Chapter 1: The Bar.

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Bruno's P.O.V

"Hey guys, what about we go to the bar & have some fun! Today has been such a boring day." I heard myself yelling out. "Hell yeah, let's go!" They shouted out. "Alright, I'm up for it, all I know is that I ain't driving," Phil yelled. "Not it, not it, not it!" Yelled the rest of the guys. "NOT IT!" I yelled in unison with Kameron. "Alright guys, here's a quarter, flip for it." Dwayne said. "Heads!" I called out. Kameron flipped the coin & it landed on the floor. The coin ended up being tail. "Damn it!" I yelled "Yes!" Kameron yelled.

We all went down stairs into my car. I turned up the radio & my song "Talking to the Moon" came out. "This is my jam!" I exclaimed as I started to dance in my seat. "God, change the song it's horrible!" yelled Phil. "I know right? Who sings this horrible song, ewww, next." yelled Kameron. "Bruno please change this, my ears are killing me" said Ari. "You guys are asses." I said & they all laughed.

We finally made it to the bar & they all hopped out of the car like it was their destiny. We went into the bar, it was all empty, reserved for us. I was in the back of the bar having fun with my bestfriend, Phil & the Hooligans, taking shots, singing karaoke. I wasn't trying to get too drunk because I flipped the coin with the boys & I ended up having to drive. The boys were having a lot of fun, for the hell of it, the boys were just jumping from table to table, not giving a flying fuck.

Phil was drunk ass hell. He went to the karaoke stage & choose the "random" button. The song he had to sing was "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston. As soon as I heard that I knew I had to take out my phone & record this memorable moment. I was laughing my ass off when he was trying to sing the high part. He finally finished & said "Thank you California, I love you mom," then he slipped & said "Fuck my shoes! But I still love you mom." By the way he was talking, you could notice he was really, really drunk.

I went back to my seat, waiting to see if I would get a text message from my best friend, Lorena. "Bruno! Get your ass over here." Phil yelled out. "Coming!" I yelled back. "Hey, could you do me a favor, can you go with me to a concert tomorrow downtown? I need someone to go with."

I thought about it for a while. "Oh no, sorry, I got a movie night with my best friend, Lorena." I smiled while blushing. "Ohhhhh, does little Bruno have a crush, ohhhhh!" he continued to scream out. "Shhhhh!" I quietly told him. "I know, we've been best friends for quite a loooong time. I just don't know if she feels the same." I said sadly.

"Don't worry Brunz, I bet she feels the same." Phil winked at me & started to crack up. "You're such an ass Phil." I said laughing a bit. "You know I love you buddy, I'll always be here through thick & thin" he told me while giving me a bear hug.

I went and texted Lorena to confirm the movie night. "Lorena, we're still having that movie night right?" I texted her. She finally replied me 10 minutes afterwards. "Yeah, of course! I wouldn't miss out on it for a thing!" I was really happy about her coming over to place. I slid my phone right back into my pocket & just tried to have fun with the boys without getting drunk.

Hours later right when we decided to leave, I started up the car & told the boys to get in. "Come on boys, one by one." I heard my self saying as I was leading the boys into the car. We started to drive back to the house.

"Turn up the radio Brunoooo." said Ari, extending the 'o' in my name. "Alright fellas, just please calm down." I yelled. "We don't make any promises" They all said in unison. I just turned the radio up & of course, the song that had to be on was "Blurred Lines." They all started singing, "Woooo!" That annoying little 'Wooo' always got to me. They sang all the way home.

We finally got there & all the hooligans went to my room & the guest room I have in my house & just knocked out. I of course stayed up for a little while & decide to think about the movie night I'm gonna have with Lorena.

"Damn, tomorrow's gonna be magical I know it."  I wondered out loud. I decided to call her to see what's she's doing & to talk about tomorrow. The phone was ringing.

It ringed three times.



"I'll just hang up." I said to my self.

"Hello?" Lorena said. "Heeeeey Lorena, what's up, how you doing?" I asked her really excited.

"Bruno, it's three in the morning, you called me up to see what I was doing? You know the usual, walking a tight rope at three in the morning." she said sarcastically.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just came from the club from with my friends & they made me drive so I couldn't drink & they all knocked out & I didn't feel really sleepy & I thought I'd call you." I explained to her.

"It's okay Bruno, I'm not mad, just go to sleep, tomorrow we got that movie night, remember?" she said "Of course! I would never forget." I said, blushing a lot. "Go to sleep best friend, I don't want you sleeping during our movie night, love you, goodnight." she said, as if she was about to fall asleep. "Alright, love you too, night." I said as I hung up my phone.

I love my best friend so much, hearing her say "I love you" to me makes my heart melt.

I went to my room to go to sleep. As I opened my door, I forgot the hooligans just knocked out there. I decided to just go to sleep on the couch.

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