-chan?
Subaru:Ermm...n-no I-I haven't con...
*Subaru nods his head*
Ichigo:You have to confess before is too late,before another boy try to steal Yume!
Subaru:I know...I know...but I feel is not the perfect time yet..
Naoto:There is no such thing as "PERFECT"sure that word appears in the dictionary but in life it doesn't.
Ichigo:He's right Subaru-kyun.Well then we better get going or else we are going to be late.
Naoto:*looks at watch*yea you're right Ichigo,*whispers to Subaru*Get her heart before is too late.
Subaru:right...bye you two!

Ichigo and Naoto went to their destination...while Subaru carried Yume to the infirmary...

-End of chapter-

*breathes in and out* Hii guys so so so so SORRY for not updating quickly,basically secondary 1 life is fun and all I am also kept busying because I am the class chairperson😧well here is chapter 17 from now on try not to expect me to publish new chapters fast because I have a lot of homework to do and starting next 2 weeks I have to stay back at sch on Mon,Wed and Thurs!!By the time I get back...I'm already tired...hope all of you guys who reads my fanfic understand till then Aikatsu!

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