Chapter 9

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~Final Rehearsal~

Yume woke up,changed and said Good Morning to Koharu as she leaves the dorm...

"Ah Yume-chan are you not going to class today?"Koharu questioned Yume as she did not know about the rehearsal..

"You see..I am the guest of honor for the concert and Principal Moroboshi as well as Anna-sensei let me out of class for today but I'll get to hang out with you guys during lunch,"Yume explained to Koharu.

"Well then Gambatte!"Koharu shouted as Yume leaves the dorm.

Yume rushed to the rehearsal place and ran as fast as she could...but...she fell and tripped over Subaru's shoes..

"Oww that hurts!"Yume shouted really loud.

"Ahh gomenasai Yume-chan!"Subaru apologised and carried Yume like a princess.

They went backstage and healed Yume's ankle in a few minutes before they started rehearsing..

Yume rehearsed her performance 4 times solo up Yume and Subaru's duet quarter of the show..Yume did get a 5 minutes break before their performance suddenly Yume's phone rang..

Yume:Moshi Moshi
Unknown:Konnichiwa Yume-chan!!
Ichigo:Hai!! Thats me!! Ok the ones that were changed was that Star☆Anis(all members)will be performing 2 songs together with you then us Soleil will take the stage from then on ok?
Yume:Ok arigato gozaimasu Ichigo-senpai!Matane!!
Ichigo:Hai sayounara!!

*End Of Call*

"Yume-chan who was that?"Subaru questioned Yume.

"Ichigo-senpai,she was in Starlight academy and was in 2 groups Soleil and Star☆Anis!!"Yume explained as she exclaimed.

"Ouhh well-"Subaru's words were cut off by the manager.

"Get out of there for rehearsal you two gambatte!"the manager showed his support.

Both of them ran out of the waiting room and reached the aikatsu machine room in 3 minutes earlier..

"Well then Nijino Yume let's do this!"Subaru exclaimed as he wanted their duet to be memorable..for rehearsal

"Hai!Let's do this Subaru Yukī!"Yume responded in a cheerful and energised way..

Both of them high-fived and transformed into their performance clothes soon they started to perform.

-Hikaru Nara(Eng cover)
Every last note craved into my heart!(both)

-Find your way
You're never too lost to know where the road is!(Yume)
It could be dark,it could be hopeless(both)
But I'll wait till'you find your way!(Subaru sang that)

Then the list goes down of Yume and Subaru's performance till the very last song for them..

~Little Do You Know~

*Their duet ended*

After their duet ended,they went backstage and Subaru threw to Yume a bottle of water.

"Oi,boiled octopus!"Subaru shouted as he threw the bottle of water.

"I thought you wouldn't call me that again?but for now I'll take it lightly,"Yume said as she caught the bottle.

*Subaru leaves the backstage and waved to Yume*(she waves back)

On the bottle there was a sticky note on it and it said..

Continue to work hard for the concert tomorrow,gambatte Yume-chan!I'll be supporting you on and off-stage

Subaru Yukī♡

Yume blushed and smiled,she felt really cheerful that her crush will actually be supporting her.She did fangirl about it and her heart began to race like crazy.

"Here we are!"Star☆Anis members shouted.

"Konnichiwa Star☆Anis!"Yume shouted,waved and did a group hug with them.

They talked a lot during their break before going on stage and it was their turn to go on stage...

They went to the aikatsu machine and made a grand apperance from the fireworks and that made the sign Star☆Anis....everybody cheered as loud as they could since they missed Star☆Anis soo much from their last apperance years back.

They performed their song that they sang years back when they were first formed and made the appeal too.Next they sang the new song that Aikatsu Stars shown which was 'One Step'.Subaru cheered for Yume very loud from the audience place and it made Yume more energetic in her performance.

"Nijino Yume!!"Subaru shouted to give his support.

Yume gave her 100% power and made the progression aura appear.Soon Star☆Anis finished their turn on stage it was Soleil and Yume's turn,the other members of Star☆Anis went backstage and rested.

Once Yume and Soleil appeared on stage,they performed songs that were sung by them.After a while when their performance was done everyone went to Yume,they hugged her really tight as she did such a very harworking job.Soon as time flew by the others went to watch S4 to perform but Yume was in the waiting room resting...suddenly someone came in...Nozomu went in.

"Hey Yume! How are you?"Nozomu said as he entered her waiting room.

"I'm fine just a bit tired after all those performance heh~,"Yume replied as she laid back on the sofa.

While Nozomu and Yume was in Yume's waiting room,Subaru was walking and saw Nozomu entering Yume's waiting room...

Subaru's p.o.v

W-what?Why is Nozomu in Yume's waiting room?!I mean like I am going in there too but.....*Subaru clinched his fist* suddenly Subaru remembered....his convosation with Nozomu..

"Is that a hint of jealousy I sense Subaru-kun?"Nozomu question as he smirked.

"I wouldn't want to compete with a rival,"Nozomu continued.


He-he LIKES Yume-chan!!!!???? Oh my god.....why didn't I realise this earlier*facepalm* what am I gonna do! Ha~ *as Subaru was walking towards the waiting room he heard*...

"I Love You...Nijino Yume,"Nozomu confessed to Yume...


~End of chapter and Subaru's p.o.v will be continued in the next chapter~

Hahaha a clifhanger I see😜 I wanted to make you guys shocked(if I do comment)soo yeah....Nozomu confess to Yume while Subaru was actually close to the door.. of Yume's waiting room....wait for the next chapter to see what will happen...till then ja'neh

Japanese words..

Gambatte=good luck
Arigatou=thank you/thanks
Matane=See you later
Gommenasai=sorry/I'm sorry

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