Chapter 15

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Credits:Aikatsu Amino/Original artist(ofc the person who drew Subaru)


Subaru and Yume left the room formally dress like married couple,Subaru in a tuxedo and Yume in a dress.

-continue of story-

They went out of Subaru's apartment like couples,without knowing Rika was not around as she had to get back home.Subaru and Yume held hands as they blushed together,looking at the glowing stars and getting into the limo.

Subaru's p.o.v

*skips a heartbeat*Looking at Yume...she's soo pretty...and cute haha..I wonder who is her it?No,no,no!I'm just a regular idol boy..why would she-

Yume:Hey Subaru...thanks for saving me,I guess if no one was around I would have get killed  by that horrific looking girl.
Subaru:No problem,Yume..I knew her since elementry school,but after I left for M4 Academy..she changed a lot.
Yume:ehhh Really!?
Subaru:before I left for the M4 Academy..she confessed her love to me..I rejected her..because I didn't know what was feeling in love like until I met a girl at Four Star Academy,first year and in Song class.
Yume:I bet that girl is lucky,if my crush loved another girl..
Subaru:No he won't,even if he did..he is an idiot..he doesn't see what you have to offer..
Yume:Thank you Subaru-kun..
Subaru:I rejected 2 girls earlier this year..because I love one girl..I will not give up on her.
Yume:ehh...*blushes*Y-you really love that girl..she must meant soo much to you.
Subaru:she life didn't become boring after I met her.*blush*
Yume:W-who were the 2 girls?..
Subaru:Hime-chan and Ako-chan...
Subaru:yeah..your was the day where you gotten into a fight with her..she confessed..basic fangirl confessions..gotten them alot
Yume:hard to deal with right?Breaking hearts...
Subaru:What could I possibly do..if I don't feel the same way as they do.
Yume:Falling in love is magical isn't it?But it could be hurtful fragile like glass

-stop talking and continue p.o.v-

I feel deeply in Love with Yume..didn't I...then what about Nozomu? Did she...reject him..

-Arrived destination-

Yume suddenly pulled my hand out of the limo,she was rushing while I knew where the surprise party was.I took out a bandana and wrapped around Yume's eyes.

Yume:hey!What is this all about?
Me:You will see,just hold my hand ok?

The wonderful night might have turned into a nightmare for a while but life kept on going.I was blushing soo much that Yume was holding my hand..not only that we kissed....twice for today..I have to protect my princess for today.

As I entered the restaurant,I told Yume to close her eyes as I opened the bandana.

The scene was like a romantic date,everybody crowd around her with the cake at my hands.It was soo peaceful and dark,the lights around us were dim.

"Yume open your eyes,"I whispered to her.

She opened her eyes,with a surprised face written.It made me smile,she looked at me and smiled.Next we finally sang the birthday song,after that happened all of us sat at the round tables.Piano was playing by someone,a child prodigy,his mother made him play it....Arima Kousei...or Kousei-senpai.He played it beautifully,is such a pitty he lost his love of his life...Kaori Miyazono.

~End of Subaru p.o.v(Gomen It was long)

Subaru and Yume shared a table together,while Subaru was into space Yume took Nozomu out of the restaurant.Everybody was attracted to Kousei-senpai's piano playing,it was a good timing,so Yume brought Nozomu out of there.

Out in the stary nights,Yume and Nozomu finally together..

Yume:umm Nozomu-kun...I'm really sorry for the sudden action
Nozomu:No worries,Nijino Yume..whats wrong?
Yume:About your confession..
Nozomu:No worries,I understand about your-
Yume:Really Sorry Nozomu-kun*started to cry out loud*
Nozomu:No worries,I known for a long time that you love Subaru..and let me tell you somethin...Subaru loves you too*mess up her hair abit*
Yume:ehhh really!?
Nozomu:shh shh*puts index finger at lips*
Yume:heheh sorry Nozomu-kun,c'mon lets go back in

After the confession issue,Yume and Nozomu went back in..seems like everyone is still attracted to Kousei's piano playing,soo Subaru did not knew what happen.

After Kousei finished playing the piano,everybody crowd around him.Taking pictures and all but for Yume he had special photo because he made Subaru and Yume take a photo with each other.

"Arima Kousei-senpai,you played the piano beautifully,"complemented Yume.

"Haha arigatou Yume-chan,ganbatte with your Aikatsu,"cheered Kousei.

"Arigatou senpai,"replied Yume.

-Time skip after the party-
With the M4 boys!

Kanata,Asahi,Nozomu and Subaru were soo tired...yet they still talked about Nozomu saw Subaru's tired face he decided to talk to Subaru.So Nozomu took Subaru's hand and brought Subaru to the balcony.

Subaru:Whats wrong Nozomu?
Nozomu:Is about Yume-chan..
Nozomu:Chill bruh....more like what she did to me than I did to her..
Subaru:heheh what is it?
Nozomu:She loves you...back...
Nozomu:gez Subaru,chill..yeah and I am lending my support to you.
Subaru:A-Arigatou Nozomu!*cries*
Nozomu:bruh..crying of happiness huh?When are you gonna confess??
Subaru:I don't know...after Rika came along it might take sometime to get rid of her.
Nozomu:Mhm yeah..then I'll help back..with the others of course,c'mon lets go back in is freezing cold tonight.
Subaru:haha yeah,c'mon.

After their conversation ended,Kanata and Asahi looked at them.

"What?"Subaru questioned them.

"*snickers*nothing,"Kanata and Asahi responded.

"You two..were talking about
Yume-chan right?"Asahi questioned Nozomu and Subaru.(both of them nodded)

Kanata:Maybe trying to clear things out?
Subaru:Yeah,and you know what?
Subaru:My princess love me back~
Nozomu:Yume-chan told me.
Asahi:Ehh really?
Nozomu:Yeah she did...
Subaru:I kissed my princess twice today!
Kanata,Asahi and Nozomu:You did what!?

As they were talking,Rika heard the conversation..she was mad about it...but she was not going to give up in letting Subaru choosing her than Yume...

~End Of Chapter~

Hii guys!Ok I know it has been a while and school is going to start on 3 Jan...just school,friends more subjects to learn...but I'll try to write more during my free time.Anyways...what will Rika do to stop Subaru from loving Yume?...what will happen to the confession?What will happen to Yume and Subaru's friendship(bcoz they haven't confess so thats why is still friendship)keeping reading altho is kinda late publishing😅I'll try to be more active I swear after all of you are like family to me..soo till then Aikatsu!💝

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