Chapter 8

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The rehearsal starts...

"1,2,3 Aikatsu what else do you call youth?"sang Yume alone on stage(I guess thats how the song goes)

Subaru kept watching Yume shine on stage,his heart started to race like crazy.He knew he was in love with Yume but never knew that will happen...he could not stop listening to Yume's beautiful voice at the same time.

"Oii STOP THE REHEARSAL THIS INSTANT!"shouted principal Morohoshi as he ran to the rehearsal place.

Everyone went silent and turned to Principal Morohoshi's direction...

"Nijino Yume and Subaru Yukī follow me out of here!"shouted Morohoshi as he raised his index finger.

Yume and Subaru went out together to Principal Morohoshi...

"What is it?Did we I mean I do something wrong?!ahh if I did I'm sorry!"Yume shouted as she looked at the ground...

-Silence broke out-

"Thats not the point Nijino Yume...the point is that both of you were able to go to this performing duet as for fans choice,"announced Principal Morohoshi as he corrected his specs position.

"...NANI!!"shouted both Yume and Subaru as they jumped in shock..

Principal Morohoshi gave the letter to both of them and went back to his office to do some stuff..

Yume and Subaru exchanged looks and blushed soo hard till it was their turn to go on stage together...

"Ok Yume later we will run through your part now we have to do the duet with Subaru understand?"the manager said to Yume.

"Hai!"Yume replied.

~Yume and Subaru backstage~

"Soo this is our first time performing together?"Yume questioned as she looks in front.

"Ha it maybe the first but never the last!"Subaru answered as he point his index finger up.

*Yume breaks into laughter so does Subaru*

"Ok you two lovebirds go on already!"Asahi teased backstage.

"Hey is not like I am in love with him/her!"Yume and Subaru shouted as they pointed their index finger towards each other.(this is just a cover up do not take it seriously^)

They breathe in and out to calm themselves down.

"Lets do this Yume-chan!"Subaru shouted while he looks towards Yume's direction..

"Hai!"Yume responded as she looks at Subaru's direction..

They high-fived each other before stepping onto the aikatsu machine.

~Both of them ran and changed~

"Err what song are we supposed to sing?"Yume questioned as she looked puzzled...

"Silly Yume-chan we are singing Hikaru Nara for the first performance although it is not a romance song..ehh~ it is also a good song,"Subaru explained while they were on stage.

*Music began to play*

They began to sing...

This is a rainbow coloured symphony!

-Song ended-

"Ok now..Find Your Way!"shouted the manager...

As time flew by their duet was completed at 6.00 p.m.

"Tomorrow is the final rehearsal soo....Yume tomorrow do you mind working abit hard?"the manager questioned Yume.

"Sure no prob! As long it will make my fans smile and make the concert a spectacular one!"Yume replied in a positive way.

~Rehearsal ended~

The others went back to rest early bit Yume and Subaru were alone...they walked in the same direction as well...

"Soo Yume could I bring you somewhere tonight just for a while?"Subaru questioned as he looked up to the sky.

"Hmm..sure why not?I do need to take a break after those rehearsals,"Yume replied as she smiled...

"Say...Yume why do you agree to practice hard?Won't cha get tired?"Subaru questioned as he looked to Yume.

"I wish I could say alot of reasons..but I-,"Yume was cut off by Subaru as he put his index finger towards Yume's lips.

"You can tell me all of the reasons when we are here together now,"Subaru replied and smiled to Yume under the stary night.

Suddenly Yume hugged Subaru and sobbed as she was scared of the dark since the lights were not on...that time.

"Subaru-kun please protect me..I'm seriously scared of the dark so please!"Yume shouted as she hugged tighter than before..

"Don't worry Yume-chan I will protect  you..and will do the same for "that" girl too,"Subaru replied and hugged Yume tightly..while hearing her soft sobs.

They then arrived the placed where Subaru wanted to bring Yume..where they first met at the tree and the bridge connecting to the Girls and Boys Academy,they laid down and watched the stary night...

"Don't cha think that tonights stars are shinning brighter Yume-chan?"Subaru questioned Yume ....

"Yeah..they are just like us today we may shine bright but the next day the shine brighter than yesterday,"Yume replied to Subaru...

"Well....Subaru-kun did you read the letter Principal Moroboshi gave?"Yume questioned..Subaru..

"Yea I did...we have to come in like formal attire but you girls can come in long gowns,"Subaru explained to Yume..

"I'm glad that you brought me here Subaru-kun it made me relax my mind..I will never forget this moment...Thank You Subaru-kun,"Yume said Subaru..

"Your Welcome Yume-chan..well see ya tomorrow is getting late already soo..goodnight and sleep tight Yume-chan,"Subaru said to Yume as they stood up and hugged each other...
under the tree..

"Goodnight,sleep tight and see you tomorrow Subaru-kun,"Yume responded the same thing...

They went back to their dorms and slept to rehearse for the last time tomorrow...


Yume and Subaru's alarm clock went off at the start of the day...

"Ohayo Guzaimasu Koharu-chan!"Yume greeted Koharu while she changed her clothes..

"Ohayo Yume-chan!"Koharu greeted back..

*Yume's phone began to ring*

"Yume-chan!Subaru-kun is calling you!"Koharu shouted and gave the phone to Yume.

Subaru:Oi Yume-chan Principal Moroboshi and Anna-sensei told me that you are not going for any classes today because of the concert
Yume:Okie Dokie thanks for informing me Subaru
Subaru:You will be able to see your mates during lunch and bye see ya later!

*End Of Call*...

~End of Chapter~

Author's note...

Mina!!!How do you like this chapter although I am actually publishing it on 2.25am where I actually am..I really enjoy writing it so yeah..till the next chapter...

In the mean time..

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